Intense Struggle! (Round 7 - The Database)

Intense Struggle! (Round 7 - The Database)
Re: Intense Struggle! (Round 2 - The Misty Swamp)
Originally posted on MSPA by SleepingOrange.

The moment crystallized around Clara; microseconds stretched ahead like days, her mind working furiously. Responses and the responses to those swirled through her deception-challenged mind. Religious doctrines boomed their rules through her head, while insidious survival instincts wheedled in a piercing undertone. The nun's lips parted slightly.

Immediately thereafter, they were thrown wide open as strong arms clamped around her, forcing the air out and causing her to choke on her words. She was sharply yanked backwards into the mists, quickly losing sight of Aph and any landmarks she might have recognized. At one point, "Aegis" turned sharply, causing Clara's head to slam back into his chest and her bubble to pop. She hadn't been making much of an attempt to escape until now, reasoning that if he wanted to kill her he'd have done so by now, so he'd have to put her down eventually: the stoic nun had planned merely to bide her time and find out what he wanted. However, the moment her bubble had popped, the mists had started taking effect, their insidious magic working its way in though her mouth and nose and eyes. She and her captor were in one of the deepest, thickest fog banks in the swamp, and as such the mild and friendly woman was a bastion of fury and violence in mere moments.

She shrieked, an otherworldly ululation tempered with magic. Bae felt itself staggering, its grip loosening; the zombified woman flung her arms wide, surprising strength breaking his grip on her. Clara spun and delivered a hook to faux-Aegis's jaw, snarling.

"So that's how you think this is gonna go, huh?" She drew her sword stick, swiping wildly at her attacker, face a rictus of fury. "Think you can just steal old women? Think you can just break poor girls' hearts?" Another swing, combined with a kick; Bae managed to dodge both, but in stepping back tangled his foot in an underwater root. He pinwheeled his unfamiliar arms, toppling over backwards. Half-submerged and sinking in silt, he scrambled backwards. The nun's sword was glowing now; he had no idea what that meant, but it was a worrisome development. The blade was hurtling towards his face; he couldn't move back fast enough to avoid it, he was too tangled to roll to the side, and he had no intention of being cut in half while solid, so he did the only sensible thing: Sister Clara saw Aegis turn blue, then liquefy, then blend with the water around her feet. Her swing splashed harmlessly into the mire, serving only to enrage her further. She saw movement to her left, flowing water among the stillness: Aegis or whatever that was was fleeing.

She screamed again. "You can't hide from divination, coward!" Her left hand turned silvery, then took on the sheen of stainless steel; she drove it deep into the trunk of a nearby tree, shouting with rage. "I'll kill you and bring you back just to kill you again!" With a backhand motion, the nun splintered the trees trunk, steel hand growing spikes and eyes glowing red as she shot her consciousness off to rove the murk for her attacker.


Messages In This Thread
Re: Intense Struggle! - by GBCE - 12-27-2009, 05:27 PM
Re: Intense Struggle! - by Dragon Fogel - 12-27-2009, 05:30 PM
Re: Intense Struggle! (Round 2 - The Misty Swamp) - by SleepingOrange - 02-28-2010, 11:21 PM