Mini-Grand 5110 <Round 2: Chrome City>

Mini-Grand 5110 <Round 2: Chrome City>
Re: Mini-Grand 5110 <Round 1: Auburn Forest>
Originally posted on MSPA by Ixcalibur.

Golus was as ever, of two minds. The spirits found themselves, rather unusually in accord. While Rage sought the death of Lady Jaska simply because she was there and could be killed, Intelligence advised her demise would be for the best in order to allow Golus a speedy return to his home world.

His battlemonster leapt forwards towards the once-duchess. Its claws were outstretched; its mouth open wide, its razor sharp teeth bared as repulsive violet fluid oozed its way down the creatures chin. The Sanguine Assassin nimbly dodged out of the way as the beast careened out of control into a tree. There was the sound of gunshots as several birds, more than a little reminiscent of pistols, flew from the tree.

Their attention was only drawn by the crash of the unnamed battlemonster for a second, but when Golus and the spirits returned their attention to the elf, she was nowhere to be found.

“It would seem to me a pretty poor spirit of intelligence would slash first, and think to ask questions later, if at all.” Jaska’s voice was impossible to place. It echoed through the densely packed area of forest, as clear as a bell. Golus stumbled around in a circle attempting to identify the source of the voice, as the conflicting spirits did the same, floating into the dense canopy above.

“Show yourself!” Golus yelled.

“And have your pet take further potshots at me?” The voice of the Kinslayer had perhaps, the vaguest hint of amusement at this notion. “You should have that thing on a leash…”

“Coward!” Golus bellowed. “Rather than fight, you hide and make snide remarks. I will crush you completely.”

“I could have killed you before you even knew I was here.” Lady Jaska replied, her voice cold and emotionless.

Intelligence laughed. “You are tiny. A scrawny little thing who I doubt could hold a sword capable of shattering our vessel, let alone best him in combat. You are truly pathetic.”

“You are correct on all counts.” Lady Jaska said. “I am pathetic.” She paused. “I am talking to a scholar of some sorts am I not? You know when you see the ruins of those failed civilizations; destroyed by war or famine or whatever horseman you wish to name? You look at those ruined old buildings, once magnificent, now little more than wreckage and you may feel like it was a great loss. You may feel like it is sad that they are gone forever, but deep down you feel at least a little superior. Your civilization lasted the test of time. You are better than they are. You know it to be a fact.”

“I am that.” Jaska continued. “I am the last lingering trace of the elves. Once they were glorious, now they are nothing more than wreckage and blood in the sand. And I made it happen.”

“Tell me, Golus.” Jaska asked. “Do you believe yourself to be stronger than an entire civilization? Are you arrogant enough to believe you are more powerful than the combined will of an empire?”

There was silence.

“No, I did not think you did.” The Marquise said, almost sadly. “Killing you would be nothing more than a footnote in an obscure passage of my biography. All it would take is one slit. A blade pulled across the unprotected neck of your beast.” Golus’ attention dragged back to his immediate surroundings, found that the monster that had been assigned to him was missing. This discovery was accompanied by a whine of pain from somewhere in the vicinity.

“Are you prepared to listen to what I have to say now Golus?” Lady Jaska asked. While the spirit of Rage yelled and screamed for Jaska’s bloody death, Intelligence acquiesced.

It was almost as if the assassin had appeared from thin air. One second she was not there, the next there she was with a dagger in hand, the tip of which was stained with magenta blood. After catching the golem’s eye she slowly slid the blade back into her belt. It was a gesture that clearly said; this blade is not far, try me again and see what happens.

“I-” No sooner had she opened her mouth to address the golem, when he exploded.

Lady Jaska hit the floor as the golem shattered. Shards of the blue metal shot out from the golem, embedding themselves deep into the surrounding foliage. Jaska was lucky to end up with little more than flesh wounds where a pair of shards had scratched into her back.

Where Golus had stood was a heavy rock, about the size of a fist but launched with such precision and such ferocity it had shattered the metal man completely.

Nearby Lord Haskill, Lady Jaska’s Warpion, commended himself upon bravely defending its mistress from the evil blue monster thing.


Messages In This Thread
Re: Mini-Grand 5110 <Round 1: Auburn Forest> - by Ixcaliber - 11-05-2011, 12:33 PM