Mini-Grand 5106 [SUDDEN DEATH]

Mini-Grand 5106 [SUDDEN DEATH]
Re: Mini-Grand 5106 [Round 2: The Graben]
Originally posted on MSPA by Protoman.


Out from the trees, the duo erupted, the Mage atop the Spider. With an utterance of a word and a finger upon a page, Mattilus conjured up a bolt of lightning, arcing straight toward the Siren. As she sidestepped, Naiima altered her course, pinning her down and going straight for the throat.

The chix stared in shock, unsure of how to react as Ataya struggled to hold the spider away from her still-soft neck. They exchanged glances, hoping to find direction in one another. Mindy took a moment to shake herself from her daze- she had tried to distract herself with thoughts after seeing how brutally Ataya had handled the hunters, and only now was she awoken by the sudden din of battle. Seeing the horrifying sight unfold, she opened her mouth to scream. No words had the chance to come out. Zafira had grabbed a branch and began battering one of the spider's legs.

"We can deal with the bitch later, lets get these fuckers off our backs while we still can!"

Mattilus ducked as a rock whizzed past his head. He slid off of the spider, bringing his book to the jaw of Debbie. The short moment he took to breathe was interrupted quickly, as he found himself beset by a newly-enslaved Sara, followed by the other chix. As he was pushed to the ground and the brutal bludgeoning began, his book was kicked away by Zafira.

The Spider Goddess reared up on her hind legs at the sound of the Mage's cries, seeking to help her fallen comrade. Her good intentions were met with ill results, as the newly released River Siren kicked her several feet back.

"Fight, my darlings! Death to these mortals! Let them pay for having touched my divine face!"

The mage curled himself into a ball, cursing the tribal warrior who had ripped out and bled on the countless pages of healing spells his book had held. He closed his eyes, recieving only flashes of red, blue, and green with every kick to his abdomen.

But the spider was nimble. She quickly got back on her feet, and was once again upon the aggressors. With a kick, she sent Zafira sprawling, Debbie and Mindy following suit with another. But Sara, Sara was faster and stronger. She ducked under the spider's forelegs and launched several punches upward, straight into Naiima's gut. The spider hastily sped forward, trying to remove her vulnerable underbelly, but her aggressor foresaw the maneuver and grabbed her left hind leg to slow her retreat.

The mage grasped at the grass, hoping to drag himself from his tormentors. But he was met with no avail. With each club falling to his head, he felt the world growing a little bit dimmer.

The clever wizard certainly wasn't going to get out of this situation by wits alone.


Back in the village of the Red Spider, an elder gazes upon the altar.

For generations, they had waited for the great spider. Now she was stolen away by the river, the same river they had long put their dead to rest in. They had believed it was a river of peace, a river of the gods that would lead the souls of their loved ones to the Great Web of the Spider, between the branches of the Tree of All Things.

But it had not been true. The river had not brought them to the spider, but instead had swept away the web. Their goddess had gone away, whisked away by the river just as the tiny spider of childrens stories had been whisked away by the rain.

The elder gazed upon the mural of the temple. It was a collective mural- every generation would create a new part of the painting to give warning or direction to their people.

He touched upon the very first- the image of a spider, drawn in red. Legend told it had been drawn in the blood of the first great chief's firstborn son, the first to be carried down the river into the dawn. With a heavy sigh and a heavy heart, he touched his finger to his satchel, untied it. He brought his finger to the dye that would make blue and dragged his finger down across his goddess. She was not dead. But she was not to return.

The river had carried away all that was sacred. It was never to be used for the dead again.

This was to be his warning to the generations that would come, should the fires of the sun smile and dry up the evils of the waters.


Messages In This Thread
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Re: Mini-Grand 5106 [SUDDEN DEATH] - by Ixcaliber - 08-25-2012, 09:15 AM