Intense Struggle! (Round 7 - The Database)

Intense Struggle! (Round 7 - The Database)
Re: Intense Struggle! (Round 5 - Cervaled Fall)
Originally posted on MSPA by Ixcalibur.

The newly minted security officials poured out of the elevators onto the affected sector. They were shiny and new, the faults that had brought down their predecessors addressed: their monitors had been reinforced, their useless electric batons had been replaced with in built machine guns and most importantly their very bodies now contained a mana-dampening core. The machines streamed down the corridors, looking for the escaped prisoners, there was a lot of ground to cover, but luckily for them (or unluckily for them) another one of the cells had just been deactivated. They headed straight there.

It was his own fault really. Aph wouldn’t have even noticed Trickster in the cell she was passing if he hadn’t shouted out to her. He’d put on a show pretending to still be in love with her and blah blah blah. It had been clear that all he wanted was a way out of this cell and that was that. Now he was frozen solid, his head snapped from his body and shattered into an unpleasant cascade of blood red ice. Trickster’s black top hat now rested upon Aph’s head. Clearly murder was the best way to accessorize. She turned to face the other occupants of the cell.

“Hello new friends!” she said cheerily. She had kind of expected them to be horrified, instead the giant seven eyed centipede thing had a world weary look upon his face as though he’d seen it before and as long as it wasn’t happening to him he wasn’t particularly bothered, the feathered dinosaur thing looked excited, and slightly disappointed (only because a frozen body was not very palatable), and the other occupant of the cell hadn’t moved since before Aph melted the door lock, cutting the power to the cell. He was a muscular old man, with a long white beard and a faraway look in his eyes. “What’s his deal?” Aph asked, cocking her head to one side.

“He’s always like that.” The feathered dinosaur replied turning and focusing his attention on the traumatised old man. “Just keeps mumbling about his forge… A bit stringy for my tastes but beggars can’t be choosers.” The dinosaur leapt at the catatonic old man sinking its teeth into his sinewy neck. The centipede thing regarded the messy spectacle and started to move towards the exit. Aph stepped into his path looking down at him.

“What’s the hurry new friend?” Aph asked. “We haven’t even gotten to know one another yet.”

“As much as I hate to interrupt murder time I think I’d rather be looking for a way out of this place.” Gaurinn responded brusquely.

“That’s not a very nice thing to say.” Electric sparked across Aph’s skin, as she mockingly affected an exaggerated pretence of hurt feelings. The alien tensed up and prepared to defend himself against the murderous nymph, but her attention appeared to have wandered. She spun around just as the new mana-dampening security officials arrived in the corridor outside.

“ESCAPED PRISONER APH, PLEASE SUBMIT TO THE SECURITY OFFICIALS AND ALLOW THEM TO ESCORT YOU TO SOLITARY CONFINEMENT.” The voice of The Warden crackled from each of the machines. “ALSO PRISONERS IN THIS CELL PLEASE REFRAIN FROM CONTEMPLATING USING THIS AS AN OPPORTUNITY TO ESCAPE. THERE IS NO ESCAPE. YOU ARE DOOMED TO FAILURE. THANK YOU.” The electricity which mere moments ago had erupted across her skin had now receded, and worse as a being made from magic herself she felt weakened by the mere presence of this technology. She felt like she was underwater, cut off from the world; as though seeing events from behind a large glass screen. Aph stood still; limp and lifeless like a ragdoll. The corridor beyond was full of the machines, approximately three dozen of them, all braced for combat, their gun arms aimed towards the motionless nymph.

“Oh man you have so many guys I guess I best just give up now.” Gaurinn said sarcastically. He slid past Aph, braced himself and discharged a burst of electricity into the hallway beyond. For a second nothing happened and then one by one every single one of the machines collapsed to the metal floor, their chassis blackened and partially melted, and their systems fried. As the mana-dampening cores deactivated Aph returned to life. After a moment’s contemplation she stormed into the corridor and kicked one of the disabled guards.

“I THINK I WOULD QUITE LIKE THAT NOT TO HAPPEN AGAIN!” she yelled as she failed to deal any significant damage to the already dead guard. Kerak bounded out of the cell and helpful bit into the monitor of the nearest machine. Aph stopped and took a breath. “Thanks Mister Dinosaur.” She said. “I think I like you guys. We should break out of here together!”

“Yes, I think I will team up with a woman who when the going gets tough, takes a nice little nap.” Gaurinn said. “This is the best idea ever.”

“Give her a chance Gaurinn.” Kerak said. “She broke us out of our cell.”

“Okay fine.” Gaurinn relented.

“Yay!” Aph cheered. “We are going to be the best team; I suggest we think of names for our team, but let’s get out of here first. I really don’t want to be around any of those guys again.”

“I’m Kerak.” The dinosaur introduced himself. “Let me tell you the story of how I came to end up in this strange and unusual place…”

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