The Savage Brawl [Round 5: Battletopia]

The Savage Brawl [Round 5: Battletopia]
Re: The Savage Brawl [Round 2: Giant's House]
Originally posted on MSPA by slipsicle.

So much data! Were Hoss still fully organic, he would be skipping for joy. As it is, a barely repressed grin passes over his face, the only celebratory expression he'll allow himself. The information provided from the lich and meatball's testimonies have allowed the final pieces of the grand puzzle to fall into place.

The cycle of upheavals, growth through competition; combined with his discovery of the mutual compatibility of extra-universal laws, the revelations provided by Dr. Anarchy, and the scent of humanity trailing through every knot of this strange multi-dimensional riddle he has been thrust into has allowed the Hand of Silver's uncanny competence at information manipulation to finally show its strength.

Finally, he can begin to live up to his name. His silver hand will be felt through every event in this fortuitous competition; allowing Hoss to awaken to the reality of the multiverse was the best, or worst, thing the Cultivator could have ever done.

For he now has a plan. And not just any plan, but a Plan, one to rival his universe-spanning Billion Year Plan in its ambition. The puzzle of this game has assembled itself before him, its revealed pattern laid bare for Hoss to master.

But first...

Hoss brings himself back to the situation at hand, and realizes his two companions are looking at him expectantly.

"Ah, yes, that was- thank you for your answers. Excuse me while I process them; they did not give me as much as I'd hoped, and I'll need to ask you both more later. However, I should probably get on with my end of the deal, yes? Ekelh-"

He is interrupted by several loud crashes, as the rest of the furniture in the house hits the ceiling. In particular, the sound of a bed rudely awakening a rather large man by landing on top of him. Hoss looks towards the dining room, along with Konka Rar and Gormand, and frowns, considering some kind of temporal disconnect to be responsible for the delayed, but inevitable, events.

He turns back to the other two spectators, only to see Gormand heaving himself off towards the refrigerator, with naught but a muttered
"... need more meat" tossed behind him as explanation.

Seconds in the past, but not many...

As Calm turns towards him, Diego begins to move for his attack. Unwilling to let such an opportunity slip past him, he resolves to finish the devil-bound man before his back is fully turned away. The single ear canal beckons to him, exposed by Calm's partial turn. A thin sliver of air begins to whirl upon Diego's finger. The moment is upon him, he can almost feel Calm's life slipping awa-

Both men suddenly find they are upside-down. Dutifully, they begin to fall towards the new floor, as neither has any place standing on a ceiling. Except... that same "ceiling" also contains a village-sized bed, with a mountain of a man wrapped in its sheets, sound asleep. Like all good gravity-bound objects, both are falling along with Diego and Calm.

Calm looks frantically towards Diego, and shouts,
"What is going on?!

Diego, continuing to play the helpful pacifist, suppresses the urge to shoot Calm a glare, and to curse out loud at the impeccable timing of this world-flipping confusion. Instead...

"Grab the sheet! We need to cut ourselves some parachutes, if we want to avoid falling to our deaths!"

Calm evinces his hellblade, brandishing it at some nearby sheets, whose majestic flapping cause vast, rolling hills of fabric to pulse towards the desperate duo. Diego's eyes widen at the sight of Calm's weapon, remembering the vast amounts of heat it is capable of. He yells a warning, but the two have moved too far apart, and the rushing air carries his voice away. His magic is too weak to augment it in these hurricane-level winds.

Calm plunges his knife sheetwards. Metal meets fabric, and the hellknife ignites. A blaze of unfathomable temperatures bursts from the point of contact, spreading through the ripe fabric fuel as a burgeoning wildfire. Too late, Calm realizes his mistake, and tries to push himself away. A stray knot of fabric has tangled itself around one his feet, however, and prevents him from moving, and for once, Calm's predictable bad luck saves his life; the newly-formed conflagration has burned itself away from its birthplace, leaving a circle of relative peace around him.

Diego, however, is not so lucky. As Calm disappears behind the rushing wall of fire, Diego has but seconds to cut a stripe of sheet, grab ahold of both ends, rush towards the end of the bed, and let the rushing air slam him "upwards". His rate of descent now vastly slower than that of the bed, Diego watches it fall past him. A mountain of mattress and metal forms a solid wall as far as he can see. Flame licks past its bottom, giving it an air of a meteorite entering the atmosphere, bringing with it the end of a world.

The massive backdraft from its passing buffets Diego's makeshift parachute. His grip nearly fails several times, but he yet maintains his hold. As the air calms, he calls a light breeze, and smoothly navigates himself to the former ceiling, now fresh ground. He lands a good distance from the crashed and burning bed, just in time to see, and hear, an infinitely confused and deathly furious giant heave itself from the wreckage.

As the giant pulls himself out from underneath the bed, Diego realizes his advantage. The upside-down house and suddenly on-fire bed have distracted the massive man, keeping Diego, in his small stature, hidden. What's more, with Calm somewhere under the bed, and the remaining contestants nowhere to be seen, the giant's ears belong to him and him alone.

A quick manipulation of air currents sends the sounds of suspiciously whispering voices to the Giant, seeming to come from the dining room. Dutifully, the giant whirls in their direction, eyes tight with anger as the bed continues to burn behind him. He tromps off towards the dining room.

Hoss's attention is brought back towards the dining room as a man-shaped skyscraper stomps into view, frantically searching for... something.

Hoss turns towards Konka Rar.

"How would you like your very own undead Giant?"

The cyborg skeleton's jaw opens in a grisly approximation of a grin, mirrored by a false-flesh and nano-blood version on Hoss's face, as they both regard their newest obstacle.

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Re: The Savage Brawl - by GBCE - 02-14-2010, 10:33 AM
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Re: The Savage Brawl - by GBCE - 02-14-2010, 06:33 PM
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Re: The Savage Brawl [Round 2: Giant's House] - by GBCE - 04-23-2010, 09:51 PM
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