DEATHGAME 9000 [S!3] Round Two: Interplanetary Circus

DEATHGAME 9000 [S!3] Round Two: Interplanetary Circus
Re: DEATHGAME 9000 [S!3] Round One: Gamexus X99
Originally posted on MSPA by Solaris.

The GAS Arena was quite the sight to behold. Thousands of carefully rendered attendees (referencing the various development staff members, large cast of fighters, and other, miscellaneous characters who were unable to appear in the rest of the game) were scattered around, some appearing quite a few times. Down below was the ascended stage of battle, surrounded by the ring-out pit, where two of GAS' most well known protagonists were duking it out.

Sanford, a large ape who debuted as the villain in the arcade game "Jumping Man" only to become a much more popular character and star as the protagonist in his own series of games, was using his jungle weaponry and animal strength to deal a good amount of damage to his opponent, one of the newer and more popular characters, Colin Indiana, an explorer, action archeologist, and total hunk, who used acrobatics, handheld weaponry, and very few ancient magic’s to hold his own against the less reality based characters.

The two flagship characters were focused deeply on the match, matching blows without either getting the upper hand for long.

Noot, the girls, and their respective animals stepped into the bright area, a welcome change from the dreary underground.

"This still makes absolutely no sense."

"Man, how does it do that?"

"Your guess is as good as mine little miss, I just happened on one of my backdoors and then started traveling from there, lemme tell you though, that first jump was no cakewalk. Turns out that when they make you aware of the fourth wall, hey there good looking," the dashing lizard looked to the side and winked majestically, if only he was taller, he could have captured the hearts of the entire audience. Alas, those blasted programmers didn't boost his height nearly enough. "Aww shucks, you shouldn't have, anyway, where was I, oh right, the first jump, yea, yea, yea, lemme tell ya whoever was controllin me had to be either amazing or incompetent, and if we go by my collection screen, lemme tell ya, the player wasn't a champ."

"What are you even talking about? I thought we were looking for a way out. All I see is an arena and a large crowd."

"Oh man is that guy fighting a monkey?"

The group turned to see Sanford and Colin's fight, still in a deadlock. "Actually, he looks like a gorilla, which means he's an ape."
"Trisha, must you correct Eris on every single thing? You realize that she's doing it on purpose right?"
Hippocrates neighed in an agreeing manner.

Trisha was... more than a bit annoyed, not just at Eris and Noot, but at how everything looked like it was happening just to exasperate her.

Vigil noticed the tension that was developing and decided to make a proposal. "It doesn't look like those two down there will be done anytime soon, I suggest that we split up and find out what we can. We will meet up back here in an hour." He looked at Eris; Trisha noticed that his eyes glowed slightly.

"Finally, no offense but man could I use some time away from y'all." Without another word, partially due to her attention being inclined toward anything else, Eris dashed off who-knows-where.

"Great, now she's probably going to cause all sorts of stupid trouble, why did you do that!"

Making a slight sigh, Vigil looked away from Trisha, allowed his eyes to glow, and looked back. "Look, just I had the impression that you needed some alone time. It's understandable, a few strangers, walking around for hours with... her and any company is bound to get unbearable."
"Yea, Vigil has a point, this looks like a nice place to stop for a bit and clear the air, and there's probably more to it than the match, so we might as well cover as much ground as we can right?"
"Alright, so who do I get to go with? Is it the hot one?"
"Her name is Trisha and-"

"I will go with Hippocrates and Cornelius..." Trisha looked around and noticed that the chimp was nowhere to be seen.
"It seems like Eris took him," Vigil flatly stated.

Trisha had a tiny, silent fit at the thought of the lovely chimpanzee being corrupted by Eris' antics, but ultimately was able to push it aside. She said goodbye, took note of the entrance number, and then began to wade through the crowd.

"So, sugar, I noticed that your rabbit friend is more than meets the eye, ay? He doesn't look like he came from Monsterland"
"I'm afraid that asking Vigil for details on his past won't be very productive."
"Hmm, so Vigil's ya name ey? You know, you've got a deep voice for a Vigil, got any other deep things? Hmmm?"
"First you want to know about me, then you compliment my voice, what, do you want my phone number too?"
"Oh ho ho hoo, I'm afraid that Noot doesn't roll that way, though he doesn't have a problem with it, however, if you've got a sister rabbit, I wouldn't mind hopping around with her if you know what I mean."

Vigil and Lynette stared at each other and sighed.


Trisha was somewhat annoyed at the rabbit’s accuracy. As she and Hippocrates walked along the crowd, Trisha attempted to look for someone who seemed to know something.

