The Fearsome Encounter (GBS3G8) [Round 3: Ark of Hope]

The Fearsome Encounter (GBS3G8) [Round 3: Ark of Hope]
Re: The Fearsome Encounter (GBS3G8) [Round 1: Circumlocution]
Originally posted on MSPA by MalkyTop.

Nobody could say that Cepra didn’t have a sense of humor. She had plenty. It’s just that it usually involved the humiliation, mutilation, or outright death of another.

It helped that she was able to break free of her constraints once her captor was distracted. It helped that the giant bird careened right towards the shadowman rather than her. Things were more humorous when you weren’t personally the one in danger, in any case.

She stood a ways away and watched. Not only for the entertainment, but for the information. Eventually, he would have to do his little shadow trick again and…yes, there we go…

She watched and sighed as the bird-thing angrily stomped at its unreachable prey. The spider didn’t know many things, but she did know that she couldn’t eviscerate shadows.

Eliminating him another way would probably be good.

And while the shadowman was distracted, Cepra slid his coin out and tossed it over her shoulder among the tall grass. It may have glinted in the air as it fell, or it may have rolled around on the ground a bit or maybe it flew away. Cepra didn’t see and didn’t care. The only thing that mattered was that it was an inconvenience to him and possibly a step closer to victory for her.

And…well, she was still in a fighting mood.

Several hundred pounds of spider collided with several hundred pounds of penguin and they tumbled around, breaking free from any shadowy hindrances, penguin already tearing into spider’s shoulder, spider taking full advantage of her excessive number of appendages, et cetera, et cetera. Cepra had ridiculous strength. But the penguin somehow never managed to stay in any of her arms’ grasps for long and the two tumbled about in a confusing ball of violence that was only stopped when the two were forcibly separated by a bunch of shadow-tendrils.

“Alright, alright! I don’ wanna see your face ‘round here, and I don’ wanna see your ugly mug either, but y’got somethin’ o’ mine I need ‘n’ I can’t get it if th’ two o’ ya don’ stop fightin’—“

No, nobody could understand this rant besides him, but man, it felt so good to yell at something.

The penguin kicked and squawked while the spideress chuckled to herself.

“Now I just want—‘ey!”

Cepra had lashed out at the penguin with a purple claw. The scratch resulted in another flurry of activity and struggle and Saturday, desperately thinking of any solution whatsoever, settled for flinging the violent penguin away as hard as he could where it would hopefully crack its head against a rock.

Saturday suddenly felt like his old elementary school teacher.

He turned to Cepra, who was still grinning widely. Urgh. “As fer you…”

And he reached for his coin. Or tried to, but it turned out that his coin wasn’t there. Like it stood him up on their first date or something. (Not that he was interested in coins, not in that way, no.)

“Wha—where izzit?!”

The captive arachnid grinned and shrugged, as if to say, ‘I have no idea what you’re talking about.’

Shit. Shit, shit, shit. Did it drop out in the middle of the fight? Was it lost in the grass? Did the penguin somehow have it? Shitty shit shit crap balls.

Cepra, in the meantime, got tired of leering knowingly at the man and instead sat back in her bonds. She probably shouldn’t have gotten involved in a pointless fight. Sure, fights were fun, but she had to stay focused here. Rein in her instincts and all that. Every time she did, it didn’t work out at all so well. But, hey, she was happy enough with different approaches. Variety being the spice of life and all that.


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Re: The Fearsome Encounter (GBS3G8) [Round 1: Circumlocution] - by MalkyTop - 10-13-2011, 01:01 AM