Intense Struggle! (Round 7 - The Database)

Intense Struggle! (Round 7 - The Database)
Re: Intense Struggle! (Round 5 - Cervaled Fall)
Originally posted on MSPA by Ixcalibur.

Aph’s head throbbed, not through any physical injury or through the wailing of the alarms, but because of the wailing that was going on inside her own head. Every piece of magic contained in that magical vat had brought with it a personality of it’s own. Aph could feel them all; the emotions they felt, the ideas they had, the demands they made. Inside her head they were screaming at her, outraged at her wholesale slaughter, or egging her on for more, and that was just the magic from the vat. D’Neya’s magic was louder than all the rest of the other voices, but at the same time it was quieter, in that it felt no need to shout. It spoke to her as though it were almost in control itself, and that Aph was an annoying voice that it had to put up with to make sure their body steered itself in the right direction. Perhaps she had taken in slightly more magic of D’Neyas than she had originally had of her own? If that was so did that mean that D’Neya was the dominant personality, that she was D’Neya now? It was thoughts like this that were making her head ache; unwanted, unwarranted and just plain annoying. Especially unhelpful in that she was supposed to be breaking out of this prison, not moping around angsting about having a couple of extra personalities. She fled through the sterile steel corridors, occasionally passing by another cell, shielded by the same electric bars as the cell she had recently escaped from.

‘Do you really hope to get out of here alone?’ D’Neya’s magic inquired. ‘This prison is specifically designed to contain us, and other freaks like us. If we’re getting out, we need help. Help that we can gleefully betray as soon as they have served their purpose.’ Aph was finding it hard to argue with D’Neya’s logic, especially since in the whirling ocean of personalities she couldn’t really find a clear consensus.

“Okay fine.” She said aloud. “We’re getting help then, if it’ll shut you up!”


‘Nice work Pinkie’ D’Neya’s magic snarked. ‘Thanks to you we have to work extra fast… so stop fighting me and we just might get out of here.’

‘Yeah yeah I get it, be nice friends, administer stabs in backs etcetera, it’s not exactly Machiavellian.’ Aph mentally replied. ‘I’ll befriend these guys and I’ll obviously be out of here before I know it’ Aph had come to a stop in front of another cell. Chained up inside were four people; a large heavily scarred heavily bearded man, a blonde haired man with an alarming brown/black snake thing coming out of his shoulder, a werewolf in a black trenchcoat and a comparatively normal looking girl with choppy brown hair who had seemingly had her clothing confiscated for some reason.

‘Nnnnnnno.’ D’Neya’s magic replied thoughtfully. ‘These guys are on the same block as us, therefore they could be just as powerful as we are, or more so.’

‘So I should go to wherever it was that that dragon said before?’ Aph interjected. ‘Class 0 sector? Where they keep the really powerful prisoners?’

‘No! You really don’t get it do you?’ D’Neya snapped back. ‘We befriend those weaker than us so when the time comes we can destroy them.’

‘But those who are weaker than us are weaker than us’ Aph reasoned. ‘Surely they are therefore less able to escape from this prison and thus not worth our time.’

“NO!” screeched D’Neya wresting control from Aph in her frustration. “We do what Mr. Book said and he will fix it! He’ll fix it for me to get out of your stupid smelly body and back into my own.”

“ESCAPED PRISONER LOCATED; APH.” The electronic voice echoed around her. “WHAT IS UP APH? WHY DID YOU NOT WAIT FOR THE SECURITY OFFICIALS APH? YOU KNOW YOU ARE MY SPECIAL FAVOURITE INMATE APH, WAIT FOR THE SECURITY OFFICIALS, I WON’T EVEN NOTE IT DOWN ON YOUR PERMANENT RECORD, I PROMISE.” This message was almost completely unheeded by Aph and D’Neya, who were fighting over possession of Aph’s body.

‘Give me my body back!’ Aph exclaimed, attempting to exert control. ‘In fact, get the hell out, I didn’t want you in here in the first place!’

‘No!’ D’Neya responded. ‘I won’t. I don’t want to die!’ Lightning crackled along their skin as beneath the surface they struggled for control.

‘You’re already dead, you just haven’t realised it yet.’ Aph replied coolly. D’Neya fell to her knees as lightning arced itself in the walls around her, her tentacles twisted this way and that, smashing against the narrow metal corridor. The electricity grew more intense, their entire body being subsumed in the angry lightning. The keypad controlling the electrical bars and locks on the cell was fried, along with everything else in the corridor, and the prisoners began to stir.

