Intense Struggle! (Round 7 - The Database)

Intense Struggle! (Round 7 - The Database)
Re: Intense Struggle! (Round 5 - Cervaled Fall)
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.

Aph was stirring up a lot of trouble. At least, if the announcements over the speaker system were anything to go by, she was. She seemed to be in the lower levels, so there wasn't too much to worry about up here, and if anything, it meant security was more or less pre-occupied. Higher security went downstairs, further away from the entrance, it seemed. Gadget claimed that when they took Whir, they the guards took him upstairs. Security would probably be tight nearing the entrance, but they would try to steer clear of there until it was time to actually make an escape anyways. If they could find Whir, perhaps it would be easier to get around from there, depending on how much Whir may have found out away from Gadget.

"So there are other battles, huh? Then what the heck is up with this round?"

"Some sort of crossover round, we suppose. From what I can tell, some guy called The Monitor runs this place."

"That's who's running mine! What about you guys?"

"She's called the Composer I think. Maxwell?"

Maxwell snapped out of his silence, "Oh, what? Sorry, I was distracted. The Observer was in charge of the battle I was in. I also think that we're here."

A large metal door stood in front of the three people and one lamp. Supposedly beyond there would be an exit, or at least a room near passage to an exit.

"Brightly, your cue."

The lamp saluted with its cord as Gadget opened the door and it hopped on through. A few moments of silent anticipation passed before its unexpected message, "It's empty!"

Ben, Gadget and Maxwell burst through the door to see that the lamp was indeed telling the truth. Even more than they expected from the description. A very large metal room devoid of anything. No furniture, no robotic guards, nothing but another door on the other side of the room, and a much larger, grander set of doors in the front of the room.

"That can't be it," Ben was dumbfounded. So far there had been no resistance towards the group, and it really should have changed right here. That was the front freaking door, and nobody was standing in front of it to keep prisoners from escaping. Going over to examine it, it was obvious that it was locked, but surely there were contestants capable of getting through the lock, or even breaking down the entire door. This seemed inadequate.

"I don't think I could pick it. And it seems pretty solid, too."

"We'd need something like a high-speed bus to break this down. I'm sure we could find somebody in the lower floors that could manage it, but I think I would trust any of them. There's probably some other way through. I'm sure The Monitor wouldn't challenge escape if it were impossible, if only because a game with no winner is rather anticlimactic."

"Well, we've got things to do before we leave here, anyways. I have to deal with Cabaret, and you have to find your friend. That door over there is our only way to go now, and this room is, um, useless."

Brightly chimed in,
"Well what are we waiting for, let's go!"

It hopped towards the smaller door and the rest of the group followed suit, opening it and going on through. A sign on the door indicated that they were headed towards Manufacturing.


"I'm Whir, and I'm technically not a contestant in these battles. That didn't stop me from watching my best friend die because of it. I'm probably gonna die here, but if I'm gonna die, I'm gonna go out trying to stop this bullshit. I figured something out about the rounds. When my friend died, I saw him the very next round. He didn't recognize me, and he looked kinda different, but it was still definitely him. The place I'm in now tells me I'm on the right track. My friend is alive here, but doesn't remember dying, and there are others from other battles. I think they're some kind of clones, and this definitely happened in more than one battle. I'm sure at least one of these 'contestant clones' knows this. I'm pretty sure this isn't isolated to these two battles. I really hope this helps, because I want these assholes to be stopped. No matter what."

Whir hoped that went through. He wasn't quite sure what the hell kind of signal that was, but if he was right, that would have been bounced back at the sender. Or at least somewhere that somebody could use it. Hopefully the information would fall into the right hands.

What's that sound...? Somebody's coming! Maybe it's that other Gadget. Fake or not, he certainly believed he was the real Gadget, and the real Gadget wouldn't just give up on him. Maybe he'd get out of this alive after all!


"That thing is eager!"

Brightly had hopped ahead up the stairs, apparently hoping to save the day and actually be a look-out for somebody being there.

Once they reached the top of the stairs, Gadget just stopped. Ben and Maxwell stopped shortly after and turned to him.

"Gadget, what's wrong?"

Maxwell however saw what was the matter. Laying on a table in several pieces was a familiar looking flying robot. The orb that made up it's body was smashed apart, and its light was not lit.

"It's... oh. That's... isn't it?"

