Intense Struggle! (Round 7 - The Database)

Intense Struggle! (Round 7 - The Database)
Re: Intense Struggle! (Round 4 - Old Salem)
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.

B sighed and looked in the mirror. There was a completely unfamiliar face in place of his own. Feeling it, he only felt what he usually felt. Furthermore, his outfit felt like the one he usually wore, and not that of whoever's role he was occupying at the moment. He took another look at the message. James Struthers... apothecary... lots of business. And questionable relations with the blacksmith next door. After the second look over, the note disappeared. B was not happy with his situation. At the very least, he knew a little bit about where he was. However, considering the oh so subtle hint towards there being actual witches, he really wasn't sure exactly what to expect.

Suddenly there was a knocking at the door, "Hey! James! Let me in, would you?"

This might be a problem. It would have been nice if he knew who everybody was that he was supposed to know, but as it were, he had no clue who his supposed friend was. Perhaps a customer, and most people in town knew his name? Maybe a close friend? Whoever it was, they seemed to need to get in. Deciding to think about it later and let the man in.

"Thanks. Something weird is going on out there. I heard screaming and crashing, and a few people shouting about a witch! I think this one's for real! Killing and evil magicks! A lot of it! It's dangerous out there."

"It might have been best just to stay home if that's going on, I think."

"I was already on my way over here when I heard it. I needed to pick up that medicine you said you'd have for me, which is why I was heading over. Can I grab that?"

"Oh, yeah. Right. It's just over in the cabinet right there. The one that says 'Prescriptions.' I hope."

The man headed over to the cabinet and opened it up. "Wow, James. Usually you're pretty strict about this thing. 'Nobody touches anything behind the counter except for me and me alone.'" He chuckled at his impression of B's identity, "You sure you're feeling okay? Maybe that George fellow has rubbed off on you. Then again, for all I know he might not be very nice himself. I wouldn't know. You're the only person I've ever seen around him."

B took a look at where the man took the medicine from off the shelf. There was now an empty space where a space labelled 'Thomas McArthur' was. He thought back to the note and the mention of a George Brown. Intrigued, B decided to press the subject.

"George is a pretty nice guy. Uh, if you don't mind me asking, Tom, what exactly have you heard about him?"

"Well, I don't really pay too close attention to rumors, but I had heard that you and he were getting... close. I don't believe it at all, I mean, nobody's talking anymore, really, but you might as well know what people were saying."

B was now somewhat worried about meeting this George person. While it seemed he would be the best person to trust, he really didn't like the ideas that this rumor presented. On the other hand, it is just a rumor... right?
"Okay, I'm going to head home. Beatrice is alone there, so I don't want her to be worried."

"Is it really safe going out there?"

"The commotion is in the opposite direction from my house anyway. I'm sure I'll be fine. Stay safe, James. Oh, and it looks like you're starting to run low on medicines. You might want to restock."

Thomas left the apothecary and headed directly left. B would bet money that at least one of the other contestants was to the right where the commotion was going on. He looked in the cabinet, and as Thomas had said, the supplies were dwindling. He remembered Hal showing him a neat way to make makeshift penicillin once, so perhaps that would work... He would need some moldy bread, milk, corn syrup... and... B decided that this would be something to worry about later.

He grabbed a blank sign, and wrote 'BACK IN 30 MINS' on it. Sticking it on the door, he immediately turned right and ran into a blacksmith. He put two and two together quickly.

"Ack. Sorry about that, George."


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