“Get out get out get out get out get out!” Aph yelled, back in control. “Leave me alone!” The electricity had crackled and died, replaced by flame bursting forth from her body, charring the floor upon which she knelt. In the nearby cell the unexpectedly free prisoners conversed, with the werewolf hurriedly producing some clothing for normal looking girl, amongst other things she was very insistent on getting a scarf. The sound of Aph’s screams covered the hollow metal on metal banging that was the sound of security officials proceeding with haste down the hallway. They were machines, state of the art in dark blue and black. They were sleek and quick and carried heavy electrified batons. Their faces monitors showing a live feed of the warden; an incomprehensible tangle of electronics helpfully wearing a name badge that read: The Warden.

“ESCAPED PRISONER APH.” The voice came directly from the security officials this time. More of them were arriving, from both sides. “PLEASE CEASE AND DESIST YOUR ATTEMPTED INCINERATION OF THIS FACILITY.” She rose from the ground, her eyes aflame and dark blades bearing the same texture as D’Neya’s tentacles emerged from her hands.

“We are not Aph.” She paused. “Not just Aph…” Aph and D’Neya had been fighting for supremacy, a bitter struggle that neither of them had really been winning and which had all but demolished the corridor around them. Then something fortuitous had happened. Their magics had stopped fighting one another for dominance and flowed together. Their personalities had merged. No more was it D’Neya versus Aph, she had become Aph and D’Neya both at once, and she wouldn’t have had it any other way.

“DON’T YOU LOVE ME APH?” The cautiously advancing machines asked. “IF YOU LOVE ME YOU’LL GO BACK TO YOUR CELL WITHOUT A FUSS.”

“Sir, yes sir.” Aph said, suppressing a giggle. “I will just be doing that now…”

“REALLY?” The live feed of the Warden appeared confused by this development.

“…not.” She attacked, streaking forwards and impaling one of the blades into a monitor and producing a new one almost instantaneously. Her skin froze, as she danced gracefully through the air dodging the attacks of the security machines, occasionally punctuating the carnage with a blast of elemental magic, or a slice at a nearby robot. A couple fell, but most were nonplussed, many that were struck by powerful bolts or blasts of fire were battling almost unscathed. Those whose batons struck home against the airborne nymph found their electrical charge surprisingly ineffectual. In the nearby cell the werewolf and the now clothed lady hung back, while the barbarian and the guy with the worm (whose arms had been replaced by blades of tumour and bone) were rushing out into the fray, the worm guy seemingly reluctant to do so. They fought as best as they could given the chaos in the cramped hallway, though the blade-armed kid’s attacks barely scratched the thickly armoured contraptions, and the barbarian’s freshly plucked axe was not faring much better.


Aph had moved on from knives of D’Neya’s essence to spears and was methodically plunging them through the monitors, watching the machines flicker and die. She frowned. It wasn’t as much fun when you killed something that wasn’t alive. Maxwell had swapped one of his blade arms for a bladed whip and as one of the machines turned to face him he wrapped the cancerous appendage around the robots neck and, at Sik’s insistence, squeezed. The monitor fell to the ground and shattered, immediately followed by Maxwell himself as a spear of darkness plunged through his head. Aph giggled as she stomped upon the worm writhing in Maxwell’s dying body, grasping it with her burning cold hands and twisting until it snapped apart. Kargrek had abandoned his axe when it proved to be ineffective; instead he had managed to rip the monitors off a couple of security robots with his bare hands. The remaining security officials had fled, leaving him alone with the mutated nymph, and a whole heap of destroyed machines.


Kargrek didn’t dare turn his back on Aph, around whom a maelstrom of elements circled. “This is pointless.” He said. “You gain nothing from my death.”

“We know.” She said grinning, as she created a deadly black spear. Kargrek did not have much in the way of options, his axe lying on the ground amongst the debris of the felled security machines and something told him that attacking her with his bare hands would be ineffective.

“Then why do it?” He asked. “We can help you get out of here. You do want to get out of here?” There was a pause, and she smiled wider.

“Oh yes sure, let’s be friends.” She said. “We can be best friends forever and escape from this place and everything will be nice forever hooray.” Kargrek looked doubtful. “It’s okay.” She continued. “We’re friends now. We won’t hurt you, cross our hearts hope to die.”

