DEATHGAME 9000 [S!3] Round Two: Interplanetary Circus

DEATHGAME 9000 [S!3] Round Two: Interplanetary Circus
Originally posted on MSPA by Travosh.

Username: Travosh
Name: Cyrus Curious
Sex: Male
Race: Above-Human. For most intents and purposes he is human, yet he's built just a bit too solidly, thinks a bit too quickly, and just carries the wrong air for most to consider him plain human
Colour: Nice cool green
Description: At age 30, Cyrus is a bit on the tall side, at around 6'7ft in height. He wears a long-sleeved blue shirt with white trim along the neck, bottom, and at the ends of the sleeves. This shirt is often tucked into his curiously dark green jean pants, an absurd combination of colors that should never be put together on anybody, as they certainly do not look well on him. His belt is a (oh god here it comes) curiously normal brown, but as to whether it actually keeps his pants up is for him to know and you to find out.

As his last name would suggest, Cyrus is an extraordinarily curious person whom will often toss out his own safety to satisfy his insatiable thirst for knew experiences and knowledge. Barring anything he deems worth investigating (A rare occasion indeed) he is for all intents and purposes kind and giving, using his 'talent' to try and give to others as much as he can to deal with the personal feelings of inadequacy he carries. Cyrus has trouble making a pleasant connection with anybody, since when you ask everything you can about somebody, it tends to peeve them off.
Items/Abilities: Cyrus' status as an 'Above-Human' grants him strength greater than your normal human being might possess, a sharper mind (he isn't a genius, but many an everyday problem is beneath him), and a peculiar aura of energy that he cannot actually do anything with, though it does seem to keep most feral beings from making him lunch if he does them no harm.

What grants him this strength manifests itself in the form of an average sized Notepad and pen. This Notepad however inexplicably never runs out of pages, and this Pen is bound and determined to write on anything with never ending ink supplies. Anything written on this pad springs itself into existence, from a keen sword, to a rather skittish elephant, to a run of the mill blue pancake. To a lesser extent, anything written by the pen, however without the Notepad to focus its creative power, the Pen is prone to showing off and just writing whatever it damn well pleases. While the Pen and Notepad CAN be taken from him, they seem to always find their way back one way or another, particularly fast if a thief were to use the Pen anywhere but within the confines of the Notepad.

Biography: Cyrus was an unremarkable child, he was an average athlete and did average in his studies, but the one thing he could call himself unique for was curiosity. Coinciding with his name, Cyrus went after anything that caught his fancy with wild abandon and reckless disregard for himself and the safety of others. While under normal circumstances this might be controlled, it was ever so a split of fortune and its black sister that Cyrus came from a dimension where godlike beings were very real, and very eager to plague mortals and their confounded coils with objects and creatures twisted by their immortal energies. A god certainly cant just go around handing such things off though, where's the fun in that? So they hide them, from inside a mailbox to at the highest peak of the smallest mountain range.

Cyrus' double-edged sword of a find was presented to him inside a college library he visited to look up some information on these previously mentioned obnoxious gods. While taking down notes out of the back sections where such information is kept out of the public eye (yet not out of the eye of Cyrus, whom merely jumped the restricted access sign and meandered on through) Notes were to be essential, and it was to Cyrus' chagrin that he misplaced his notebook while walking down the shelves in search of a new book. While it may have been his chagrin to lose his original notebook, it was to his apparent luck that he found an ordinary looking notepad just behind the book he pulled off the shelf. The second he laid hands on it it, its energies began twisting his own, ascending him to Above-Human status in his people's culture, and forever cursing him with the books presence.

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