Inexorable Altercation [Round V - Saint Arthelais' Hospital]

Inexorable Altercation [Round V - Saint Arthelais' Hospital]
Re: Inexorable Altercation [Round I- The Sleeping World of Rock]
Originally posted on MSPA by Pinary.

Will had his Data Reader back out again, waving it around the room and staring intently at the display. "No," he replied, "not yet." He glanced up for a moment, looking from Apathy to the ledge. "To either of you, that is. I don't see a way to climb back up there, and I think bloodshed, while inevitable, should at least be postponed as long as possible."

The Reader beeped, and Will looked down at it, frowning. He aimed it towards Apathy, shook his head slightly, then swept it around the room. "...There's some sort of electromagnetic disturbance around here," he said, "and it's building."

Apathy frowned at him. "
What sort of disturbance?"

"Some sort, I said. If I knew anything more, I'd say so."

The disturbance made itself very clear in the few seconds following his statement when six of the twelve columns started to shift, sliding out from under the ledge that they had appeared to be supporting. Pairs of columns slid towards each other, and sections in each shifted and reconfigured. Three large, floating balls of darkness appeared in the middle of each pair, and they began to resolve themselves into vaguely humanoid shapes.

Will swore as the three Bruisers took shape, each standing at least five meters tall.

"I'd say probably that sort, then."


Messages In This Thread
Re: Inexorable Altercation [Round I- The Sleeping World of Rock] - by Pinary - 05-28-2010, 06:13 AM