DEATHGAME 9000 [S!3] Round Two: Interplanetary Circus

DEATHGAME 9000 [S!3] Round Two: Interplanetary Circus
Re: DEATHGAME 9000 [S!3] Round One: Gamexus X99
Originally posted on MSPA by Solaris.


In a vast and almost empty field, lit only by the shining moon above, there suddenly was a girl and a rabbit where there was once nothing. The girl was sleeping, not yet aware of her fate. The rabbit on the other hand, decidedly was.

He let out another sound of discontent as he spread his legs apart and, for what must have been the third time now, sent out a pulse. As with the previous attempts, nothing had changed. He would have said that he was dreaming, but that wasn't exactly something that he did.

Vigil took a deep breath and then silently screamed.

Moments before their abduction, Vigil was contemplating his next move. At the moment, he had his ward unconscious, her fractured mind reconstituting itself thanks to a spring of healing located inside his Magical Realm, a pocket dimension he could access at any time. It was not the first time that he needed to retreat into it, nor was it the first time he used its properties, but obviously this time was different. They could not go back. With her family out hunting for them, Vigil and Lynette had very few options for their next move. Before he could muse further, he was frozen and taken.

As The Self-Proclaimed Amazing let out his inaccurate descriptions, Vigil focused and memorized everything he could about the others. Every aspect of the other contestants was imbedded into his mind, ready for when he had to brief Lynette.

Who, when he had arrived in the empty plains was still unconscious. After his attempts at escape failed, Vigil decided to re-assess the situation.

One thing was evident; The "Amazing" was an idiot. And not just an idiot, one with power, the worst kind of idiot. Enough to, be it on purpose or not, prevent him from reaching back into his Magical Realm. He worriedly looked at his sleeping ward, hoping that the magical disease that destroyed her sense of reality had been healed, if he was right about his assessment of the other contestants, they would need everything they could get.

Looking up into the sky, the rabbit pondered what to do while he waited for Lynette to stir when he heard voices.

"We must hurry onward, what has happened cannot go unheard of."
"What if there were survivors? What about your-"
"We need to press on, they can fend for themselves, if we stay we risk everything."

Acting quickly, Vigil curled up next to Lynette and pretended to sleep. When the two travelers came close enough, he moved their focus toward the two of them.

"Is that a girl? And a rabbit? What should we do?"
"We can't just leave them."

There was a short silence as one of the travelers stared at the other, unwilling to simply leave them alone, partially due to altruism, partially because of Vigil.


Without another word, the two travelers and their new guests went off, away from whatever it was that they were escaping, their minds trying not to dwell on whatever tragedy had befallen them.


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