The Fearsome Encounter (GBS3G8) [Round 3: Ark of Hope]

The Fearsome Encounter (GBS3G8) [Round 3: Ark of Hope]
Re: The Fearsome Encounter (GBS3G8) [Round 2: Oh Two Oh]
Originally posted on MSPA by Solaris.

Captain Jessica Blaus just didn't get it. She was sitting down in the somewhat respectable cabin of her ship, downing another beer and wondering where it all went wrong. What had happened? It wasn't supposed to be this way, she was supposed to be a great space pirate, not some second rate smuggler with only one loyal crew member and a mountain of dead traitors. It just wasn't supposed to be this way.

That wasn't wishful thinking or denial, it was pure fact. Or to be exact, pure fate. Captain Blaus believed in fate to an extent that not many on Oh Two Oh could match. This was not out of some gypsy or similar external source, it was due to a racial inclination. As the lavender lady, dressed in a black long-coat and boots with a brown tank-top and pants underneath, wrapped her five fingers around her beer, the golden-haired Tsote wondered what went wrong. Had her affinity with fate somehow waned? No, it couldn't have. To even think such a thing was terrifying, as if there was a large hole on her body. For her, not believing and being connected with fate would be like leaving an Alvum without a place.

Speaking of, her only loyal crew member, an Alvum decked out in somewhat worn powered battlearmor armor, patched haphazardly like a metal quilt, and various cleaning implements, descended to report a successful disposal of the latest traitor brought upon their ship.

"Yes Dolsy?" Her words were without much feeling, as she already knew what he would say.


"Thank you Dolsy, you may return to your quarters now."

"YES SIR, GLORIOUS CAPTAIN BLAUS." The Alvum saluted and then did as he was told, loyal as ever. Jessica sighed. If she had anyone else as loyal as Dolur'rui'Srar, then maybe she wouldn't be in her current position. Down on her luck, barley able to pay for fuel and supplies, unable to keep a crew member for much longer than a single mission, and worst of all, doubting fate, Captain Jessica Blaus reminisced on how she had met the isolated Alvum, how she had proven herself superior, and continued to do so as she dealt with all of the wretched traitors over the years. She was surprised to find the poor creature, all alone and without anyone to be loyal too, unstable and empty. She shuddered at those memories and how closely it resembled a Tsote who had lost their way with fate.

It was not the kind of thought that she enjoyed. The captain finished her beer and then rubbed her head, dejected, defeated, and longing. She longed for a miracle.

And a miracle she would receive.

Jessica was about to leave and go bar hopping when very suddenly a giant red dinosaur appeared in the cabin, right in front of her. The arched creature seemed to be wearing a long, white hat and matching robes. His clawed hand was clutching a staff and a piece of paper, and he looked... not quite angry, but not neutral either, a bit less pleased she would say. The reptilian creature pointed the staff at her and she noticed that it was starting to glow.

"Inform me of my location, lest we both regret what happens," he said to her, his voice full of authority.

As Jessica replied with "On board The Moirai," and a slew of other facts, she considered her options. The creatures hide looked too thick for her gun to do any real damage; in fact, the creature itself was too large for her to really do anything, at least with what she had on hand right here. Really, there was only one thing on her ship that she thought could deal any lasting damage on the thing that was threatening her by glowstick.

The moment that the creature turned around, she drew her gun and shot it, making an incision, but as she quickly found out, only serving to make him angry. As she dodged the creature's charge, Dolur'rui'Srar rushed out of his quarters and into the room, straight into the charging reptile. The two struggled, with Dolur's powered armor and multiple arms giving him an edge. However, the edge did not last long as the creature somehow repelled him shortly after.

Captain Blaus looked in confusion as Dolur was pushed back so effortlessly. The creature turned to her, his staff still glowing, and lifted the staff in the air, the glow spreading to his body, and noticeably healing the bullet wound and Alvum inflicted bruises.

"Who... who are you?"

Before the creature could answer, Dolur charged once more, only to find that his attacks did absolutely nothing to the now glowing reptile. "But... but how?"

The dinosaur smiled as he calmly walked to face both of them at once. "I, am His Holiness the Glorious Pope Triumphian the First of the Holy Empire of Lagran. While I admire your bravery, I am afraid that you will not defeat me. However, as a reward, I will allow you to peacefully convert to my reign."

As a show of good faith, the so-called Pope sent out a beam of light toward his new converts, both of them glowing for a bit and then feeling rejuvenated.

Following up on their surprise, Triumphian began. "As you can see I am powerful, but the power is nothing compared to that of my god. It is through him that you have healed and it is him that you now owe allegiance to. Be glad, for as soon as we return to my empire, I shall award you for your formidable courage. Where is the rest of this ships crew?"

Jessica and Dolur were frozen. In mere moments, they went from fighting this monster out of fear to silently praising their defeat. Dolur was convinced, partially due to his defeat and partially due to his instinctive inclination towards those holy that Triumphian was the real deal. He felt that the powers emitted by the Pope were above him, above anything he had ever seen. Jessica on the other hand, saw this as fate taking her out and then spiking her drink. She didn't really care if Triumphian's god was real or not, what was important was that if she did this, and if he was telling the truth, which judging by the clothes and powers, he was, then she would have her ticket into gaining power and notoriety as a Space Pirate, just as her fate promised. The only issue of course, was that neither knew where his empire was.

"Your Holiness, I am afraid that this is the acting crew of The Moirai, I am Captain Jessica Blaus, and this is my loyal First Mate, Dolur'rui'Srar."

"A ship this large and only two members?" Triumphian squinted in suspicion.


"Traitors you say? Worry no longer, for under the power of our God, I shall amass a powerful, capable, and loyal crew. Captain, come with me, we shall see who of these criminals are worth enlightenment."


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Re: The Fearsome Encounter (GBS3G8) [Round 2: Oh Two Oh] - by Solaris - 05-21-2012, 12:28 PM