The Fearsome Encounter (GBS3G8) [Round 3: Ark of Hope]

The Fearsome Encounter (GBS3G8) [Round 3: Ark of Hope]
Re: The Fearsome Encounter (GBS3G8) [Round 1: Circumlocution]
Originally posted on MSPA by Akumu.

The spider-woman, with her stick limbs and bloated abdomen, had not even seemed worth Redclaw's time as he had headed to help bring things back to a state of nature. But she was stronger and tougher than he could have imagined, another foe who could give him a good fight. In the shadow of the warehouse, he was still trying to catch his breath after being slammed against the ground, all four hundred pounds of him lifted by only one of her arms like he was a rag doll. Around gulps of air, his lips bunched back to expose his dagger-like teeth, somewhere between a smile and a canine display of aggression. He was starting to see some benefits to being dragged into this mess.

Still, Cepra could be a problem. She supposedly could turn flesh to silver with just a scratch of a claw – engaging her directly would be far too risky. If a single wound could force him to revert, he would have no chance against her. But then why had she not ended things? Redclaw suspected she had no regard for him, didn't see him as a threat, which would give him an edge when he took her down...

Redclaw slumped against the corrugated sheet metal wall. He was thinking like a damned arbiter, not a warchief! He should walk straight to her, declare his challenge, and show why it was he who lead the Lakes People to battle. If one wound would end him, then by god he would not receive one wound. Of course this was foolish, impetuous – he spun about with a snarl and punched straight through the wall, hooked his arm around the steel beam on the other side, and pulled.

Slowly, slowly, the beam began to bend, flexing the surrounding wall outwards. Redclaw's tongue lolled out over his teeth and his eyes dilated to deep black pools as adrenaline flooded his system. Finally, with a scream of both wolf and metal, the beam tore free of the rivets holding it to the cross-beam in the roof, and the whole thing came down. The roof fell into the interior of the building, sending up a great plume of dust. A whoomph and the tinkling of shattered glass followed as the displaced air blew out all the windows around the outside of the warehouse. All in all, it was a short, understated, but wholly effective demolition. Redclaw stepped back to look at his handiwork, quite pleased with himself. And with any luck, the collapse would draw the attention of someone worth fighting.


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Re: The Fearsome Encounter (GBS3G8) [Round 1: Circumlocution] - by Akumu - 08-25-2011, 02:49 AM