Mini-Grand 5110 <Round 2: Chrome City>

Mini-Grand 5110 <Round 2: Chrome City>
Re: Mini-Grand 5110 <Round 1: Auburn Forest>
Originally posted on MSPA by Ixcalibur.

Lady Jaska Von Til'Defal strode barefoot through the Auburn forest, the early morning light playing upon her slight frame. Beneath her feet the stiff leaves crackled and snapped. She held in the cold air, enjoying the chill it brought to her lungs.

At the sight of something moving in her peripheral vision Lady Jaska's hands were upon her daggers. She whirled around upon the creature that was to be hers. If required to describe it Jaska would be forced to claim it a bizarre mix of scorpion and one of those mechanical catapults the dwarves were so fond of.

The creature, a Warpion, was protected by a dirty dark red, almost black, carapace. Its heavy claws dragged upon the ground, its beady eyes showing a basic spark of intelligence. Six spindly legs splayed out from the body, its tail best described as a flexible catapult.

Lady Jaska's influence was quickly felt upon the battlemonster. It promptly named itself Lord Haskill Selket III, Former Warpion Highclaw, Hero of the Battle of Mount Sol, Blight of the Mousers, The Uncatchable Battlemonster, Terror of the Ionapillers.

Lady Jaska regarded the battlemonster critically. "I suppose this is supposed to be 'my monster'." She frowned at Haskill, striding around to inspect him from all angles. "That exoskeleton would make it quite resilient, and I don't doubt the ferocity of a snap from one of its fearsome claws. But that exoskeleton must weigh it down, I would wager it is slow and likely noisy. No this is quite unsuitable, not to mention..." she bit back her tongue. "...Not that such a thing would matter to a dumb beast like yourself."

Lady Jaska knelt down to the creature, its main body was as tall as her knees and its tail when upright was at the same height as her head. "Creature. Do you understand me?" she enquired speaking closely and concisely. "Go away. I do not need you. You will impede my efforts."

The Sanguine Assassin straightened up and without another word she turned her back on her assigned battlemonster. She regarded the autumn canopy above her, it was thick. Tree branches ran together and blotted out most of the sunlight. It shone through in cracks, here and there. Jaska was not interested in its aesthetics.

In complete silence she strode to the nearest tree and began to climb it. Within moments she was an almost indistinguishable rustle amongst the red and gold leaves. Within minutes she was gone, though you would have been hard pressed to spot the moment she left, or the direction she had gone in.

Lord Haskill knew though, he was her battlemonster and though she had said otherwise, he knew he had to stay with her. Instinctively he headed in her direction, as she predicted; slowly and noisily.


Messages In This Thread
Re: Mini-Grand 5110 <Round 1: Auburn Forest> - by Ixcaliber - 10-04-2011, 03:56 AM