The Savage Brawl [Round 5: Battletopia]

The Savage Brawl [Round 5: Battletopia]
Re: The Savage Brawl [Round 5: Battletopia]
Originally posted on MSPA by Ixcalibur.

Michelle Davis, formerly a contestant in the Epic Clash and before that a full time zombie hunter, currently apathetic at the wheel of an armour plated containment van, was sort of pissed off. She’d never exactly had what could be described as a normal life, having been born into a world that was already in the grip of a zombie apocalypse, and oddly (or maybe not so oddly) that suited her down to the ground. She liked a little danger in her life, the adrenaline that came with a confrontation against a potentially deadly foe or of being in an unpredictable situation. In her own world, amongst a small handful of survivors the ability to think fast, use improvised weaponry and free-run meant that she had an important role amongst the group, in Battletopia those skills paled in comparison against magic and gods and futuristic technologies.

But she’d joined Kracht’s army regardless, hoping that she would get to see some action when the Big Day eventually rolled around, but nope. It was over and done with in under ten minutes. All targets were locked down and in transit back to the holding facility and she was still sat in this stupid van with Girnham. He hadn’t seemed to mind so much; shrugged it off like it hadn’t mattered to him one way or the other. That hadn’t helped, but the real icing on the cake had been the assignment that had come in some minutes later. They’d been instructed to go and investigate some suspicious noises out in the outskirts of the city. It was pretty standard really, the only thing being that the contestants were all under lock and key already. Even the dispatcher had seemed vaguely apologetic about it, mumbling that it was protocol and more than his job was worth not to pass it on. Part of her wanted to ignore the assignment and go home for the night, she knew Girnham would if it was up to him. She wasn’t exactly sure why she didn’t, but she suspected that at least part of it was to take the opportunity to be better than him.

Though the streets were empty, curfew having already come into effect, Michelle took her time, something that was evident when she did eventually turn up. The van was equipped with satellite navigation; it guided her into a narrow residential alleyway and then helpfully informed her that she had reached her destination, it needn’t have bothered. Unlike most of the rest of the city this avenue was a hive of activity. Front doors were open; lights were shining out into the streets as residents carried out their bulkiest items of furniture and piled it onto the growing barricade. It looked sturdy, comprised of beds and bureaus, wardrobes and bookshelves and desks. As yet it was only waist height, the architects of the barricade still visible behind it; ordinary people every one of them but with an odd expression of determination on their faces. Michelle couldn’t have said why it seemed so odd, and quite frankly was more concerned with the wider situation, but if she’d had time to work it out she would have said it was because it was the same expression of determination upon each person’s face. They were unified, or perhaps a better word might have been synchronised?

Girnham was out of the van before Michelle had even recovered her composure. Within moments he was waving his weapon around, bluntly bellowing commands at the crowd. Michelle really would have liked a moment to try and figure out what was going on and some way to respond to it, but that clearly wasn’t going to be an option. Irritably she scrambled out of the vehicle after him.

“You do understand the concept of curfew right? It means you get back inside and stay there or be in big trouble.” Phil continued to shout instructions to the crowd and wave his weapon in a vaguely threatening manner, but there was no discernible reaction. Maybe there was a curious glance, but overall people continued to heft furniture to pile it onto the barricades. “And get rid of this pile of crap while you’re at it.”

“Do you ever think?” Michelle asked. “They set up a barricade. I don’t think they’re going to take it down just because you ask nicely – and you didn’t even ask nicely.” Phil glanced towards her and though she could not see his face behind his mirrored visor she fancied he was probably scowling. She imagined that was his default setting. Phil had been allowed to keep his own armour, provided he had the crescent moon logo that had adorned it replaced with Kracht’s. Michelle had been issued light body armour in black with Kracht’s logo in green upon the breast. It would have been the uniform but for the fact that there were enough exceptions like Girnham that no one uniform could really be uniform.

Girnham glanced back at the barricade, aimed his weapon and fired; a quick burst of shots taking down a single target. Everything seemed to go silent for a moment; it’s broken by the deafening crash of a computer desk, no longer supported on one end crashing to the ground. The crowd takes notice this time, they come to a stop but they don’t turn to flee. If Phil can tell he’s under the piercing gaze of somewhere between ten and twenty people he doesn’t show it. His response was almost casual in its brutality. As soon as he’d taken his shot he seemed to relax once again as though everything was fine, as though it was the most normal thing in the world.

“What the hell Girnham?” Michelle demanded.

