DEATHGAME 9000 [S!3] Round Two: Interplanetary Circus

DEATHGAME 9000 [S!3] Round Two: Interplanetary Circus
Re: DEATHGAME 9000 [S!3] Round One: Gamexus X99
Originally posted on MSPA by Adenreagen.

Vigil noticed Eris the moment the group walked into the room. It looked like she was trying to blend in among a group like they were, only instead of staying by the humans she looked like she was tagging along with the creatures behind them. Is she trying to use their similar height to hide her? If she is the crown gives her away like a great flashing “Here I am.” He hopped up onto Lynette’s shoulder and was about to point the contestant out while the others were getting ready to fight when the strangest thing happened.

One of the strangers, a girl in robes who, like Relom, was unarmed and unarmored cast some sort of spell and the only immediate effect was that Eris blasted out of the room in a frenzy of light. A few moments later she returned, blowing a second hole in the roof I hope we don’t have to pay for this and landing in a cloud of feathers roughly five feet from where she was before.

“YES! Finally got the Airbags to work! Finally finally finally fin-hrk! WHAT?! YOU COULD HAVE JUST CALLED ME OVER WE DON’T HAVE TO DO THIS EVERY. SINGLE. TIME! I’M RIGHT HERE!”

She had cheered and danced slightly on the spot, only to clutch her stomach and suddenly been in a rage. Seems like the “Amazing” actually got one right. Wild and fierce indeed. In truth she seemed to be unstable to Vigil, though he wondered why that woman appeared to have some power over her. Vigil wondered if she was their prisoner. Lynette just looked confused by the whole exchange happening in front of her and Vigil debated pointing out that this was, in fact, a contestant she would be fighting, but decided to see how things played out around them before he drew attention. It turned out to be a pointless precaution because Eris practically announced herself.

“Maduin, these travelers think that they are better than us, and I think you would be just the one to show them how wrong they are.”

“It’s Eris! ERIS. E-R-I-S. How do you keep getting Maduin from that? Get your ears checked you hag! I’d like to give you a piece of my –rrg! ALRIGHT! I’ll do your stupid dirty work you don’t have to be pushy.”

It had been like this all day. Meet the thing, fight the thing, summon Eris, watch her kill it, celebrate. At first she thought that she only crash-landed next to them, that they wanted her to kill the bird and were willing to somehow hurt her to do it and would leave her when that was done. Instead when she had stayed behind in order to eat her kill she had been launched from the ground in another swirl of color only to land next to those same four people and have to kill something else for them. This happened all afternoon, even when she followed them they saw fit to call her like they just had, leading to her attempts at airbags. At first it was interesting. She would come up with a different way to kill whatever they were fighting: men, lizards, lizard-men, a slew of birds; the things would die or be hurt and they’d all move on. As the afternoon wore on Eris noticed that she wasn’t able to fight how she wanted. No matter what she did everything started on fire, froze or got zapped by lightning. It was random but it wasn’t her kind of chaos. It was predicable; the same three things happened, she just never knew which. Eventually she gave up and just started dumping everything with fryer oil. It didn’t matter. She just wanted to get out of this contract or whatever she was in because it was just so repetitive and dull.

“You think this pathetic… child of a summon will be able to defeat us just like that? It’s a sad day when…”

What is it with the people here? They just go on and on and on blah de blah de blah Eris closed her eyes and thought of ovens, which summoned a flood of fryer oil. The rambling lady turned to a block of ice and the scrawny kid decided to consider the fight over by doing nothing.

“Hah! Victory!” Oh god shut up shut up shut up!

“Exalda! Don’t worry, we’ll save you! C’mon Lauren, help me carry this.”

“What? She’s encased in ice, how are we supposed to save her?”

“Just take her to a church. As tense as that “fight” (accompanied by air quotes) was I think I’ll just show you where to go as…goodwill. It’ll be nice to get away from THEM for a while since they're just going to sleep until tomorrow.” She shot the group she was with an extremely dirty look. “C’mon bunny girl. Let’s get her out of here.”

As they started heading down, Relom levitating the block of ice that was Exalda, Lynette and Vigil held back. “Do you think Eris knows who we are? She seemed to barely acknowledge us.”

“Well, she’s one of the people we’re supposed to be fighting, so maybe it’s a trap of some sort? From what we were told, she’s a warrior, so she would know how to ambush someone. Maybe she’s just trying to get us outside so she can-“

“It’s rude to talk about people behind their backs, you know.”

Lynette and Vigil both looked down with a start to see Eris standing right next to them, looking amused. Without another word she turned back towards the door and started humming to herself. She stopped next to Relom, who was just outside the door looking confused. Lynette and Vigil shared a look, deciding to continue figuring Eris out a little later. When they reached the door if felt like something was distinctly different about where they were. It felt like stepping out of one world and into another. All the buildings they had seen from the window had been replaced by a plain, with birds and stranger looking creatures flying above it. What had previously been a cloudy sunset was now the middle of a bright day.

Eris was not happy. She had been looking for the chance to get away from the four upstairs, but instead all the buildings up and vanish on her. So much for finding someone who would get her out of the deal she was in while she could wander the town. More bright grass and piercing blue skies. Even most of the animals she could see were similar, if subtly different, but she wasn’t paying attention. She was slipping back to boredom. She looked back to the inn. It looked the same, with the same people, and none of them seemed to notice that the world outside was different. Things were changing, so maybe this new place might have someone that the old one lacked who could get her out of what’s-their-name’s control.

In the distance, a small figure rose above the grass.


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