The Fearsome Encounter (GBS3G8) [Round 3: Ark of Hope]

The Fearsome Encounter (GBS3G8) [Round 3: Ark of Hope]
Re: The Fearsome Encounter (GBS3G8) [Signups!]
Originally posted on MSPA by Kalseng.

Username: Kalseng

Name: Tal

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Colour: 4a0031

Biography: Tal was born as a shell. A body without soul, mind or power. At birth, he appeared dead. When his parents reached to hold him, they vanished completely. His body surged with life, and was kept conscious. He had absorbed their bodies and minds in their entirity, giving him the things he needed to be alive. Unfortunately, no one felt like they had to be around him. The caretakers forced him into areas where no one could come near him, and he didn't feel the touch of another person until he was around 13. He wasn't angry, he wasn't even phased. Nothing seemed to bother him, penetrate the thick wall of complete apathy that made up his being. He was void of emotion entirely. As he grew and wandered, he found the one thing that could make him whole again. Energy. Power. Absorbing the largest power sources fed him. Fed his soul. Fed his body. What first started as batteries and lightbulbs grew to starship engines and pulse reactors. Everything that fell in front of him was absorbed.

Tal was once stopped by a man on the streets of New York. A man with a knife. Claiming Tal's snarky attitude was "gettin all up on my fuckin' nerves". Tal was pinned to the ground, and in a fit of surprise and adrenaline, Tal consumed the man completely. Body, mind, and energy completely. The impact on his strength and energy was small, but the mental effects were lasting. The gruff, in-your-face nature of the gangster caused Tal to have occasional acts of violence and woman-objectifying. He doesn't enjoy it, and often simply walks away or does not act upon his thoughts, but the effect is still there.

His goal is simple: Become whole.

Description: Tal stands at 5' 8", a little short for his family. He's dark-skinned, somewhere between native american and African-American. His hair is roughly cut, a pale silver with white streaks running through. His eyes are a very dark brown, bordering on black. He has a skinny frame, as if barely held together. He doesn't change clothes unless they have become a hindrance. As such, his desire for serviceability has driven him to black combat boots, a pair of thick blue jeans with a simple belt, a dark purple tee, and a brown backpack. He has accidentally absorbed them into his body before, creating an incredibly awkward moment for everyone.

Tal's mental state is almost always bouncing between apathetic and strangely caring. As Tal has absorbed people in his life, their voices seem to add to the chorus of echoing desires and needs in his mind. His parents' minds have become flickering moments of caring for children in his head, but any recently absorbed minds dominate his thought process and lead him to obsessively care about things they cared about in their lives. The only mental drive Tal possesses on his own is his drive to find the largest nearby energy source to absorb it. The only current voices in his head are the flickering comments from his mother and father, and the rather potent voice of a gangster who once tried to kill Tal. The latter is very influential, forcing him to occasionally act harshly and violently.

Emotionally, Tal is a blank slate that is carved onto by the people he absorbs. Thus, he switches between apathy and intensely interested. Even when he's interested, he seems to not have any emotion for it. The lack of emotions can lead to some internal reflection, but other than that, Tal seems blank and void.

Items/Abilities: The ability to absorb objects and people completely is a benefit to Tal's fighting skill. he can also absorb one of three parts of a person or object. Their minds, their physical form, or their energy. Any combination or permutation of the three. Absorbing a mind can make him smarter, a physical form can make him stronger, and absorbing energy (if it is a very specific kind of energy, like time-bending or radioactive energy) can occasionally give him special abilities, but mostly gives him a boost of power akin to a full meal. He can and does eat, however.

Messages In This Thread
Re: The Fearsome Encounter (GBS3G8) [Signups!] - by GBCE - 08-07-2011, 09:51 PM