Intense Struggle! (Round 7 - The Database)

Intense Struggle! (Round 7 - The Database)
Re: Intense Struggle! (Round 5 - Cervaled Falls)
Originally posted on MSPA by MalkyTop.

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[color=#FF40F]Looking down at herself, Aph quickly noticed that she was herself this time, and not some stupid snively girl. Good. She was purely herself and not forced to hide behind some stupid illusion.

Mostly herself, the tentacles reminded her. They waved serenely in the air, as though they weren’t horrible monstrosities with no business being attached to her. She tugged on them. Besides feeling squishy, they didn’t do much. Oh, it hurt, that was something.

After all the shit she’s had to put up with, she really didn’t feel like having tentacles. The tentacles in turn thought she should wear a cute dress or something. Which was stupid, because for one thing, dresses aren’t just lying around waiting for some stupid girl to pick them up or anything like that.

They argued bitterly for a short time before being interrupted by a weak “Hey.” And that’s when Aph finally bothered to see what sort of place she was in this time.

She had never really been in a jail cell, so she couldn’t have known that usually they weren’t rather large and circular and usually the prisoners weren’t chained up to cold slabs with weird, heavy electro-manacles (or whatever). One of the prisoners had a muzzle and was looking very sullen about it.

“Hey,” one of them said again, a really skinny one propped up in the center. He was half-naked and more likely than not, pretty cold. Two thin lines seemed to be coming out of his back, held tightly in place with even more steel-electric crap. They looked like they really wanted to move. He was wearing a smile that attempted to be friendly but was obviously designed for a killer something. Aph apathetically stared at him. “Yeah, you, chick who just appeared, do me a favor, eh? Why don’t ya just come over here and let me out. That would be real nice.” His voice was so…weedy. She hated it. Whoever these losers were, didn’t matter. She needed to get out, not go around getting buddy-buddy with strangers.

The bars thingies stung when she touched them and she quickly realized that a bit of lightning didn’t help at all. She couldn’t squeeze through (would defeat the purpose of bars). Well, new tentacles, wanna suggest something useful now?

Make friends! They can definitely help you out! And then later you can kill them all!

Building up relationships beyond pure hatred? But that’s haaaaaaard. And people always try to take advantage. Always. No exception.

So take advantage of them instead! Make friends, make friends, so fun! And then they die!

Oh fiiiiine.

Aph turned around to stare down the man’s disconcerting smile once again and gave one of her own, a smile that didn’t bother being genuine and hid no disdain. “Why hello there, those manacles look uncomfortable. Want me to undo them? Undoing them would be good for escaping. And escaping is good.”

If there was anything Aph would admit, it was that she had absolutely no normal conversation skills.

The man in front of her paused before saying, “I would really like that. And I’m sure my friends here would too—“ He was quickly interrupted by a sudden blast of lightning attacking one of the restraints on the strange line things coming out of his back. While it did end up breaking the restraint, it also had the unfortunate side-effect of electrocuting him a little. Just a little. “--ooooooooh Jesus CHRIST,” he finished rather emphatically. Even with his protests, though, the vector that had been freed quickly started vibrating until it was too quick for Aph to see. A few seconds later, the rest of his manacles seemed to undo themselves. Or at least explode themselves. The man landed on the floor, bleeding slightly at the wrists and ankles as his vectors had not quite done the job carefully enough. He didn’t seem to care. “Right. Thanks. I’m Mike.”

“You want my name?” Aph giggled, staring modestly at Mike. “Go screw yourself,” she added with another girlish giggle.

Mike, now completely assured that the pink floaty chick was completely bonkers, just shrugged and said, “Right. I’ll go free those dragons over there. You go over to spikey-head.”

“Alriiiiight, but boss me around again and I’ll tear off your head.”

The tentacles gently explained to her that this wasn’t exactly how they thought she should act.

“Shut up.”

“What?” This was from the other man, a rather weakly creature with stupid hair that looked all spikey. His hands were completely encased in metal. Like little metal hand-coffins. He looked unimpressive. “Uh. Wait. You aren’t…uh, just gonna cut these off or, uh, just try lightning them off, are you?”

“I can try both! Won’t that be fun?” Aph asked as her sword suddenly sparked with electricity.

“Wait, um, I don’t think, this isn’t going to result in me losing my hands, is it?”

“I dunno!” And before any more protests could be made, Aph swung her sword downwards. The man yelped and jumped up to his feet really quickly, pulling his hands with him. Despite the lack of cooperation, Aph managed to cut the hunks of metal without harming his hands beyond a light burn. Which he made a big deal out of. Aph decided not to listen.

