The Fearsome Encounter (GBS3G8) [Round 3: Ark of Hope]

The Fearsome Encounter (GBS3G8) [Round 3: Ark of Hope]
Re: The Fearsome Encounter (GBS3G8) [Round 1: Circumlocution]
Originally posted on MSPA by Solaris.


Triumphan passed the comment to Ampersand, staring at the robot and waiting for him to repeat what Cthaasa said.

Ampersand, realizing that he was being waited for, replied "Ampersand unaware!"

This left Triumphian slightly distraught, but he wasn't exactly going to get up in arms about it, as it was just one word. However... he did notice that Cthaasa was surprised, and almost scared. While the leech was visibly injured and looked pretty pathetic, after Ampersand spoke he almost reeled.

According to the instigator of the event, Cthaasa was an Ithaqu with various abilities, an experimenter exiled to war. Triumphian could use someone versed in science on his side, as it wasn't his best subject, and it in this state it would be very easy to sway him under his god. However, there was the issue of language. After the Ithaqu reeled from the robots words, he doubted that he would enjoy a prolonged conversation with it, so Triumphian would have to resort to something else.

Now, the Lagran were very situational conquerors. While it was belief and power that led them to ruling their planet, taking every planet by force or by just relying on their Pope was recognized as a stupid and impossible idea. No, the building of the interplanetary empire included a very elaborate form of social manipulation. Miracle working was generally the first step to this. Another common option was the learning of languages. In his tenure, Triumphian learned how to speak many different languages but he had never seen or heard of any of the other aliens in the group. But... he had dealt with a race of leeches before.

Even if he does understand what I say the odds of it even meaning the same thing is unlikely. Triumphian mused a bit further, but eventually decided to go with it.

The resulting sound was similar enough for Cthaasa to understand, but... it was similar to speaking middle English to someone who knew only modern English. There were words that were similar, but it was somewhat of a chore for the Ithaqu to understand.

The gist was that Triumphian wanted to strike a deal. In a very intense and almost planned destruction of his language, Cthaasa was presented with two choices. The first was to join Triumphian and swear allegiance to him and his god, aiding him in the contest and with converting others. Then the Pope would not only heal him, but empower him. The other option was "not thing I know to say." The answer was obvious.

While Triumphian was happily adding Cthaasa to his system of belief, Ampersand grew bored. The nice reptile that saved him from the hairy guy was interesting and fun, but he wasn't helping with his achievements. Or at least he didn't think he was helping. It was very difficult to know when no one was really clear.

Without another way to go, the robot decided he would wander back towards the forest, hoping that someone else would allow a clearer path to fulfillment.

Viscount was worried. He had no idea what was being said, Probably thanks to that no good apprentice, The Controller would have given him an edge, but he observed the space leech and the holy dinosaur speak civilly and then he saw the latter heal the former. This was not good. Feeling a bit more hunger coming on, the cloud wisped toward the pair, only to see Triumphian suddenly look round in a half frenzied panic and then drag the leech off toward the forest. If he wasn't mistaken, there were more people there. They could come together. That would be worse.
Blast it all...
The cloud followed.

Messages In This Thread
Re: The Fearsome Encounter (GBS3G8) [Round 1: Circumlocution] - by Solaris - 02-02-2012, 11:48 PM