QUIETUS [S!5] [Round 3: Deluge]

QUIETUS [S!5] [Round 3: Deluge]
Re: QUIETUS [S!5] [Sign-ups]
Originally posted on MSPA by The Deleter.

Username: The Deleter

Name: Aleph Rosenberg


Race: Reticulan

Colour: This here colour will do just fine, pardner.

Description: Aleph resembles one of the stereotypical “grey aliens” from popular culture – a four foot five, grey-skinned alien with a large, egg-shaped head, thin limbs, hooves and large black eyes. He has a few small scars around his face from past adventures, which are a sore point for him. He wears a thin black bodysuit with a slivery belt around his waist, and little else. The more noticeable thing about him is the ice cream truck he drives as part of his job, a battered white vehicle that struggles to play “You Are My Sunshine” on good days and bleats out nightmare-inducing tones the rest of the time. A pair of pink fuzzy dice hang from the mirror – Aleph likes the irony. He also keeps a potted mint plant in the sunny part of the window.

The defining trait that could describe Aleph is “tired,” or perhaps “apathetic.” He moves like he’d rather not, drawls his words in an accent that isn’t quite southern, and takes longer than he needs to when performing even the simplest task. He is too apathetic to even hate the stupid humans properly. This is probably due to one or more of the following things – the alien atmosphere and conditions of Earth, a laid-back and relaxed personality, a prior life of crime which culminated in the robbery of a Reticulan Hyperbank, or the fact that his psionic lobes are totally burnt out due to an incident during the aforementioned bank robbery. Regardless, he’d rather avoid conflict or drawing attention to himself to prevent the long arm of galactic law from catching him, and prefers his days of living in a crappy apartment and selling ice cream. His chosen job also allows him to satisfy his addiction to mint in the form of mint-flavoured ice cream and mint cigarettes, a vice that he struggles to moderate.

Weapons/Abilities: Aleph, determined to avoid notice, carries various methods of disguise on his person and in his van. His favoured method is a skinsuit, a synthetic material which compresses his form to that of a short, portly, middle-aged Italian man. However, this does restrict his mobility greatly, and thus he has a few backup devices. A hologram projector allows him to assume a similar form whilst retaining freedom of movement, although those with a keen eye may notice an odd flatness to this disguise. Contact with water will shot out the hologram, and the battery life is limited to four hours operation before it must be charged by solar power. In a pinch, Aleph can strain the ruined psionic lobes in his brain to create a temporary Ignorance Field, causing people who look at him to simply overlook the fact that he is an alien entirely – however, this is painful for him and he hates using this power.

Aleph keeps an old 50’s-looking raygun pistol in the glove compartment of the ice cream truck. This weapon is capable of reducing flesh to ash, leaving a charred skeleton behind, and requires no reloading or ammunition. However, due to Aleph’s desire to avoid conflict, its primary skill is to gather dust.

Biography: Aleph used to be a notorious criminal on his home planet of Zeta Reticuli. For more than twenty solar loops, he and his crew performed a variety of heists, hits and jobs for the Shade, the biggest mob boss on their planet. His name became feared and respected, and his reputation was such that his victims would tell him what he wanted to hear, regardless of him actually asking them anything. However, his life took a downward turn when he was contracted to take on his biggest job yet - the robbery of a Hyperbank, an etablishment full of both money and ways to be killed by those that protected it.

The operation went smoothly until the last few moments, when the Hyperbank's automated security systems deployed hunter-killer drones from the walls of the atrium. As his crew members were gunned down around him, Aleph did the only thing he could think to do - he put one of the guard's discarded taser-rays to his head and pulled the trigger. In the resulting mental spasm, he unconciously unleashed a wave of psionic energy that blew out the windows of the bank, the A.I. of the drones, and the mind of every individual in a forty-foot radius, at the cost of burning out his psionic lobes permenantly. He then took the money and ran, not even checking to see if a price had been put on his head (there would be - the Shade did not waste time). He fled wildly in a stolen ship, and crash-landed on Earth after several years of travel.

Coincidentally, he landed in Nevada. Using his now crippled psionic abilities to learn English, and construcing a series of increasingly elaborate disguises and false identites, he made his way to Carson City, where he scraped together a shitty new life serving ice cream and trying not to draw attention to himself. Reticulans have long memories, and he is very aware that, if he is found, he will have more than these stupid pink monkeys on his case.


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