The Fearsome Encounter (GBS3G8) [Round 3: Ark of Hope]

The Fearsome Encounter (GBS3G8) [Round 3: Ark of Hope]
Re: The Fearsome Encounter (GBS3G8) [Round 1: Circumlocution]
Originally posted on MSPA by MalkyTop.

Somehow, searching for a coin that your adversary had hidden while said adversary was sitting and watching only a few feet away seemed humiliating. Saturday certainly wasn’t sure if spiders could laugh, but this one seemed to be doing a good job of it. He had released her without thinking and she immediately sat down, bending her four legs into a seemingly-impossible cross-legged position, and started to leer. And watch. And spider-laugh.

“Ah could kill ya!” he suddenly roared at her, causing her to suddenly jump to her feet and put her dukes up. At least she was wary. At least she still considered him some sort of threat.

But he couldn’t. Couldn’t kill her, anyways. Somehow, he wasn’t feeling up to it. Today just wasn’t a good day. And as long as she wasn’t attacking him (for now), it was probably better not to start a fight. Maybe? The point was, he needed to find his coin again before it was considered ‘lost,’ insert preferred definition of lost here, whatever that was. Maybe there was a time limit. That made sense. A certain amount of time until the coin was considered lost and then…something. Preferably, he’d just fail and be taken home again, he supposed. Preferably. But it wasn’t like many details of this whatchit was really given so maybe he shouldn’t press his luck with so many unknowns.

Saturday had spaced out so long that he almost didn’t realize that spider-woman had sat down again until he came out of it. He briefly tried to trace her legs and figure out how exactly she held that position or where her legs were bending and crossing in the first place, but promptly gave up. He resumed his search. She resumed snickering.

Thought she was so clever, huh? More like dull. He never thought he would use ‘dull’ to describe a giant, clothed spider, even if it was partly because he was feeling spiteful.

Yeah, spiderbitch, go ahead and laugh. You’ll get your comeuppance later, just you wait.

Did he check this patch of grass before? He was pretty sure he checked this patch of grass before.

He sighed and stretched and gazed upwards for no reason at all. Then he moved closer to the forest. Behind him, he heard the spiderbitch follow.

Why was she even following? Did she seriously have nothing better to do, what with, like, seven other guys to hassle or whatever? Maybe she was staying close by just so she could kill him as soon as he found his coin.

Maybe she was sticking around for…other reasons.

The implications of that thought worried Saturday and he promptly never thought about it again. He had a coin to find, anyways, couldn’t stop and think about the ladies all the time. A coin that he had to find right now, when nobody at all was harassing him at all. No penguins, no spiders, no birds…

…it wasn’t going to last long at all, was it.


Messages In This Thread
Re: The Fearsome Encounter (GBS3G8) [Round 1: Circumlocution] - by MalkyTop - 01-18-2012, 01:44 AM