“Think they’ll listen now?” Phil asked with a sneer. He was probably smirking. Michelle was looking past him, at the kid he had shot; a teenager with scruffy blonde hair and striking green eyes. Dark blood slowly spreading across his crisp white shirt. She could hear him dying; gasping for air, great big desperate breaths. “Woah hold on there’s no need for that.” Michelle’s weapon was in her hands. She hadn’t even noticed. She might have pulled the trigger right then, given action to the overwhelming torrent of emotions that this night had brought. She might have done it, if not for Ajota. The Soulmother’s influence rolled over her and suddenly everything was clear.

Soulmother Ajota had emerged from one of the houses behind the barricades; flanked by the nymph Aph and the man she had come here to see, Jordan Smith. Michelle could name every one of the crowd beyond the barricade now; the members of her new family. They were more or less normal people who Kracht had no use for. She and Phil were the most combat capable ones there, and immediately she knew it was going to be down to them to protect their new mother. Her family stood in silence while their Soulmother made her way down the street to Maxwell’s body.

a life lost is a tragedy Ajota’s words rung through her head as though they were her own thoughts, as if they were more important than her own thoughts. even when it is inevitable, even when it is a necessary step to bring our family to those who suffer lost and alone

Michelle shot a glance at Phil. He’d removed his helmet and dropped it on the floor. The twisted mess of scars that was his face was still difficult to look at, but for the first time she saw sadness in his eyes.

but that does not excuse what has been done Ajota’s tone was solemn, almost mournful. She knew what must be done, they all did, but they did not revel in it. he took the life of one of your brothers, of my son, though it is regretful that another of our family should pass so soon, justice must be done.

Michelle stepped back; Phil already had his gun held to his head, his finger hovering over the trigger. He looked up at the Soulmother with tears streaming in his eyes. “I’m sorry.” She nodded, he screwed his eyes shut and then, trembling, he pulled the trigger.

no one kills one of mine without paying the price

And that appeared to be very much the end of that. Ajota’s family got back to work without further discussion.

The bodies were tossed aside; dumped in one of the houses out of the way, which isn’t to say that the Soulmother and her family quickly forgot them or were not sincere in their sorrow, but to Ajota their bodies were empty; just bodies, nothing more. The barricades continued to grow; the southern one was expanded outwards to include the armour plated van Michelle and Phil had arrived in, and slowly the numbers of Ajota’s family continued to grow, including the addition of a pair of curfew enforcement officers who had been on patrol in the area.

While all this was going on Ajota was rummaging through the cupboards of Jordan’s kitchens, with Aph serving as her hands and eyes in this intricate endeavour. At first Ajota was reluctant to try any of the pre-packaged food; her own planet had never been as technologically advanced as this one, even before the Nakaja had arrived, and as such she was used to eating freshly grown fruits and vegetables. However for the last month or so held captive on the Ska’van mothership she had been fed nothing but some kind of unpleasant nutrient goo and as such she was quick to overcome her initial reservations. As Ajota crunched rainbow coloured fruit candies between her mandibles with an unexpected enthusiasm Aph was troubled by the situation.

They were preparing for war, of this there could be no doubt; outside they were building barricades and arming themselves, someone was already dead. This was difficult for Aph, she was a creature of love and by extension of peace and for her it was tough to reconcile their intentions, their desire to improve the lives of everyone in the city, with their actions thus far.

you are troubled my firstborn Aph turned to look at the Soulmother, a look of surprise on her face as though she’d just been caught doing something she shouldn’t. you are an open book to me my daughter; unfortunately it is a necessity that we proceed as we have. people are fearful, reluctant to change; even for the better. they will fight us at every turn, desperately, to their last breaths, rather than accept the happiness we have to offer them

“But what if I was to talk to them; tell them what they are missing out on…?” Aph asked.

they will not listen

“I will make them listen.” Aph insisted, but Ajota looked less than convinced. “I can be quite persuasive when I want to be, you know.”

you are being naïve Ajota replied sharply.

“No, you are being naïve.” The nymph retorted. “Of course people will fear us if we proceed like this. How can they trust us when we look for all the world like we want to do them harm?” The Soulmother looked uncertain. “Let me go and speak on your behalf. If we carry on like this think how many potential brothers and sisters might be killed in the process.”

There was a long and contemplative pause which was eventually broken by the psychic equivalent of a sigh. my precious firstborn, you will not be dissuaded will you? go then; be my mouth and tell this world about my love

Aph grinned widely. “Thank you Soulmother. I will not let you down.”

and take Michelle with you, so that if you do she might be my wrath

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