Inexorable Altercation [Round V - Saint Arthelais' Hospital]

Inexorable Altercation [Round V - Saint Arthelais' Hospital]
Re: Inexorable Altercation [Round II - Armada]
Originally posted on MSPA by Pinary.

As bullets flew, splintering wood and sending fragments in all directions, OTTO froze in place. The pandemonium around the machine would've rendered anything organic entirely unable to cope, he was sure, but his isolated systems were blocking out the external sounds, giving preference to his own internal comms.

"If you are hearing this," came the message, source unknown, "then you, too, are a victim of the whims of an enigmatic master, whom has forced you into a battle to the death with many other strange beings. You are likely far from your home, far from your friends, far from your family.

"My name is Vandrel Reinhardt, and I am in a battle similar to yours. I seek allies, to overthrow these unworthy grandmasters. I assume that, if you can receive this message, then you have some way of reaching into the multiverse. Seek me out. Together, we can fight for our freedom."

There was a slight warble midway through the message, but it was otherwise intact, coming through to OTTO clear as a bell.

"Fascinating as that is," O'rlyath prodded, "these newcomers are bringing some heavier arms to bear. Focus!"


When the shooting started, Will dove for cover. There was a set of steps leading up to what Will could only term the bridge, and he wedged himself in the corner behind one as best he could.

The men had quite simply appeared out of nowhere, and Will wasn't terribly concerned with the why for now. He'd managed to escape notice for the moment, but he'd soon be found and likely executed on the spot if he didn't figure out a plan.

His goal was clear to him- he needed to change the nature of the conflict. He was proficient enough with the Blastec, but if he was going to be at his best, it wouldn't be in a shoot-out. He was much more comfortable in a logical arena, and some form of reluctant diplomacy was probably the closest he was going to get at this point.

His goal, then, was only a meter or two away- the captain's quarters had to be behind the double doors between the steps, and if he could get himself alone with the captain, he could try to explain the situation. If that didn't work, well... He had other options available.


Two of the newly-arrived sailors were turning a cannon around, and they were close enough to ready by the time OTTO turned his attention to them that he acted on pure instinct.

As the weapon and the targets tumbled over the side a few moments later, additional targets brought additional weapons to bear, necessitating a change in tactics. A location behind cover would be optimal, as without his normal reserves of power a force of this size would win out in a direct confrontation, purely by mass. He could potentially eliminate half of the targets on his current power, but no more. He needed to get under cover, recharge, and extend the conflict. Frail humans would hunger, tire, and die more easily over long periods of time, especially isolated on a craft of this size. The long game would be the more optimal, and a location of long-term viability would be ideal.

After a fraction of a second, the goal was devised- the doors at the far end of the deck would lead to an enclosed space, which he could use as a staging area for raids against the enemy. Taking off at a brisk clip, the combat unit moved across the deck, sending a pair of humans sprawling to the deck, fragile limbs cracked and shattered. The doors were closed, but the robot's charging mass made short work of them.


Will, in his hiding place beside the doors, had not been expecting them to burst open in a shower of wood. He'd been hoping, rather, that once the shooting had died down, the captain would return to his quarters, giving Will the opportunity to get the drop on him and explain his point. After that, there would be options.

The sudden entry of the robot put a bit of a cramp in this plan, but not much of one. OTTO was as close to an ally as he'd have on this boat, and the two of them could probably work together reasonably well.

"Right," he began, holstering his pistol and facing the android, "any ideas?"


Normally, O'rlyath would be quite happy to sit back and let OTTO's base programming take the reigns. He enjoyed a good swath of destruction as much as the next Being, but in this case, he'd have to intervene. Will, limited as he was, could still prove useful. He wasn't actively hostile, he could be overpowered easily enough when the time came, and he might even have a way to escape if the opportunity presented itself. He was someone to keep alive, at least for now, and he couldn't have OTTO tearing him limb from limb in a primal frenzy.


"Will Haven," came the Being's voice, "you should know something." OTTO seemed paused for a moment, stalled halfway through turning around.

Will frowned, reaching back down to the holster. "What's that?"

"OTTO here's running on his base code at the moment, and he's rather keen to fulfil his primary function."

Will tensed up, eyes flicking about the room, checking possible escapes. "Oh? I take it that's 'kill, maim, and tear asunder,' then?" Out the door is just back into the line of fire, out the windows is seawater.

"It is indeed." OTTO shuddered, made it another quarter of the way around, then stopped again. "I'm doing what I can, but this is his original purpose, and it's not easy to counteract. If you don't want to end up in chunks, I'd suggest you figure out a way to talk some sense into him rather soon."

"Of course." Grabbing his data reader, the human began scrolling through the results of his scans of the robot earlier. As he did, OTTO managed a few steps forward, closing more than half the distance in those few strides. Finally, though, Will found what he was looking for. He reread the tiny screen carefully, cleared his throat, and shouted at the slowly-advancing war machine.

"Combat Device Six Three Eight Dash Zero Zero One, your systems are malfunctioning! Engage safety protocols immediately!"

Almost instantly, there was a response. Whatever fundamental programming that drove OTTO to destroy and kill had always been intended for use by one side in particular, and Will had gambled on that side having some sort of just-in-case safety mechanisms around. Fortunately, he'd been right- the machine remained where it was, all lights dimming for a moment.

"He's just restarting," O'rlyath said. "You might want to move- there's no guarantee he won't just go back to his base programming."

Will didn't argue. Picking his way around the splinter-laden room, he made his way to one of the windows. He couldn't go back out the door, not with the gunfire, so he'd have to risk the sea if the robot came back with intent to kill.

Messages In This Thread
Re: Inexorable Altercation [Round II - Armada] - by Pinary - 12-25-2010, 08:33 AM