Inexorable Altercation [Round V - Saint Arthelais' Hospital]

Inexorable Altercation [Round V - Saint Arthelais' Hospital]
Re: Inexorable Altercation [Round III - Vorlon Complex]
Originally posted on MSPA by Nehh.

From the viewpoint of his remembered self, Voitrach examined the scene nearby. At this point, he recalled, it had been simply the fact that the interstellar dust molecules he used energy from were floating towards that location that had attracted him - his simplistic mind, seeing food carried away on some gravitational breeze, made way to follow it. Caught by a moment of introversion he tried to ascertain the scale of his own then-body and for a moment was startled to see the younger gravitational golem's thought processes laid bare before him. Only for that moment, however - the idea quickly came to him that, since a large proportion of what he was consisted of pure gravity, anything that could pick up the slight fluctuations in him accurately enough would be able to read him like a book. That actually disturbed Voitrach, who wondered whether Will had the technology to view gravity that finely - after all, it didn't take him too long to identify there were two large gravity sources in the area back at that temple. Lingering on this thought for a moment, Voitrach was distracted by his memory of himself's growing terror and his ever increasing proximity to the black hole. He could remember this part clearly. It wasn't pleasant the first time round.

The intense pressure, the frightening acceleration. It hadn't been pleasant. Voitrach, performing the mental equivalent of lurching to his feet, was only glad that they journey had seemed a lot shorter this time around. The pressure was still there, of course, but it was more bearable now that it wasn't wildly increasing. That reminded him. He was at the singularity now, his dust form entirely crushed. Now he was an entity of pure gravity, albeit a weak one, and his next step would be to take control of -
He couldn't concentrate on his thoughts. Something, to Voitrach, seemed decidedly brooding. Something his panicked, younger self couldn't feel. But all he could see was random swirls of gravitational flux, created by the black hole. He looked at himself again, absorbing the gravitational energy in a rush to stay alive, felt the crushing, and then saw the flux once again and saw that it was trying to fight back, to crush his own person in a gravitational embrace and, looking on at the struggle, he realized that this was the first time he had truly fought for his life. And even though he was not there, he willed and pushed himself to winning.

Collapsing back into reality, Voitrach narrowly avoided dropping the jar that gave him the memory and ever so carefully got back up to his feet. To his amazement, he was now some few metres from the double doors where he had started experimenting with the jar. He strode off towards the other, unexplored end of the corridor, where the bend lay. His memory had been an exhilarating break, but he had proper work to do.


Messages In This Thread
Re: Inexorable Altercation [Round III - Vorlon Complex] - by GBCE - 07-07-2011, 03:22 AM