The Fearsome Encounter (GBS3G8) [Round 3: Ark of Hope]

The Fearsome Encounter (GBS3G8) [Round 3: Ark of Hope]
Re: The Fearsome Encounter (GBS3G8) [Round 1: Circumlocution]
Originally posted on MSPA by MalkyTop.

A somewhat large metally-thing collided with Cepra and she fell over, her stomach stinging. “Bollocks,” she spouted as she crashed through foliage, feeling as though her innards had been scrambled. The robot, meanwhile, seemed to simply emit a long, loud, scream.

Lying prone on the ground, she picked it off of her chest. Honestly, she didn’t really recognize what the hell it was supposed to be, but it was already annoying. It was currently whirring in a rather panicked manner and asking her about her ‘aims.’ What her intentions were, she realized.

As it wondered aloud if she aimed harm, Cepra absent-mindedly flicked it with her purple hand. It squealed. Not only was it armored, but it almost felt like it was entirely armor. It didn’t exactly seem killable, and it certainly wasn’t related to this impromptu job at all. But then again, that meant it was a local, right? And that meant explanations, right? She was certainly curious about that golden thingy and its apparent linguistic effect. But mostly the way it was made out of gold. She just couldn’t help but be attracted to shiny things. Partly it was because they were so attractive and often carrying around ancient treasures or what-have-you brought attention and fighting. Partly because, well, they were just so shiny. How could anybody not like that? If there were more of those around, she definitely wanted them.

She put on the friendliest smile she could muster. Which wasn’t much, she would admit. “Hallo!” she greeted. The robot paused in its panic.

“Salutations,” it returned, though reluctantly.

“Would you confess about consequence of explosion prior?”

The robot whirred. “Sadly unable.”

“Oh.” Well, that wasn’t too important. Really, she didn’t mind thinking about it as a ‘magic language explosion thingy.’ She was more interested in the actual thing itself. Before it exploded, anyhow. “How about knowledge of forest?”

The robot waved its hands about excitedly. “Obligation: achieve tasks!”

“Oh. Consequence of accomplishing chore?”

“Escape timberland!” it exuded rather excitedly.

Trying to quell incoming disappointment and boredom, Cepra tried to simply ask directly. “Does job involve… golden constructions?”

The robot whirred in her hands, longer than usual. “Maybe!” it finally answered.

Good enough for her.

With a flourish, she offered a third hand for the robot to shake. “Offering support,” she said rather superciliously. The robot didn’t catch on to the tone and, still rather trusting, accepted her help graciously.

Though when a rustling arose nearby, Cepra instinctively dropped the metal thing and scrambled up a nearby tree. In her rush to conceal herself, she couldn’t help but run right into something that looked like oddly blue fog –

-- and suddenly she found herself fallen on the ground. As though she had been clumsy enough to simply slip off. She stared up. The blue fog she seemed to have remembered seeing was gone. She looked down and realized that, when she had landed, she had managed to entangle that leech-worm-grub thingy in her legs. Cthlassa, on his part, was annoyed that someone had interrupted him from destroying the source of his acute pain.

“Oh, so sorry,” she said quite insincerely, and started to undergo the process of unwrapping her legs until she felt the sickly thing quiver as she spoke.

She paused.

“Our oars oak our oars oak our oars oak.”

An uncontrollable smile crossed her face as she felt the thing thrash and attempt to push itself away. Instantly, she wrapped two of her arms around it, pinning its appendages, and leaned in close in a painful cuddle, singing something sweetly. The words were all nonsense, really, but Cthlassa could only cringe and curl up in pain nevertheless, and she pulled him in tighter and closer, as though absorbing pleasure from his pain just through physical contact. She got ready to finish him off –

-- and was suddenly aware of some sort of invisible force pressing against her head.

She was sharply pushed away, her neck snapping backwards, and screeching in surprise and pain, she instantly let go. Cthlassa, tired and almost blind, still managed to stumble away very quickly. Cepra leapt to her feet, cursing magic, cursing wizards, cursing anything she could think of really, which allowed Ampersand to finally get up.

The robot had found it rather uncomfortable, being crushed under the two, but now that was in the past and it was ready to continue pleasing the voices of the forest. Looking up towards the spider woman, innocence pouring from every circuit, it said, “Start assistance immediately?”

Cepra scowled down at the metal runt but set aside all thoughts of pursuit. Chasing wizards wasn’t exactly a safe pastime. The buggers looked weak, sure, but they had a terrible habit of…of setting things on fire. Or something.

“Okay,” she said.


Messages In This Thread
Re: The Fearsome Encounter (GBS3G8) [Round 1: Circumlocution] - by MalkyTop - 04-22-2012, 02:34 AM