The Fearsome Encounter (GBS3G8) [Round 3: Ark of Hope]

The Fearsome Encounter (GBS3G8) [Round 3: Ark of Hope]
Re: The Fearsome Encounter (GBS3G8) [Round 1: Circumlocution]
Originally posted on MSPA by Solaris.

Ampersand scrambled across the meadows, sneaking along the forest and hot-footing it away from the odd people speaking and fighting. The automotron continued south-ways to the warehouse, still trying to avoid any trouble from the mysterious group that seemed to appear. When it reached the warehouse, or rather what once was, the warehouse, it realized that this could be a bit more difficult than it thought.

Triumphian recovered from the tackle first. Surveying his situation, he began to feel fatigue from fighting multiple opponents in quick succession. While he had certainly slain thousands at a time, it was not very often that he dealt with those of a size and strength similar to his own. The pope scowled as he realized that he would have to make a quick escape in order to recover his lost strength. But with the debris in the way, he would first have to make sure that this Redclaw wasn't going to sneak up on him when his back was turned.

Ampersand was understandably confused at the significant lack of warehouse where there should have been one. All it saw was a cloud of dust that was slowly receding and a large amount of wood and metal debris on the floor. Overall, it was addled, and worried about these subtle changes in the once empty and sterile area. These feelings were quickly replaced when it saw two eyes coming out of the smoke right toward it.

Redclaw's attempts at finding his opponent through sight was quickly foiled by the smoke filling up his nose. Instead, he decided to walk in a direction and wait for the smoke to clear, making sure to keep himself on guard for more of the dinosaur's magic tricks. When he emerged from the debris, he did not see the Lagren's holy man, but something that was in his eyes, much more vile. He saw a metal man, human in shape, but covered completely from head to toe in metal.

"Salutations! Peace?" Ampersand's electronic voice emitted out, fearful of the hulking beast in front of it.

Redclaw's eyes widened as the electronic tone of Ampersand reached his ears. The sound was utterly sickening, almost mocking in how it reminded him of the technology that he so loathed. Ampersand backed away as Redclaw stepped slowly with every intent to slay the mechanical abomination. He brought down his claw on Ampersand, who quickly avoided it and then proceeded to run away, back into the debris. Redclaw let out a small growl as he leaped after the robot, who began to repeatedly yell out, "Assistance, anger unwarranted! Please assist!"

Triumphian had just cleared his way past the warehouse's remains, he heard the electronic voice calling. He was surprised to hear what seemed to be his language. Looking back at the debris, he asked "Who goes there? This is the Leader of the Holy Lagren Empire. State your name."

Due to the convoluted nature of alien languages, and the glitches involved, Ampersand under stood the following, "Who ...... Leader Lagren .... State name." Moving around to avoid Redclaw's slashes, Ampersand replied quickly, "Ampersand, automation, please assist! Beast attacking."

Positing that the beast was Redclaw, and definitively not wanting to allow something capable of speaking his tongue just be destroyed, despite his somewhat fatigued state, Triumphian clasped his hands together, concentrating, and sending an empowering beam toward the robotic voice.

Just as the light hit the scurrying robot, it tripped. Redclaw, focused on the mechanical abomination brought down his claws on the helpless machine... and found himself stopped at the surface. He attempted to slash, stab, and even bite at the robot, but for some reason it seemed impervious to his attacks. As he was about to throw and lift the robot, he was tackled by the pope. As soon as the werewolf was dropped to the floor, Triumphian let out a bright flash, stunning him.

Grabbing the poly-lingual robot and running as fast as he could, hopefully somewhere relatively safe, Triumphian left the warehouse area to the meadow.

Ampersand, still impervious by the pope's spell, did not feel anything as the Lagren half carried, half dragged him away from the werewolf's ire. Happy at its survival, it simply said, "Thanks!"

Messages In This Thread
Re: The Fearsome Encounter (GBS3G8) [Round 1: Circumlocution] - by Solaris - 11-10-2011, 09:08 PM