Inexorable Altercation [Round V - Saint Arthelais' Hospital]

Inexorable Altercation [Round V - Saint Arthelais' Hospital]
Re: Inexorable Altercation [Round II - Armada]
Originally posted on MSPA by Nehh.

Voitrach hit the next deck with a thud. This was worrying. Maybe his level of control was not great enough to keep stable whilst calculating the complex physics of water. That sounded to be the most viable solution. He would have to take more care, in future.

Loran's smile turned into a slightly anxious one as the first drips of water came through the ceiling. Technically this wouldn't cause much to change... it had just best be kept an eye on. For certain. He didn't want to be hampered by dampness during his well-planned victory.

As Voitrach slowly eased himself up, struggling to keep control of the water that had likely caused this, he realised why it was so hard to keep it there - he'd already lost control of it. Hmm.
Well, that makes things a bit eas-

He suddenly stopped and thought. He'd just lost control of the water. Below decks was gunpowder. Water makes gunpowder soggy and useless. Gunpowder is likely to be useful for something... and that something was Loran. He did not tolerate killers, not in a universe where life was so few and far between. In his entire lifetime, this was only his third encounter with other sentient life.

He made a mental note that it could be possible that one of the others, for example Apathy, could be filed under this category of 'heartless killers', but only time would tell.

Wait. He was diverging from the task at hand. That being water. Hurrying down a deck, he came to the level with the gunpowder on it.

Loran eased himelf deeper into his hiding spot before the golem came down. It was so noisy, it was hard not to notice it coming. Seriously! Who makes something like that?
"He's seen you!" whispers a voice behind him.
"No, I don't think he has. And shut up. I'm trying to hide here."
"No, no, he has. Look how his eyes keep coming back over this spot. He knows you must be here."
"If he knew where I was, he would have investigated. Not just given me a few looks and then ignored me."
"I also know that he has excellent hearing. It would be a miracle if he hadn't noticed you already."
"Just shut up! You aren't helping."
At this point, Loran glanced round. Great. That was two of his teachers he had now passing hints over his shoulder. One is okay, but two? A bit too far there. It makes you seem stupid, for one, needing more teaching to get the point.


Messages In This Thread
Re: Inexorable Altercation [Round II - Armada] - by GBCE - 09-01-2010, 12:02 AM