Intense Struggle! (Round 7 - The Database)

Intense Struggle! (Round 7 - The Database)
Re: Intense Struggle! (Round 5 - Cervaled Fall)
Originally posted on MSPA by Ixcalibur.

The most secure level of the facility had at one point actually been the most secure. All the doors heavily locked, all the prisoners safely contained. The only problem is that one of the prisoners could not be contained; no matter how well equipped the prison. Her door was lined with locks, old fashioned ones that required a key and newer ones that required a passcode or a passcard. Neither held her back for even a second. Bars and meshes, screens of bulletproof glass and barbed wire; none of it was enough to contain her.

Yanis Carnea’s first act after getting loose from the cell that had spectacularly failed to contain her was to release every other prisoner on that floor. With that she snickered and made her way towards Cervaled Fall’s heavily locked exit, bypassing all the chaos and mayhem to be found in between here and there by simply unlocking herself from the material plane. There was no prison in existence that could hold Carnea.


Ur’s influence had been felt heavily on the lowest level of Cervaled Fall. The catwalks were covered in sickly fungi and haggard vines wrapped around the supports connecting this level to the others. As the battling prisoners fought they could feel the catwalks shifting and shaking underneath them. A giant meatball desperately tried to hold back a hungry manikin intent on devouring him entirely. A ravenous mass of insects skittered across the catwalks, paying no heed to the numbers of ouroborites that fell; plunging into the darkness below. They chased a man with a fishbowl for a head, who occasionally plucked an explosive from his cloak and tossed it into the mass of insects with overall little discernible effect. A cloud of whirling metal scythed through support beams without even noticing it. The catwalks shook even further.


In one of the cells an unlikely friendship had formed, a man in a green labcoat with a shining green robotic eye threaded a couple of wires into his robotic arm. Another man, a thin bespectacled, sort of nervous looking man, with a machine implanted in the chest, was attaching some wires to the aforementioned machine. Scott had just finished doing a little tinkering with his buffer. He looked to Quantos who gave him a thumbs-up and he activated it. The energy that would normally send him tumbling locally through time instead ran down the wires and straight into Quantos’ time arm, restoring it to its full capabilities and beyond.

“Excellent!” Quantos said cheerily. He wrapped his normal arm around his new friend and prepared to make a swift exit from this prison. “By the way Scott, if you’re going to travel through time there are some rules you should know about…” He said as the pair vanished from the prison.


The main prison door slid slowly open letting the sun shine in on the face of an already sunburnt man in a maroon hoodie, who had opened a door from his cell in Sector S. He stepped out into the day, savouring the fresh air, and gestured to his associates to follow him through. Behind him walked a number of individuals in camouflage jackets lined with pockets. All but one of them carried futuristic rifles, which they held ready to deal with any opposition they faced. The last one was assisting a confused kid with a worm clinging onto his head. Occasionally he mumbled questions, asking where he was, who he was and what was going on. The last iteration of Will closed the door behind him, keen prevent most of the inhabitants of Sector S from following them.


As Aegis’ elevator took him slowly back up the shaft towards the surface, the catwalks below trembled, as the titanic form of Crepitans Bloodbark emerged from his cell. The structure already weakened from Ur’s plantlife simply gave up as the weight of a sixty foot tree pressed down upon it. The catwalks of sector S collapsed and plummeted into the abyss below, leaving the floors above significantly destabilised.

Messages In This Thread
Re: Intense Struggle! - by GBCE - 12-27-2009, 05:27 PM
Re: Intense Struggle! - by Dragon Fogel - 12-27-2009, 05:30 PM
Re: Intense Struggle! (Round 5 - Cervaled Fall) - by Ixcaliber - 08-03-2011, 11:06 AM