Mini-Grand 5106 [SUDDEN DEATH]

Mini-Grand 5106 [SUDDEN DEATH]
Re: Mini-Grand 5106 [Round 3: Thundertower]
Originally posted on MSPA by Ixcalibur.

Zafira had thought she was angry when as kids Atasha had ratted her out to Principal Perwinkle. She’d torn the head off Atasha’s favourite teddy bear and refused to speak to her for a week.

Zafira believed she was angry when her boyfriend at the time had cheated on her and she’d drove around to his house, slashed his tyres and smashed his car windows in with a baseball bat.

She’d been under the impression that she was angry when she was unfairly fired from the local Post Office and she’d burnt it to the ground.

These instances paled in comparison to the rage bubbling through her veins, and no scrawny detective from another world was going to stop her enacting her fury on the river slut that had done such awful things to the woman she loved. She lashed out, causing Pascal to loosen his grip upon her and cry out in pain. There was suddenly silence, Ataya's song interrupted by the cry of pain she looked out across the crowd and easily spotted the chik and the detective. Most of the henchmen had not yet had the opportunity to drink from Sara, for the moment they looked around, bleary eyed, and attempted to work out what was going on.

As soon as Ataya resumed her song, her eyebrows furrowed in anger, her latest batch of thralls took aim and opened fire, sending blasts of lightning clumsily through the crowd. Most of these shots were intercepted by unfortunate victims of Ataya's song, who just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, and for their troubles ended up electrocuted twitching upon the floor. Pascal had collapsed to his knees and sought to lie down on the floor to avoid any stray blasts of electricity, as much as he could seek to do anything in his current condition that is. Zafira had no such desire, she ran forwards, shoving henchmen out of the way with her free hand, dragging the unwilling detective behind her with her other.

Blasts of lightning whizzed past her, but she didn't notice. Her fury had given her blinkers to the chaos that was erupting around her. The only thing that mattered was making Ataya pay for what she had done. She didn't even notice as people in brightly coloured jumpsuits began teleporting into the tower and opening fire upon any and all of the Thundertower henchmen they could find. The attention of Ataya's thralls had to be split between the multiple threats, and with laser rifles and high tech gadgetry it was clear that the space police were the priority.

It was probably because of their intervention that Zafira managed to make her way to Ataya and her naked servants. She brought her fist into the face of the nearest one, and while she was stunned Zafira snatched her lightning rifle. With remarkable skill, though they shot lightning the rifles weren't much different from those her crazy survivalist uncle used to give her when they went hunting when she was young, she levelled the gun at each of Ataya's henchmen in turn and took them out with short sharp blasts of electricity. Then she had Ataya in her sights.

She held down the trigger, sending a continuous stream of lightning at the river bitch. She had no time to get out of the way or defend herself. Electricity flowed through her body, arcing from her limbs and earthing itself in the metal pillars.

Zafira held the trigger down until all the gun had left was sparks. Ataya collapsed to the floor. As Ataya’s song ended for the final time those who had been entranced but not yet enslaved, awoke to find the Thundertower thrown into chaos. This did not help matters.


Debbie and Mindy ran for it. There was not much else you could do when faced with a horde of giant demonic spiders. Debbie clutched the book tight to her chest; though it hadn't exactly been helpful so far it was all she had. Suddenly standing in front of them was a man in a golden jumpsuit carrying a laser pistol.

"Fear not!" he cried. "For I am Captain Photon Laserox and I will save you!" With a dramatic flourish he produced a fizzing sphere of strange neon blue liquid and threw it into the horde of demonic spiders.

'If this turns those spiders into some kind of eldritch abominations spitting blue lasers I will personally kill you.' Mindy thought, though she was of course powerless to vocalize this thought. A second or two later and there was an explosion strong enough to rock the series of platforms they were on. Debbie grabbed onto the railing, though since Mindy was unable to do the captain grabbed her and held her close. Somehow he didn't seem even remotely fazed by the shaking platform.

When the shaking had stopped they were able to see that the blast had killed at least half of the spiders, and presumably the other half had fled, looking for easier prey. The Space Captain looked somewhat disappointed and turned his attention to the chix. Dim though he was it didn’t take him long to notice Mindy had her hands cuffed.

To Captain Laserox the world was simple. Things were mainly as you expected them. Damsels in distress never turned out to be criminals on the run. That kind of thing couldn’t easily be fit into his world view. He opted to take the simpler option and assume they were a pair of plain-clothes police officers, one of whom had accidentally handcuffed her hands behind her back and then lost the keys. He nodded to himself as he came to this conclusion.

