Journal of Sociology [S!6] - [Round Two: Ryburg Ritz]

Journal of Sociology [S!6] - [Round Two: Ryburg Ritz]
Re: Journal of Sociology [S!6] - [Round One: The Pacific Spire]
Originally posted on MSPA by Solaris.

"So how long do you think we have until we beat those idiots next door?"

"I don't know, the matter-transporter-module isn't at full capacity, but without their power source, they won't be able to do a single thing."

The two men were sitting at their chairs next to their complex stations, monitoring the various energy levels for what would surely lead to their promotion and transfer out of this dump. The idiots next door were from a rival company that always seemed to be working on the same thing as they were, not quite on purpose, just out of some odd wrinkle in the universe. At the moment, both groups were working on simple teleportation, and both had gone pretty far, thanks to them stealing and copying off each others work.

"Huh?" One of the pair noticed that the screen had started to glow a multitude of colors, and that the readouts reported not one, but multiple teleportation readings, two of which were in their floor. "This doesn't make sense, how can there be multiple readings, there shouldn't even be one!"
"You don't think that the idiots next door somehow got their hands on another power source?"
"Looks like we'll find out..."

Blake Richards awoke in a dark room with his back to a wall. Both Blakes did actually, both their backs leaning on the same wall, though neither knew it. The one who scrounged for magic in light of the fake Blake's appearance breathed heavily as he attempted to wrap his head around what the fuck was going on. Ever since he found that room he had been in nothing but trouble, first being tossed in a vat of something, then waking up to see a scarier version of himself, and then this whole thing with the woman and the other Blake and the other beings and it was just too much. He just wanted to go home, and see his wife...

Blake's stupor was interrupted by muffled voices, which he assumed were coming from out of the room he was in. Recalling the warnings about the violent competition, Blake reached in his bag for a random potion and took a sip.

The pair of workers were surprised at a few things. The first was that their experiment had seemingly worked too well, they didn't expect to be able to teleport something that was alive or to do it faster than their calculations expected. They also didn't expect to teleport multiple things, some of which apparently outside of the receiver stations that weren't even from their transporter module. Finally, they didn't expect, that when they went into the receiver station to see what was teleported that the being inside would shoot fire at them.

Blake ran away from the pair of scientists, blindly running through the floor of the Pacific Spire, still clutching a bottle of the fire magic and hoping that he wouldn't have to use any more. Making his way to the elevator, he pushed a the button and waited, still paranoid about being followed.

Blake almost jumped at the elevators ding, and then slowly entered, his back against the elevator. After the doors closed, the factory worker turned and tried to hide his astonishment at the sight of another so-called contestant, one that if he recalled correctly was a medic, standing their along with another, eerie office worker. Hoping for the best, Blake said 'Hi."


Messages In This Thread
Re: Journal of Sociology [S!6] - [Round One: The Pacific Spire] - by Solaris - 05-20-2012, 07:22 PM