Re: The Fearsome Encounter (GBS3G8) [Round 1: Circumlocution]
08-30-2011, 02:23 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Solaris.
"Now... where was I?"
The Holy One continued walking away from the lake, not actually caring about the loss of the coin. If it was important, surely the blessings of his god would place it back in his hands. And even then, why should he care about this competition set forth by some being that ripped him away on the holiest of days? No, Triumphian had other plans. While the vague offer from the being certainly felt genuine, what reason did he have to accept? Triumphian was the chosen Holy Leader of most of the known universe. He had behind him power from not only his god, the creator and shaper of his race, but that of his forefathers as well. He scoffed at this being, thinking that he had anything that Triumphian would want.
Now, with the heathen and his false idol dealt with, the remaining issues were only a handful. However, he was not such a fool to believe that they would be easy. First and foremost, was of course getting home. While he knew that the Holy Empire could run itself for at least a small period of time, under the orders of his bishops, without the power of his god the widely spread race had the capacity to destroy themselves without their leader. The second thing on his mind was converting someone, anyone into a disciple, or at least finding an ally. However, with the lack of any others able to speak with him, both would prove difficult.
Pope Triumphian considered the other participants for a moment. He doubted that most would bow down to his holy power, as they seemed to be formidable opponents themselves. Now that Azungrada had been dealt with, the most dangerous would probably be the Viscount, what with his ability to eat memories. After that, the book, Vex, seemed like the highest priority, followed by the assassin, as she was an assassin, and then the scientist, who had been described as "excellently suited" for whatever they had come here to do. The Warchief was in a position similar to him, a leader without his people, and while he could be an issue, Triumphian felt confident enough in his holy powers to deal with him. The Saturday person and the mannequin were hardly on his mind, but Triumphian made a note not to underestimate them.
While he had made his miscellaneous thoughts, Triumphian had reached a tree. There were not many trees in his planet, but there were enough that he knew that a single one all alone was somewhat odd. He looked at it, and thought he saw something sparkle, but ignored it and turned away from it.
Now, out of all of the others, the one who has the largest chance of being helping me escape and return to my empire is the book. He began walking once more. Finding it here should not prove too difficult. However, convincing it to my side may be. However, if it truly has so much knowledge, then a simple language should not be too difficult for it to figure out...
Redclaw had just finished surveying the wreckage of the warehouse and was about to leave when he saw the wandering Triumphian walk in his direction.
It is Triumphian once more... He would make a great opponent.
Redclaw thought of the ramifications of dominating the Pope in combat. Doing so would possibly place him as a high threat... but one to be feared if he also claimed the defeat of Azungrada as well...
Yes, he thought, I will challenge him. Redclaw clenched his fist and smiled, striding to Trimphian.
"Triumphian! I am Redclaw, Son of Redtooth, Warchief of the Lakes People."
Triumphian looked up quizzically at the werewolf. Before Triumphian could let out a reply to Redclaw's gibberish, a reply that wouldn't be understood, Redclaw leaped at the Pope.
This is just not my day...
"Now... where was I?"
The Holy One continued walking away from the lake, not actually caring about the loss of the coin. If it was important, surely the blessings of his god would place it back in his hands. And even then, why should he care about this competition set forth by some being that ripped him away on the holiest of days? No, Triumphian had other plans. While the vague offer from the being certainly felt genuine, what reason did he have to accept? Triumphian was the chosen Holy Leader of most of the known universe. He had behind him power from not only his god, the creator and shaper of his race, but that of his forefathers as well. He scoffed at this being, thinking that he had anything that Triumphian would want.
Now, with the heathen and his false idol dealt with, the remaining issues were only a handful. However, he was not such a fool to believe that they would be easy. First and foremost, was of course getting home. While he knew that the Holy Empire could run itself for at least a small period of time, under the orders of his bishops, without the power of his god the widely spread race had the capacity to destroy themselves without their leader. The second thing on his mind was converting someone, anyone into a disciple, or at least finding an ally. However, with the lack of any others able to speak with him, both would prove difficult.
Pope Triumphian considered the other participants for a moment. He doubted that most would bow down to his holy power, as they seemed to be formidable opponents themselves. Now that Azungrada had been dealt with, the most dangerous would probably be the Viscount, what with his ability to eat memories. After that, the book, Vex, seemed like the highest priority, followed by the assassin, as she was an assassin, and then the scientist, who had been described as "excellently suited" for whatever they had come here to do. The Warchief was in a position similar to him, a leader without his people, and while he could be an issue, Triumphian felt confident enough in his holy powers to deal with him. The Saturday person and the mannequin were hardly on his mind, but Triumphian made a note not to underestimate them.
While he had made his miscellaneous thoughts, Triumphian had reached a tree. There were not many trees in his planet, but there were enough that he knew that a single one all alone was somewhat odd. He looked at it, and thought he saw something sparkle, but ignored it and turned away from it.
Now, out of all of the others, the one who has the largest chance of being helping me escape and return to my empire is the book. He began walking once more. Finding it here should not prove too difficult. However, convincing it to my side may be. However, if it truly has so much knowledge, then a simple language should not be too difficult for it to figure out...
Redclaw had just finished surveying the wreckage of the warehouse and was about to leave when he saw the wandering Triumphian walk in his direction.
It is Triumphian once more... He would make a great opponent.
Redclaw thought of the ramifications of dominating the Pope in combat. Doing so would possibly place him as a high threat... but one to be feared if he also claimed the defeat of Azungrada as well...
Yes, he thought, I will challenge him. Redclaw clenched his fist and smiled, striding to Trimphian.
"Triumphian! I am Redclaw, Son of Redtooth, Warchief of the Lakes People."
Triumphian looked up quizzically at the werewolf. Before Triumphian could let out a reply to Redclaw's gibberish, a reply that wouldn't be understood, Redclaw leaped at the Pope.
This is just not my day...