DEATHGAME 9000 [S!3] Round Two: Interplanetary Circus

DEATHGAME 9000 [S!3] Round Two: Interplanetary Circus
Re: DEATHGAME 9000 [S!3] Round One: Gamexus X99
Originally posted on MSPA by Drakenforge.

Riding a motorcycle was not unlike riding a very fast, loud and rumbling bicycle. After Keagan had figured out just how sensitive the throttle was all he had to to was make sure he didn't run over anything, which in a city that was in utter chaos whose roads were mostly jammed with broken cars this was harder said than done. He had suffered from an uneasy feeling of weightlessness far too often as he ran over dismembered limbs or rocks (he was thankful his poor sight didn't allow him to see what was really going on) and nearly dismounted at least three times. He was currently finding himself oddly okay with the fact that he was in a city full of monsters. Perhaps his deluded perception of being invincible was keeping him ignorant of the fear most people would have succumbed to.

Of course, he wasn't exactly normal to begin with. But now he knew he had, in some way, caused the death of that biker. Sure the guy probably hadn't been the greatest example of human life, and was probably criminal and cruel due to the fact he had just tried to murder him before he fell off the bike. The thought of it alone brought bile dangerously close to rising up his gullet, and he instinctively brought his hand to his mouth to stop the vomit spewing forth.

He instantly regretted using his dominant hand, as the bike kicked out of control at that moment, bucking him off like some prize bull at a rodeo. The kind of things that can go through one's mind as they fear death is simply astounding, for Keagan at that moment forget everything he knew and wished he had worn a helmet for some reason, like society had imprinted into him as something that should just be done to keep him safe(ish) in such a situation. He clenched his eyes shut, drowning out the reality he was taking part in.

'Why couldn't it have just been a deadly maze like the orange guy had promised?'


Jolene, thanks to The Others, had plenty of time to duck behind a counter before the lights of the 'borrowed' motorcycle had lit up the inside of the store through the cracks in the impromptu barrier of boards covering the glass. Joe was not so fortunate. Keagan broke through the glass like it was made out of dried sugar syrup while the motorbike twisted into a different direction, one leading to whatever shop had been next door. It then chose to explode for some reason, forces unknown to the trio in the gunstore feeling it was more exciting that way. The street was bathed in light for several seconds as the fire spread throughout the store. Keagan slammed into the gunrack and scattered guns and ammo alike onto the floor. Joe had tried his best to shield himself from the glass barrage, amounting to not much more than covering his upper torso and face with his arms.

Jolene tried to right herself without pressing on any glass, hoping to help whoever had shunted through the glass and hoping to whatever served as a deity anymore that they were in a state worth helping when The Others had one clear, simple message.

They are coming. Run.

When she leaned over the counter she was surprised to see just how young the bike rider had been. Did this kid even have a license? She found herself worrying about some legal issues in such a desperate situation and forced herself to check him for injuries.

Which is when she saw that the boy was in fact one of the seven people told to kill her. And that he was completely unharmed and able to stand on his own two feet while most people would have been broken on the floor, howling in pain or dead.

“Ah, people. Um, sorry about that oh jeez I hope I didn't hurt anybody.”

Jolene took a step back, her hand gently resting on her sidearm in case he acted erratically. The boy, Kevin if she recalled correctly, supposedly had the ability to become indestructible. Having just seen him crash through a window and remain unharmed after a bike accident that would leave most people crippled or dead, she was not going to discount the possibility of him having such a gift.

It was at that point where something nagged at the back of her mind. Perhaps it was the way he looked, or maybe it was the way he spoke or how he had just defied reality and came out unscathed but something was was beginning to surface, a memory of a memory, something she should know but has forgotten by now.


Keagan was feeling embarrassed now. There was a lady looking at him weird, and he had torn apart a store pretty bad due to his recklessness. Which, now that he noticed, was a gunshop. He had never had an interest in firearms before but the whole store looked off. Not just the glass he had scattered everywhere, boards and other types of material were nailed to or just shoved up against other things. Like someone had tried really hard to keep absolutely everything out of the store for some reason.

Then the woman got really anxious all of a sudden.

“You two have to come with me, now!”

“No! Enough!” Yelled the guy Keagan hadn't noticed until his outburst, “I don't care a rat's ass about you two! You've both broken my store, hours of work and preparation for this shit-storm gone! You can both go die for all I care!”

Keagan has wondered what the woman had done before his own stupid stunt, but she just grabbed his hand and tried to pull him out of the building. Keagan followed her, seeing as he didn't have much else to do, and if he got out of explaining why he was driving a stolen motorbike and got him away from the really annoyed gunstore owner then all the better for him.

“So uh, my name is Keagan by the way.”

“That's not what I've heard” was what she retorted, though she seemed to change her mood between sentences because she added “I'm Jolene, and contrary to what you've been told I'm not mad. Not completely anyway.”

It suddenly struck Keagan that he was supposed to be in a battle to the death. And he was letting someone forced to kill him lead him about. And he was still surprisingly okay with this. If he remembered right, she was a cop, and she didn't exactly look crooked.

“Definitely Keagan. Not Kevin. That annoyed me too. If you're going to try and kill me would you prefer I tell you how? It would help.”

That seemed to get some sort of reaction out of her. Amusement maybe, but the setting was really wrong for humour at this point. Keagan was well aware by now that they were not alone. Shapes of people were heading towards the gunshop and the flaming store next to it. Whatever fate beheld Joe the store owner, he may never know. But Jolene was trying to get him away, that was what he felt. Somehow she knew where to go, or perhaps she only knew where not to go. Either way the first car Jolene tried to open was not locked, and happened to still contain a set of keys. There was no sign of its owner. She prompted Keagan to get into the seat next to her, so he rounded the car and set himself into the seat. He didn't bother with the seatbelt, it was better for him to go without it.
Jolene managed to get the engine started, but was quickly forced to mount the curb to get around half the still traffic left behind in the aftermath of whatever had taken the city.

“So, what exactly were those things? I didn't get a good look.”

“They weren't human. That's all I need to know. It shouldn't take too long to get out of he-”

She cut herself off as she looked left and right. She had managed to get back onto the road and stuck behind another car. However, this car had occupants. The sun was now high in the sky, causing even Keagan to lower the brim of his skullcap to shield his eyes. People were going about their day like the apocalypse had never hit. Jolene spun in her seat to look the way they had came, only to see more traffic and sunshine.

“I don't think we're in Kansas anymore...”

Just then, a hooded individual fresh into the city attempted to open the door on Keagan's side. He was holding a knife. He tried to punch Keagan (luckily the car they were in was European, and therefore was to his left) to little effect. He simple hurt his hand and then went back to a neutral standing position.

“What the heck are you doi-”

Having a confused look on his face, the hooded guy tried again, opting for yanking Keagan out of his seat and onto the concrete pavement. He then somehow shunted Jolene out of the driver seat, hit the pedal and drove off with his new car.

“Just what is wrong with this city?!”

“I wish I knew,” Keagan replied, picking himself up, “But I for one could go for a coffee right now. Looks like there's a shop nearby, and frankly, I think we need to talk.”

- -----

Elsewhere, without a primary target to follow, the experimental war mutant hybrid zombie minigun soldier Z was attempting to follow a simple logic process. There were no targets. Everything was dead. There were other places it could go. And so it left Raccoon City in search of something strong to kill.


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