"Oh Princess! Princess!"

Trisha heard the voice, but being from a world where princesses were a dime a dozen, she didn't really have a reason to think it was her.

"Oh Princess, I have finally found you!" The plump man, mustached man caught up to Trisha and Hippocrates and tugged at her dress a little. "Come, we must return to our booth."

Trisha turned around and finally noticed the man, who was squinting very hard, sternly saying "I'm sorry, but first of all, it is Doctor Princess, and second of all I believe you have the wrong person."

"Oh my... then that means... that the princess has amnesia!"

Elsewhere in the arena, Eris was having fun. Finally, she thought, she had a chance to do things without being whined at by two prudes. Just as she was warming up a fast ball, she felt something... weird.

Eris promptly ignored it, only to hear a loud, silencing, "STOP" the moment that she began to work her mojo. "Man, no one is letting me have fun today..."


Later, back down with the deadlocked duo, Sandford summoned one of his trademark explosive barrels and threw it. Colin responded out his ricochet spell, sending the barrel off into the audience. Now, normally, it would hit the audience and explode, yes, but it wouldn't result in anything. After all, the audience consisted of character models that served no purpose other than to look pretty. They couldn't be hurt or killed. However, as it happened, the barrel didn't hit an empty part of the round.

"And oh man, let me tell you, those girls are stacked."

As Lynette continued trying to find someone with information pertinent to the situation, Vigil scurried around eavesdropping whatever he could, and Noot continued to talk about his various adventures, as they had been doing for quite some time, the exploding barrel suddenly smashed into Lynette.

Noot jumped back as the wood and fire incinerated Lynette and only mildly annoyed the person she had been speaking with. When he examined the wreckage, it seemed like her body was gone.

"And what is this folks, it seems like we have a third competitor entering the arena! How is this even possible?"

With the words of the announcer booming all around, Trisha, Hippocrates, Eris, Cornelius, Vigil, and Noot, along with the entire audience, all looked in their respective mixed emotion as Lynette spawned in the center, staring at a confused Colin and Sanford.

She looked at them, and herself, in absolute dread and confusion. "Wha... what just happened?"


Vigil sped to Noot's location, easily marked by where Lynette had exploded, and jumped him. Pinning him down with four of his appendages and spawning another set, the normally cute rabbit sent the lizard a very disturbing, glowing, stare that said "Explain".

Noot honestly had no idea how that had happened, but was still able to make a half-assed guess. "Okay, so, I ain’t ever seen something like that happen before! You've got your plat-formers, your jay arr pea jees, your first person shooters, and every time I've seen 'em move out of their game somehow, they'd stay the same, I've always stayed the same. Lookin at what just happened to Lyn over there, she's different, maybe you'all are! If that was me, I woulda just lost a life and went back to the last lava lamp I found or something, but her deal is different, it's like instead of sticking with her own rules, she swapped them for the ones here! That's all I've got bunnyman, anything more requires some sort of expert, now please, stop staring at me like that!"

Vigil complied, and reverted back to his cute self. Video games and rule swapping? Just what the hell was going on? Vigil looked down at the arena, at the shocked Lynette, and growled. If being killed meant re-spawning, then Lynette wasn't in danger yet, but it was still troubling. He wasn't sure if she was fully healed from what had happened with her family, anything could cause a return of the magical backlash that was destroying her mind, almost especially death.

But that wasn't the end of his worries; the lizard had said something about rules from their homes carrying over to other places. One of the "rules" of Lynette's home was that acknowledging the existence of ghosts. Could that have meant that because of her death, there was a second, ghost Lynette, possibly even floating over him?

Had Lynette been in a state of mind to truly process what had happened, she also would have been worried about the prospect of a ghostly double. As it stood, she was still processing the part where the barrel hit her in the head.

Luckily, the death had not caused a resurgence of any magical disease, she had just been shell shocked because she freaking died! Even if she instantly came back without any physical pain, it still happened and that was messed up! On a slightly more relevant note, the other two people in the arena, made no action toward her either.

Yes, in the various tournaments and fights that GAS housed both had to fight children, women, and various animals and other things, but not only had the girl just suddenly appeared in the middle of their championship match, she had also proceeded to just stare and stand there.

After a while, Colin stood forward and asked her if she was alright. Lynette responded by blacking out.


Much later, she came to; once more rising from a bed she had never seen before.

"Oh, thank goodness you are up! Uncle will be so glad!"

She almost fainted again when she noticed that it was a large ape addressing her.


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