DEATHGAME 9000 [S!3] Round Two: Interplanetary Circus

DEATHGAME 9000 [S!3] Round Two: Interplanetary Circus
Re: DEATHGAME 9000 [S!3] Round One: Gamexus X99
Originally posted on MSPA by Snowyowl.

Begin Internal Log #6359

<div style="margin-left:40px">The last five minutes have been the strangest of my life.

I was taking shelter in Florence's hideout (I didn't have any untraceable money, but she was happy to be paid in cracked passwords) and holding a conversation with two other rogue AIs, when I was paralysed and - according to my best guess - teleported to some other location. My rather extensive memory has nothing to suggest that this sort of technology exists on Earth. For now I'm assuming that either I am under the power of an alien entity, or somebody has hacked into my sensory data.

The second possibility is surprisingly plausible - it would explain how I could be paralysed at all - but aside from running a system check there's little I can do about it. For now, I might as well play along.

The details of the events that followed, and a partial analysis thereof, are included in Video Log #47. My current priorities are, in descending order of importance:
  • Ensuring my own short-term and long-term survival.
  • Getting access to the technology of the being calling itself the Amazing - including teleportation, interuniversal travel, and possibly time travel.
  • If that is not possible, returning safely to my own world.

The survival of the other contestants would be preferable, all else being equal, but everything suggests that this will be difficult if I am to survive myself.

Of note: the Amazing's behaviour seemed odd at times, even nonsensical. However, it is to be expected that such an alien being would have thought processes incompatible with mine. Possibly it is incalculably more intelligent than me, and its strange antics are simply its experiments on my psychology. I should be careful not to underestimate it.

The names of the other contestants are: Lauren Spettro and Vergil, Gomorrah, Dr. Trisha Bearonrollerblades, Eric, Kevin Lambert, Jolene Kamionsky, and Warrior-Queen Eris. My immediate goal should be to gather information about them (beyond what the Amazing has already given out) and assess the threat they pose, as well as the potential for alliances with me or among themselves.</div>

End Internal Log

Weaver found himself standing behind a low wall, at the top of a dirty brown hill. The air was thick with smoke; occasionally there was an explosion from an artillery round. Three trucks were parked on the road below the hill, with a few armed men in body armour and camouflage wear (green-brown) crouching behind them. Beyond that, a partly destroyed series of barbed wire and barricades, with an aircraft hangar visible in the distance through through the haze. Machine gun fire was coming from behind some of the more intact barricades.

One of the soldiers, whose uniform had a few more shiny bits on it than the others, shouted something and made a gesture with his arm. Four men ran out from behind the truck, one at a time, while the others aimed some suppressing fire in the general direction of the enemy.

Weaver watched for a while, trying to decide whether going down there to get a gun was worth the risk of getting tangled up in another fight that probably wasn't the fight that the Amazing had referred to. He was faster and more bulletproof than the soldiers, but it would be very counterproductive to be killed - or seriously incapacitated - before the "battle" had properly begun.

After a few seconds, he turned around and went the other way, hoping to find either a weapon that somebody had dropped, or a dead body he could loot.


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