QUIETUS [S!5] [Round 3: Deluge]

QUIETUS [S!5] [Round 3: Deluge]
Re: QUIETUS [S!5] [Sign-ups]
Originally posted on MSPA by Sanzh.

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Username: TimeothyHour
Name: Sequi and Fugere
Gender: Male and also Male
Race: Immortal
Colour: Sequi is Grey on Gold, Fugere is Gold on Grey
Weapons/Abilities: Look, let me just explain it my way, alright? This way is boring. Instead, I’ll tell you a story. And, it’ll explain things much better. No need to thank me.

Once, long ago, The Moon stole some of The Sun’s light.

Now, like any man who finds their positions stolen, The Sun followed the perpetrator, partly to get his light back, partly to give that thieving two-timing Moon a piece of his mind. And, like any thief who finds himself, pursuit, he fled to the hills like a coward.

This continued for many hundreds of thousands of years, through the blackness of space, until the moon hid behind a blue-and-green planet called earth. Winded, the sun called out to its thief.

“I don’t know about you, thief, but I am tired. I have chased you for all these years for my light, and I am tired.

The thief, being, at the very least a polite fellow, replied.

“My pursuer, I would agree with you. I have run from you all these years, and I, too, am tired.”

“But what are we to do?” The Sun sighed. “You have stolen my light.”

“And I dearly wish to keep it,” replied The Moon.

There was a long silence between the two. The Moon, being closer to Earth than the sun, was the one to notice Humanity, wandering earth, thinking, breathing, and discovering. Quick witted and sly, the moon devised a plan.

“Sun, I have an idea.”

“And that is?” The Sun asked. It briefly considered chasing after The Moon once again, but decided to at least hear the thief out.

“On this planet, here, walks a species, so small yet so large. They have hearts and minds, and they think and talk, like us. They walk on the small skin of this stone, look to the stars, and imagine.”

The Sun looked, and it was true. Humanity walked upon Earth’s surface.

“And what, exactly, do you suggest?” The Sun said to The Moon.

“A wager,” was the reply. “We each make a human, immortal to all but each other. Yours will pursue mine to the ends of the surface of this rock, and mine will run from yours like the winds. We will wager on our humans, and the winner of the bet receives the light. All the while we can sit here and catch our breath.

The Sun thought for a long while. He looked out into the blackness of space, contemplating. Eventually, he replied.

“I accept your wager.”

And thus it was so. The Sun and The Moon chose a child, a child so small and so weak; they split its soul in half, for the spirit, divided, cannot die partially. And, from stardust, they made their Men.

The Sun built a lanky, gangly man. He had greasy yellow-brown hair, and a pair of green eyes that never quite seemed in focus. The Sun made him athletic and quick, trained in the art of killing, and gave him an obsession with death that simultaneously twisted his mind and acted as a passion and driving force to hunt. He fell in love with blades and knives, and, when turned loose on the world, his first act was to ransack a nearby town for his weapon of choice. His name became Sequi.

The Moon built a scrawny, meager man, designed to run and hide. He was given grey hair as a mark of his creator, and careful, hazel eyes that seemed to shine gold in the right light. The Moon, more concerned with matters of mind and wit, built his man a quick-thinking, intelligent mind that, above all, feared death and confrontation. He was, above all, taught to run and hide, and became a thief to survive, just like The Moon. If forced to fight, however, he used weapons that gave him a fair distance from his rival, and he certainly had a couple of guns or ranged weapons on him at any time. His name became Fugere.

And in this way, they were released upon the earth. For thousands and thousands of years, one followed, and one fled. Through eras and eras, to the ends of the earth, they became ingrained into the culture of the world. Rumors spread, and every once in a while the world would watch in fascination and horror as they met, and as they fought. They viewed Sequi as a God of Death, perpetually clothed in a masked lock in an emotionless smile and a longcoat stained with blood. Fugere became a symbol of wisdom and trickery. The cane he stole after a particularly close encounter with his stalker, and continued to carry afterward, became a symbol for thieves around the world.

But, for a few years now, though, they’ve seemingly disappeared from sight, and the world is already beginning to forget. Such is mankind, and such is life.

They say that when Sequi and Fugere meet, The Sun and The Moon come to watch. This is how, they say, on those days, the moon covers the sun, and blocks out the light. So if you ever look up into the sky and see that burning black eye, if you ever witness that darkened sight, know, know, that somewhere, out there, They have met.

And they’ll be fighting.

Information that might not be clear from the story and information not in it outright: Sequi and Fugere can only die if they are touching each other or within about a foot of each other. However, both of them can feel pain. For example, if Fugere shot Sequi from far away, the bullet would hit Sequi and he’d be bleeding everywhere and it would be horrible and messy and painful. Eventually, he would appear to die. But because a soul cannot be destroyed divided, he’d wake up, fully healed. If one of them dies, the other would die also, even if he was in perfect health.

The two of them only disappeared a few years ago, say, 2007, but they’ve existed since almost the beginning of mankind, so they’re pretty familiar with all technology levels besides, like, things from the future, and they’ve learned to roll with technology as it changes. As such, Fugere has several pistols on his person, along with a variety of lock-picks and other gadgets. Sequi has used technology to further his obsession with death, namely, an iPod with 12 days of hard rock and death metal on it, and also those super-sharp blades they advertise on cooking channels. Man, he can’t resist getting one of those sharp, silvery blades. They cut so well.

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