“Put your weapon away… friend.” Kargrek replied, his last word heavy with distrust and disbelief. She disapparated the spear, vanishing it away, though the cloud of elements surrounding her still thrashed as angrily as before. He groaned. “If I die I’m not gonna be stabbed in the back.” Then he dashed towards Aph, and swung for her with all of his strength. She released a blast of lightning straight into his rapidly approaching face, but though thoroughly burned and in great pain he did not stop. His punch landed heavily on her chest, sending her flying back down the corridor, where she slowly skidded to a halt on the hard metal floor. For a moment Kargrek stood and watched the pink lady struggle to her feet, his beard slightly burning and his heart pounding at a rate at which it had no business doing so. He could feel a shooting pain all down his arm. He’d lived to quite an old age for a barbarian, and the barbarian lifestyle tends not to be kind to the heart and well nobody should get that much electricity through them at once. He grabbed hold of the wall to keep himself from falling down as she slowly advanced. In her hands a long blade reminiscent of the blade she had lost in the desert, made of fire and encircled by crackling electricity. Kargrek struggled away, rushing as fast as he could, which was not very fast at the moment, towards his weapon. She did not run, she just walked calmly towards him and stabbed him through the heart. She barely broke her stride. Kargrek died again.

Aph strode into the cell. Pluck and Eureka were, while not cowering exactly, were certainly behaving in a manner that approximated cowering, clearly they had been hoping that Aph was not going to notice them and walk straight on by. Eureka held out in front of her a blade made from her own scarf, while Pluck was holding a revolver with a shaking hand.

“Hello there!” Aph greeted them amiably. “Let’s be friends, and then later we can show you our stabs.” She paused. “Okay maybe I wasn’t supposed to say that second bit, forget I said that.”

“Stay back!” Pluck said. “I mean it.”

“So new friends, what cool powers do you have that we could exploit?” Aph asked cheerily. “I would actually answer this time instead of making empty threats.”

“I’m not telling you anything you-” Pluck began, though Eureka cut him off.

“I’m a textilurge.” She said. “I can control cloth.”

“Dull dull dull dull dull.” Aph replied, waving an arm dismissively towards the textilurge, sending a barrage of icicles towards her. Eureka quickly hardened her clothing as she dodged out of the way of the first icicle, a second smashed against her quickly reinforced sweatshirt. She batted one away with her scarf and the final one plunged into her hand and became lodged half in and half out the other side. Pluck fired on instinct but the bullet went wide and slammed into the far wall without incident. He never did like to use firearms. Eureka collapsed to the floor in pain. Pluck struggled to aim with his hands shaking, and frustratedly just started firing until the gun clicked empty. Aph quickly raised a barrier of ice in the bullets path and returned her attention to Eureka’s prone form. Pluck cursed the lack of forethought that had meant he had not plucked a dagger, weighed up his chances with the angry pink demon, and fled.

“Sorry.” He yelled as he headed out of the door.

“ESCAPED PRISONER; PLUCK.” The voice of the Warden bellowed from all directions. “WE APOLOGISE FOR THE INCONVENIENCE AND WILL HAVE SECURITY OFFICIALS WITH YOU AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.” Eureka climbed shakily to her feet, her other hand clamped around the injured one. Her scarf hovered towards Aph but only half-heartedly, Eureka could not focus on attempting to fight her off.

“Oh why won’t you just leave us alone?” she moaned, still in pain.

“We can’t.” Aph said. “It’s too much fun.” She brought around her burning blade in a wide arc and cleanly decapitated her. Aph laughed, this was so much more fun than destroying stupid robots. She knelt down to Eureka’s corpse, took her scarf and wrapped it around her own neck. It was not exactly a cute dress but it was perhaps better than nothing. She turned and left the cell, momentarily pausing to decide where to go next. Aph still wanted to get out of here of course, but according to The Monitor she was not going to moved along until everyone left; i.e. she had all the time in the world. Besides which she would need more effective friends than these losers in order to break out of here. Like those Class 0 prisoners, not that she really had much faith in this classification system anyway. How could she, when she had been so grievously misfiled?

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Re: Intense Struggle! (Round 5 - Cervaled Fall) - by Ixcaliber - 05-22-2011, 04:15 AM