Originally posted on MSPA by Sanzh.

Kriok could not move.

Of all the cross-dimensional journeys, the avian's had been one of the more turbulent-- she was on the cusp of being outright killed when she was ripped away from the sewers she was confined and harried in. While the Broadcasting Standards Authority-- a minor process noted the likely corporate euphemism-- was capable of causing a temporary cessation of her critical state as she provided her spiel, that quickly changed once Kriok was removed from that realm. A trio of mechanical alarms now blared in her cybernetic mind, reminding the avian that, in addition to her apparently-stabilized bleeding and the somehow-fixed mechanical failure of a lung, she was heavily sedated. Her surrogate mechanical tissue was exempt from the tranquilizer's effects, in some capabilities-- actuators and synthetic muscles wouldn't respond in order to prevent tearing and biological damage, but her mind and optical sensors still functioned.

The cybernetic avian began to make an attempt at scanning her new location-- a more difficult task than she expected, as her long neck could not twist and crane to affect her field of vision. There were a few obvious details Kriok immediately noticed-- a pair of orderlies, medical supplies, and a distant robot adorned in scalpels and syringes all suggested she was in some form of hospital or clinic. A subroutine questioned the purpose of including a medical establishment in what had been described as a tourist destination; another questioned just how the doctors were able to operate on her with no familiarity with the physiology of her species or specifications of her synthetic systems.

Another part of her panicked. She was helpless, in a new foreign environment, and she could not shake the notion that the competition she was an unwilling participant in had not really ended. The excuse that returning to her home universe violated some unspoken physical principle seemed suspect, and the vague proffering of a conciliatory stay seemed like it would have ulterior motives. No, she would have to assume that she was still in danger. This resort was just as hostile as the last location.

The avian heard footsteps. Someone was approaching. She couldn't twist to see just who it was, but the possibilities her paranoia-addled mind cycled through all suggested some form of potential threat.

On her right side, a figure pulled into view-- some variety of doctor, she assumed, based on the futuristic medical scrubs he wore. He waved a hand at the pair of orderlies mulling about, who quickly left. Kriok remained motionless as the doctor drew near. The doctor turned around, leaning against the bed as he pressed two fingers to a communicator embedded somewhere in his ear. Kriok waited and listened to his side of the conversation as he talked.

"Oi, boss. I found the green you wanted me to go after. You want me to bump 'er off, or what's the plan there?"

A subroutine recorded his speech, diagnosing his unique dialect. Hearing him talk cast serious doubts that he was a member of a medical professional. Kriok waited, listening to him talk further.

Uh, boss, I don't know how I'm supposed to muscle this feathery broad if she's unconsciou--"

The thug rummaged through his scrubs, patting himself and double-checking his possessions before continuing his dialogue. "Yes, boss, I have the package." The thug paused, before producing a box and scrambling to open it.

Kriok noticed that the package contained several objects that bore an uncanny resemblance to a set of mining micro-explosives, as well as a matching detonator contained within.

"Heh. Clever, boss. I see where you're going with this. Rig up the floozy's metal bits, and threaten to whack 'er if she doesn't help you along. I see why you're the boss, boss. I'll get to it." His fingers left his communicator, having concluded his conversation. He turned around, preparing to get on with his assigned task.

He was not, however, preparing for Kriok's mechanical arm to grab his neck and slam his head against the bed's hard frame.

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