The Fearsome Encounter (GBS3G8) [Round 3: Ark of Hope]

The Fearsome Encounter (GBS3G8) [Round 3: Ark of Hope]
Re: The Fearsome Encounter (GBS3G8) [Round 1: Circumlocution]
Originally posted on MSPA by MalkyTop.

Cepra suddenly stopped.

Sounds of rustling. Vibrations in the ground. Coming towards her.

Cepra had a number of hands she could have used to smack her forehead with, but opted to look around for a hiding place instead. It only took her a few seconds for her to remember that there weren’t any hiding places in a meadow, so she tried crouching low to hide in the grass. She found herself still a bit too tall to really hide in it. But it was okay, because she was the color of grass. Unfortunately, she was the color of dead grass.

She stood up straight again. The sneaky kill approach wasn’t going to work well here, and in any case, whoever was coming must have seen her in the first place if it was coming over here. There was nothing around to really use as a weapon, so it would have to be good ol’ fisticuffs, the best kind of cuffs. So she stared out towards the moving shape coming her way and readied her claws. The thing came closer.

Then it sped past her.

Cepra whirled around, her mouth dropping open slightly.

The thing, now that she was looking closely at it, looked like a dumb beast of labor and it had just completely disregarded her in favor of the warehouse she was just at.

The warehouse she had been hiding in but decided that nobody was going to enter it anyways.

With some poise and class, Cepra shouted something that sounded much like a mess of spitting and hissing, and then reached over with one lanky arm and yanked the passing tail.

It immediately slipped out of her hand, but it had tripped up the dumb beast a little and she was a bit satisfied to see some bleeding there. Considering that the last time she saw it, she had seen it be a beast and a man at the same time, Cepra didn’t really recognize it at all. But she was still very ready to kill it.

The beast stumbled and turned to face her, eyes more frustrated than feral. She noticed it still kept looking back towards the warehouse and slid slowly backwards. And, though it was still tense and ready to attack, it seemed more defensive than offensive. It was reluctant to fight her.

Well, of course. Nobody wanted to fight the…oh…shoot, what was the new nickname? Well, nobody wanted to fight her. Because fighting her meant death.

She continued pacing forwards, standing as tall as she could to look down on the dumb beast. It finally stopped, realizing that she wasn’t going to just leave it alone.

And then they waited.

Waiting was the best part. What happened next was all up to the imagination. But she honestly wanted to be done of the whole affair as soon as possible, so it was probably best to cut it short.

She thrust another arm forward. The beast jumped back and clamped its jaws around it, but she easily picked it up and slammed it against the ground. When that didn’t make it let go, she used two other hands to attempt to pry the jaw open and then maybe tear him in half, but it swung and managed to get a swipe at her face. She stumbled back and the beast let go. Her pride stung from the fact that a simple cart-puller wasn’t even dead yet and she swept a long leg around and tripped it up before pouncing on it to tear open its belly.

Then something small, fast, and feathery swooped down and blinded her, fluttering in her face as it tried to pry the silver from her horns.

When she finally managed to knock it away, the beast was gone, having wasted enough time on her. She looked around for the feathery thing, but it had gone too.

Cepra kicked the ground. She was pretty certain this wouldn’t have happened if she had hidden herself in a nice, dark corner, but nooooooooooo, she had to be impatient and sloppy and what if this story started floating around? What would happen to her reputation, huh?

She saw something glittering on the ground and, despite her rage, picked it up instinctively. It was a coin very similar to her own.

And then there was another sound that made her turn around, a sound that was somewhat loud and somewhat hopeful. It was one of those things that she was supposed to compete against. A quick glance of the coin confirmed that it was his.

He said some things and she stared at his face, looking steadily less amused as time went on. He seemed to be talking more to himself than to her, really. He must have known that they couldn’t understand each other. Yet, he still talked. And then he stretched out a hand and bared his teeth at her in an obviously passive-threatening way. Ah, yes. This communicated much more than the nonsense he was saying. ’Give back the coin and nothing else will have to happen.’ Give back the coin or die.

Well, she needed another fight after how horribly that last one went.

Cepra laughed at the scrawny little thing trying to passive-threaten her and said, <Try and take it, little one.> She flipped the coin tauntingly before dropping it down her shirt.

Mr. Saturday, for his part, let his friendly smile falter. He couldn’t speak spider, but he figured that, after all the effort he went through just forcing himself to even get the damn thing's attention, he just got a ‘no.’


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Re: The Fearsome Encounter (GBS3G8) [Round 1: Circumlocution] - by MalkyTop - 08-20-2011, 01:47 AM