Intense Struggle! (Round 7 - The Database)

Intense Struggle! (Round 7 - The Database)
Re: Intense Struggle! (Round 3 - The Wasteland)
Originally posted on MSPA by Ixcalibur.

Aph peers out of the office door, scanning the hallways for Sister Clara, and finding that she has already disappeared deeper into the labyrinthine building she floats out into the corridor. Aph floated leisurely down the hallways, having no need to step cautiously around the holes and crumbling parts of floor like her competitors. With no real idea which direction Larus might have gone she just floats randomly down the corridors, idly comptemplating recent events and hoping to spot some indication of where Larus had gone.

Larus reacted instinctively, he hardened his hands till they were like stone, and then reached down to the vine that was winding its way up his leg and ripped it free. For a moment a clear liquid poured from the snapped vine, pooling on the floor in front of him. Larus' head felt light, the room starting to spin around him. He straightened up and held onto the wall to keep his balance, as he did so the vine that had been reaching for him at head height, pounced. It wound it's way around his neck and down his shoulder and back, causing shooting pain and further disorientation through Larus at it did so. Larus flailed out into the spinning space around him, feeling his hands grasp the vine and pull it till it snapped. Larus' head was swimming, it was getting hard to think. Part of him just wanted to lie down and wait for the world to stop spinning, while another more sensible part just wanted to get out of the room with the vines. A third and alien part of his mind was thinking it would be a good idea to wander into the desert and try to seek out the source of these vines. For some reason this appeared to be the most appealing of the ideas, if only he could remember how to operate a door.

Aph's attention was attention was suddenly caught by the rattling of a door nearby. She floated in place and stared at it for a few seconds as it became apparent that whoever was inside was having significant difficulty operating this complex piece of machinery. She ruminated on this information for a couple of seconds and decided that any one of her moronic competitors could have been stuck in there.
"Larus?" she asked hopefully. There was no response from whomever was on the other side of the door. "Larus if that's you, you better come out here and get me because I am totally the spy!" There was a thud like something heavy slamming hard into the door, but it was surprisingly sturdy. "I am going to go away and report all my findings to The Monitor!" she tried again. Another thud, and some of the wood began to splinter. "You know if you hadn't tied me up I could have just opened that thing for you." A final thud and the door fell from it's hinges revealing Larus, with skin of stone and strings of thorned vines wrapped around his body. He looked at Aph for a second and then walked straight past her, stumbling down the corridor, seemingly lost in his own world.
"Hey!" Aph yelled after him. "Give me my sword back you ignorant bastard!" Larus did not respond and Aph rushed angrily after him, throwing herself into the back of his head. Lacking the proper motivation to change back Larus had remained in stone form throughout his traipsing and now as he crashed down the floor creaked ominously underfoot. Suddenly Aph's attention was drawn to just how fragile this building was; half buried in the sand, with deadly vines growing through the cracks, this building could come crashing down on top of her at any moment. She turned back to Larus who was in the middle of the complicated process of climbing up from the floor. "This is your fault!" she yelled. "I just wanted to go about my business away from you bunch of freaks but you just had to drag me back in here." Her skin felt hot, as patches of flames started to erupt along it. Aph smiled thoughtfully. "You know what? I wonder if I can still apply to be the Monitor's agent on the inside? All I'd have to do is turn people against one another and maybe a little murdering here and there." she paused. "I've already done the former. Now I'm thinking I might try out a little bit of the latter."


Messages In This Thread
Re: Intense Struggle! - by GBCE - 12-27-2009, 05:27 PM
Re: Intense Struggle! - by Dragon Fogel - 12-27-2009, 05:30 PM
Re: Intense Struggle! (Round 3 - The Wasteland) - by Ixcaliber - 07-14-2010, 02:50 PM