Inexorable Altercation [Round V - Saint Arthelais' Hospital]

Inexorable Altercation [Round V - Saint Arthelais' Hospital]
Re: Inexorable Altercation [Round I- The Sleeping World of Rock]
Originally posted on MSPA by Nehh.

Whilst still attached to the Bruiser's head, Voitrach kept an eye on the conversation below. He held out a hand and made a nice, clear message in the air: "I CAN CONFIRM IT WAS NOT." This quickly reformed to: "THERE WAS A DELAY, I WOULD SAY OF ABOUT THREE SECONDS" in a much smaller script, as the gravity-altering golem set back to work on the symbols.

"Thank you for that. Now, would you risk your life on that - just for the life of one other person in this competition? That is a nearly pointless risk to take."

"It is a risk I am willing to take, though. If necessary." Loran loosened his grip on the witch, instead tensing himself himself and preparing to spring out of the way if he saw Will's finger even twitch on the trigger. At best, Will would shoot the witch and not him, if he did fire. Otherwise, he had a straight line to the other witch, the electricity one. He could leap over there and slash her neck open in an instant. Although he hoped he could get away into somewhere that wasn't in plain view, instead of having to dodge Will's laser.

Messages In This Thread
Re: Inexorable Altercation [Round I- The Sleeping World of Rock] - by GBCE - 06-05-2010, 01:51 AM