“You must be working with Pascal DuMont.” He said, producing a plasma blade from… somewhere. “I’ve got officers handling the lower floors. We’re going after the Thundergods themselves. This is the last time they’ll steal our precious thunder.” He balled his free hand up into a fist and scowled enthusiastically. The chix’ eyes were affixed on the high-tech blade he was holding onto for some reason.

“erm…?” Debbie worriedly enquired. Photon followed her eyeline, and then laughed.

“Don’t worry.” He said as he grabbed Mindy and turned her around. She tried to cry out, but of course was unable. She struggled to break free from Captain Laserox’s grip, only to be released a couple of seconds later, surprised to find that her hands were now free to move, though the cuffs still hung around her wrists. “Captain Photon Laserox saves the day once again!” He grinned and posed triumphantly. There was an awkward moment where the chix exchanged glances.

“Thank you.” Debbie said, politely. “We’re very grateful for what you’ve done so far, but there’s this woman Ataya, and she’s-”

“No thanks are necessary.” Captain Laserox interrupted with faux-modesty. “I am simply doing my bit in the never-ending battle against CRIME. Now I suggest we get a move on and get upstairs where the greatest criminals are still yet to be fought.” Without waiting for a response Photon Laserox started along the platforms.

Debbie rolled her eyes and turned to head down to where the noises of gunfire and violent confrontation were coming from, but was stopped as Mindy grabbed her arm. “What is it?” Debbie asked. “You think we should go after him?” Mindy glanced around the Thundertower, her eyes alighting on the many dark corners in which demonic spiders could be hiding, just waiting to pounce on the pair of undefended chix. She nodded her head vigorously. Debbie sighed. “Ugh, you probably just have a crush on him. You are so predictable. I was going to go and fight Ataya, using my magic powers.” Debbie paused thoughtfully while Mindy rolled her eyes. “Maybe you are right.” Debs said after a second. They turned and headed off after Captain Laserox.


Around her Thundertower henchmen blasted bolts of lightning at space police officers wearing brightly coloured jumpsuits, who retaliated with laser shots. As if it wasn’t chaotic enough a swarm of demonic spiders crawled down the walls from one of the upper floors and turned what had been a fairly confused firefight into an absolute free-for-all.

It was all background noise for Zafira. On the cold metal floor in front of her lay the love of her life. Sara was in bad shape, there was dried blood around her mouth from where she had torn open her own wrist. She was bleeding from both arms, from her legs, from pretty much anywhere they’d been able to get at her. She had a far away look in her eyes and her breathing was laboured. Tears dripped down Zafira’s face.

“Sara.” She said, crouching down next to her beloved. Zafira reached out and took Sara’s hand in her own, desperately trying to not to think about how it was soaked in her blood. “Sara, don’t leave me.” Zaffy closed her eyes, unable or unwilling to look at Sara in such a state any more. “Please don’t leave me Sara.” She half-chuckled to herself, “Remember how I was before us. I nearly killed a man over a silly job I never wanted. I was a fucking psycho. You make me a better person Sara and I don’t know what I will do without you. So… please don’t leave me.” She paused. “I don’t know how to be without you.”

“Fuck off.” Sara’s voice was little more than a gasping wheeze. “I never loved you.” Sara with what little strength she had remaining tried to pull her hand from Zafira’s grasp. Zafira watched as the life left Sara’s eyes, leaving her nothing more than a gruesome corpse. For a moment she sat there, feeling as though a chunk had been gouged out of her heart.

A familiar laugh came from behind her. “So pathetic.” Zafira rose slowly. She thought she had been angry before, she hadn’t known what it was to be truly angry. She was so completely enraged, so furious, that she almost felt calm. She turned around, her hands clenched into fists and saw, charred and looking more than a little worse for wear, Ataya standing there with one supporting herself on the railing.

This, in a film, would have been the point where the hero makes some kind of cutting remark, or at the very least tells the villain how very dead they are. Zafira just screamed as she threw herself at the river spirit.


Messages In This Thread
Mini-Grand 5106 [SUDDEN DEATH] - by Woffles - 07-27-2011, 10:15 PM
Re: Mini-Grand 5106 [Round 3: Thundertower] - by Ixcaliber - 11-11-2011, 06:40 PM
Re: Mini-Grand 5106 [SUDDEN DEATH] - by Ixcaliber - 08-25-2012, 09:15 AM