The Fearsome Encounter (GBS3G8) [Round 3: Ark of Hope]

The Fearsome Encounter (GBS3G8) [Round 3: Ark of Hope]
Re: The Fearsome Encounter (GBS3G8) [Round 1: Circumlocution]
Originally posted on MSPA by Sanzh.

While Augustus could not voluntarily move, his eyes still adjusted themselves to follow the sickly alien as he paced around him. Were he capable of motion, he would have long since strangled the impudent pest and used his corpse as an example of the fate all heretics must suffer. For now, he had to endure the alien’s circling and occasional chittering to himself as the creature regarded his prize.

Cthaasa had not expected acquiring a tool to be as easy as this. When he was detained, he was surrounded by competent combatants, not the type to walk into a trap that had been barely prepared at best. This human-- the so-called Divine Arbiter-- had clearly been separated from his protector and had the apparent foolishness to go out unprotected. Cthaasa supposed this was human nature, to go out unprotected and uncertain of your surroundings, fumbling and incompetent.

Part of Cthaasa wanted to take the human’s sword and eviscerate him while he was still helpless. It would certainly remove him as a threat permanently, and allow him to focus on escaping this competition. And yet Cthaasa deliberated.

There was so much potential here. A chance to test his experimentation outside of the controlled environment of the laboratory? A chance to do so away from the prying inquiries of his superiors, always interested in keeping him constrained? If anything this competition was no longer about the possible reward at the end as much as it was about the possibilities it offered. The alien quickly came to a new plan. He was going to delve through the depths of the Divine Arbiter’s experiences and memories and ensure that he could not resist his new superior. He paused for a moment, examining his surroundings. There was commotion elsewhere-- a collapsed building, likely one of the other participants engaging in frivolous destruction-- but it could wait. He had a human to exploit, and he was going to savor the task.

Azungrada, half-buried in mud and stuck at the bottom of the lake, stirred.

Despite the distance between the two, it was clear to the metal entity that its chosen charge was in danger. Not merely physical danger-- wounds could be recovered from-- but mental danger. The stability of his faith was in question as that heretic pried through him. The enormous snake thrashed, working to free itself and recover Augustus from those who dared threaten him. The infidel that had the audacity to attack his charge in such a perverse manner would surely suffer once he was free.


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Re: The Fearsome Encounter (GBS3G8) [Round 1: Circumlocution] - by chimericgenderbeast - 08-26-2011, 04:03 AM