DEATHGAME 9000 [S!3] Round Two: Interplanetary Circus

DEATHGAME 9000 [S!3] Round Two: Interplanetary Circus
Re: DEATHGAME 9000 [S!3] Round One: Gamexus X99
Originally posted on MSPA by Solaris.

The sun's morning rays filtered through the window and touched the face of a young girl. After some resistance, she awoke, her eyes opening and her mind realizing that she didn't exactly know where she was. Scanning the wooden room, small and quaint, two beds, a window, a nightstand, and not much more, she saw a peculiar rabbit, orange and green, looking out the window.

"I see you've awaken," he began, "There's been a complication, how are you feeling?"

Lynette thought for a bit. She was sane, which was an improvement from before, but she still didn't feel a hundred percent. "Can't complain. So... where are we? I thought that we weren't going to move until that spring finished healing me, how'd we even get here?"

"Well it's complicated. Long story short, we've been kidnapped by a powerful idiot and now we have to deal with seven other... things across the multiverse. And I can't shift to my Magical Realm."

"Ouch. Seven others huh? What are they like?"

"You're accepting this rather well."

"Don't I always?

Vigil gave off a 'heh' and leaped off the window sill to Lynette's bed. Sitting still and staring directly at her, his eyes began to glow. "Let me see...."

After a perfect re-telling of The "Amazing"'s show, Lynette felt skeptical of their kidnappers competence. "He may be an idiot, but he sounds pretty powerful... So what are we going to do?"

"Well, the two travelers who brought us here should be coming in soon, it would be in our best interests not to say much and just skirt around things. Right now, sticking with others and keeping away from anything that could trigger a relapse for you would be good. We could just stay in this town and hope for the best."

"Fine by me."

Right on cue, the two travelers walked up into the room, the taller of the two was a woman, who under her cloak had a shimmering, but dark, almost-black-blue armor. She had a long blade placed in her sheath and she had a decorated helmet covering the upper part of her head. The bottom half had beautiful lips that seemed to be stuck on an indifferent scowl. Straddling behind her was a young boy with blond, bowl cut hair, in a green tunic. He seemed unarmed and harmless, which obviously meant he had some sort of power, but he looked positive, especially compared to the woman.

Said woman went straight to business, "I see you've awaken. My name is Exalda Ireside, this is Relom. Are you okay?"

Lynette nodded and smiled, "Yes, thank you for bringing me here, my name is L-Lauren Spettro. This is Vergil!"

"Where did you come from, we just found you lying on the field, there were no tracks, no sign of anything, it was like you fell out of the sky! She was going to leave you but I made sure to save you." Relom made a face that screamed please-like-me with a hint of self-satisfaction, which was enough for Vigil to conclude that either Relom was a romantic idiot, or that he had remnants of the focus magic remaining.

"Well, I don't exactly know where we came from," Lynette looked to the side, catching a nodding Vigil in the corner of her eye, "I just remember our names and a few things here and there. Who knows, maybe I did fall from the sky." She paused for a moment, "So... what's next?"

"I need to return to my home, Duke, there is a great trouble coming soon. If you wish, you may follow, I will protect you. However, I think it would be best to stay here, taking care of two children and a rabbit could lead to difficulties."

Downstairs in the tavern, a group of people walked inside, and said some stupid things that no one cared really cared about. Okay well they did but the point was Eris didn't. She had been stuck behind the group, fighting stupid things, talking to stupid people, doing mostly boring things. She had no company other than the other summons and most of them were boring. All of them, from Shivu to Iftry did absolutely nothing unless one of those boring losers with the ridiculous weapons called them.

"Why don't you ever do anything! Ugh. Don't you guys get bored here?" The other summons continued to ignore her.

The group of warriors nodded and began to walk up the stairs. They continued to one of the rooms, with Eris and the other summons reluctantly in tow. Had she been paying attention instead of getting impotently mad at a bunch of apathetic semi-spiritual beings, she would have noticed a young girl and her magical pet rabbit, standing at the ready to fight alongside her two new friends, and she would have been a bit more prepared when the group she was aligned with obliged.


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