On the other side of the room, two dragons were having an argument with Mike, although only one could actually talk coherently.

“…Look, you need that muzzle off, I can easily cut it off.”

“I’m pretty sure she would rather get it off in a safer way.”

“Lrrmn mmmruh kkuuurrrmmm!”

“Come on! What’re the chances that we’ll actually find the key or code or whatever to open it up? Didn’t you say that her head can regrow or something?”

“Yeah, but she’s not a big fan of having to go through it.”

“Ugh. Whatever.” Mike glanced up at the other two as they walked over, but didn’t otherwise acknowledge them. “Right. So. Let’s get out of here.”

“And do you know how?” The red dragon said rather sarcastically. Aph only briefly noted that there were two dragon heads apparently attached to some large doll. The doll looked like it was staring at her and smiling. It wasn’t one of those lewd suggestive smiles or a superior smile, just a really happy smile. Staring at it actually calmed her down a little.

“I’m more of an improviser, really. Stay on our toes, we could probably get out.”

“Hah. We’re only Class 3, you know. Just Violent And Dangerous. That’s probably not enough to break out of a high-tech, high security prison.”

“Uh,” Spikey-head spoke up, raising a hand tentatively as though he were in class. “I’m really not violent or—“

“Oh shut up. We all know you are. What? It’s all a mistake? You aren’t meant to be here?” The red dragon’s sneering tone was enough to shut Spikey-head up. “Right. Anyways, we need to get more power in our group. We should probably get to the Class 0 sector.”

“What? Those guys?” Mike snorted with quite some derision. “They aren’t trustworthy, you know. None of ‘em are.”

“They’re extremely powerful and probably want to get out as much as we do. They need our help to escape and we need theirs. We’ll have a mutually beneficial agreement. Although it will probably be best to locate some files on them to see which one would be the most…stable. Okay. Let’s take inventory. We’ve got acidic blood—“ the red dragon was very careful to ignore the muffled protest from his friend, “—if we ever need it, potentially fire-breath in the future, water manipulation, shapeshifting…Mike, anything else besides those…ah, vectors?” Apparently not. “Diego. What can you do?”

“Honestly, I can’t really—“

“Don’t give me that crap.”

Spikey-head Diego mumbled something about ‘air’ and ‘small’ and ‘kill you dead.’ Aph didn’t pay attention. The doll’s smile was actually really relaxing.

“And you. Uh. You.” Aph looked up and scowled, already forgetting that she was supposed to be acting or whatever the tentacles had suggested. “What about you?”

“You already saw what I did, didn’t you?” she shot back sullenly.

“Well, I suppose, but isn’t there—“


“Ooookay then.” Realizing the conversation was now over, the dragon walked over to the cell door, or rather the doll did, really, but whatever. “I think these bars are activated electronically through this…thingy out here. Maybe, uh, you there, you could—“

“No.” Aph was nudged by one of her new tentacles, if that was even possible and quickly added in a clearly faked vapid tone, “I meeeaan, those bars’ll tooootally hurt me, you knoooow?” The blue dragon made some rather sarcastic-sounding noises, but if the red dragon had any comment to make, he didn’t make them and instead continued blabbering on and on. Blah blah blah.

Mike apparently got fed up too and stomped over to the wall right next to the door. There was a loud screech that echoed throughout the room, with sparks flying off the wall, trailing up, right, down, until it reached the floor again. He pushed it down and stared pointedly at the dragon.

“I—well—there should have—“ Whatever the dragon tried to say, Mike didn’t bother listening and strolled right through the hole. Almost immediately, a mechanical voice intoned, “ESCAPED PRISONER FOUND. MIKE SHAUN. PLEASE STAY WHERE YOU ARE. OFFICIALS SHALL SOON ARRIVE TO CAPTURE YOU AGAIN.”

The dragon pointedly stared at Mike.

“How the hell was I supposed to know they wouldn’t notice an entire wall fall over but notice me just walking out?!” With the way things were going, Aph decided that now was the time to take advantage of what these losers had already done and immediately flew out the newly-made door and randomly turned left down the corridor, ignoring any shouts from behind, not caring whether the Class Whatever prisoners followed her or not.

Wheee, wheee, isn’t making friends and betraying them fuuuun?

Yeah, sure, whatever you say, weird tentacle things.[/color]

Messages In This Thread
Re: Intense Struggle! - by GBCE - 12-27-2009, 05:27 PM
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Re: Intense Struggle! (Round 5 - Cervaled Falls) - by MalkyTop - 04-12-2011, 10:13 PM