Mini-Grand 5106 [SUDDEN DEATH]

Mini-Grand 5106 [SUDDEN DEATH]
Re: Mini-Grand 5106 [Round 3: Thundertower]
Originally posted on MSPA by Wojjan.

"Well, well. Only the few of you left? Not gonna lie, you guys got a nose for a good opportunity."

The two remaining contestants again found themselves in nothing. Before long, Naiima and the Sparkklechix were scattered around in a towering construct above the clouds, looming over the clear night sky. Within, they could hear the crackling of electricity flowing through a giant complex of tubes. At the base of the tower, lightning crackled across the bed of clouds, diffusing across the skyline.

"Say hello to the Thundertower, I guess. Make yourself at home, but don't forget you've got a job to do. Let me give you all a headstart for your interview and tell you a bit about the company. Inside this collosal tower you'll find platforms surrounding a cluster of glass tubes that shoot lightning through them at all times. Word on the street says the corporate big cheese got some sweet monopoly on bad weather. Dunno how the staff's gonna like some yuppies like you guys sniffing around in their business though, so stay on your toes.

"So, got some good news and some bad news. The good news is, I sent in a job application for Thundertower while you guys were off on a business trip. You made the cut, so now you'll be doing your job there from now on. The bad news is your job is still killing the opponent, and I heard you're working some late hours right now. Roll with the punches and you'll be alright. 'Sides, this is the moment you've been waiting for, it's make it or break it. Break a leg, guys."

quidquid Latine dictum sit altum videtur.

Messages In This Thread
Mini-Grand 5106 [SUDDEN DEATH] - by Woffles - 07-27-2011, 10:15 PM
Re: Mini-Grand 5106 [Round 3: Thundertower] - by Woffles - 09-28-2011, 07:54 PM
Re: Mini-Grand 5106 [SUDDEN DEATH] - by Ixcaliber - 08-25-2012, 09:15 AM