Gadget nodded slowly, tears welling up in his good eye, trying to hold them back. Slowly he approached the table and picked up the various pieces of his friend.

Maxwell gaped for a moment, "I'm, um, I'm just going to look around for something to help us," he mumbled, and went off to search some of the nearby cupboards.

B looked at the scrap on the table. It was almost hard to believe that this could have been Gadget's best friend in the world, but after seeing Brightly, he knew it wasn't too unlikely.

Actually, where was Brightly? This question was interrupted by a corpse falling out of one of a closet as Maxwell opened it.

"What the hell! This is Cabaret!"

B hurried over to the body that Maxwell stood over, and even Gadget's attention was brought to the cadaver in the room.

"That's... is that really him? Who did this?"

Ben's question was answered by a figure that appeared from the end of the room, sliding forward from out of the shadows. It held a hammer in one hand and a knife in the other,
"Hello again, Benjamin. Don't think I've forgotten how you killed me. I've really got to repay the favour."

Ben was confused. He had killed, Cabaret, hadn't he? Who was this? Gadget was gnashing his teeth staring at the liquid man. That hammer seemed to be responsible for the most recent tragedy of the day, and he seemed to be having a hard time holding back his complete anger.

"Well I supposed you couldn't really tell when you ate me, Benjamin, and it seems you're late to know what's going on here. There was no Cabaret. This battle. Call me Bae. I'm here to make sure you fail in this competition. Everybody, really, but right now, I think I'll be happy just to take you down."

Bae prepared his knife, ready to attack, but Maxwell was apparently not satisfied yet,
"That's rubbish! Cabaret thought we were in round 3! He had no memory of dying in the first place!"

Okay now B wasn't just confused, he was utterly baffled. Why would Cabaret know how he died? He's, well, dead. Technically, Bae should also be dead, but he isn't, which meant that so far, absolutely nothing was making any sense.

"I'm working for the Monitor, silly Maxwell. He set me up with some additional memories over you other inferior types. For the record, you didn't survive in your own battle. Such a shame. I'm sure you could have figured that out on your own, though."

Maxwell stared at Bae and was about to reply again, but it was at that point that Gadget couldn't take it any more.

"YOU BASTARD!" the Chib shouted and he swung his metal arm towards the shapeshifter's head, only for him to lean over a bit and grab a hold of Gadget himself.

"You aren't a part of this. I'll make it quick,"
Bae spoke mockingly to the flailing short man as he pointed his arm at Gadget's chest. A spike grew from his arm, slashing Gadget across his torso. Not the intended method of attack, but it's hard to maintain a good attack like that when a British man is tackling you, "Oh, so you're trying to get yourself killed then, are you Mister Deakin?"

"I'm already dead. Perhaps next time you go through with an attack like this, you shouldn't do it in a bloody armory!"

Bae was suddenly aware of a fast beeping... it was coming from inside of him! That asshole planted a bomb! That asshole planted a bomb! That crazy mother-

Parts of Maxwell and Bae were both scattered at the explosion, power slightly increased by the liquid it was immersed in. B and Gadget were both knocked against the wall by the blast. Bae was clearly killed... again. It was sickening to look at the carnage. Maxwell had been a good friend in the short time he had known him. Struggling to get up, Ben hobbled over to Gadget to help him up. That cut looked painful, but not deadly.

"Th... thanks. I don't think I'm worth saving, though, Ben."

"What? Gadget, you're my only friend here, and a really nice person. I'm going to help you get out of here. Maxwell... Maxwell did a lot to protect us."

"He was right though. I'm already dead, too. I found this next to Whir. He must have written it before," Gadget trailed off of there and showed Ben a partially crumpled up note. It was written very sloppy, but considering what Whir was, that seems pretty expected.

'Gadg, if you're reading this, thanks for coming, even if you aren't the real Gadget. You might be some kind of clone, but you're still just as great a guy as the real one. You have a second chance here! Use it to fight back! I don't know how, but I'm sure you can do it!

"Your friend is right, Gadget. I sure as heck don't care if you're a clone or whatever. I mean, I was made in a tube, but that doesn't make me any less of a person!"


"...So, 'Gadg,' do you want to help me save some people from a crazy pink lady?"

Gadget sat there for a moment, thinking about everything. He stood up and looked at the opened cupboards. Filled with spare robotic guard parts. Already, he was mentally putting together the designs.

"Alright, but I might be a bit tired after this, though, so you'll have to carry me down."

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