Mini-Grand 5106 [SUDDEN DEATH]

Mini-Grand 5106 [SUDDEN DEATH]
Re: Mini-Grand 5106 [Round 2: The Graben]
Originally posted on MSPA by Ixcalibur.

The chix stood on the river Ataya looking down into the whispering crystal waters. Things had been a little tense since the encounter with the hunters. Though some of her thralls had set off after the Spider huntress, Ataya couldn’t have been less interested in whether Xualita got away. Her attention, and her fury, had been locked onto Sara ever since she’d tried to tell her what to do. In silence they had made their way to the river, flanked by Ataya’s tribal slaves. Well in silence, barring the obscenities from Sara as she was dragged across the forest floor by the scruff of her neck. Now she had been hauled upright by Ataya, whose face was still etched into a scowl.

“I am not the same weak willed chik who once inhabited this body.” She said, as though she had not made this clear already. Without ceremony she shoved Sara to her knees, forcing her head beneath the river. The chix gasped in unison.

“Sara!” Zaffy yelled in horror, dashing forwards as best she could while still physically attached to Pascal. A pair of thralls rushed forwards, restraining her with their impossible strength.

“Drink it up Sara!” Ataya said, easily holding down the struggling chik. A wicked grin spread across her face.

“Someone do something!” Zaffy pleaded, as she struggled against the vice like grip of the natives. Though the other chix attempted to intervene they quickly found themselves restrained as well. They were forced to watch as Sara slowly stopped bucking and thrashing against Ataya’s grip. Before they knew it she was hanging limp and Zaffy was screaming obscenities at the river spirit. Ataya pulled Sara’s corpse out of the river, dumping her on the riverbank.


Slowly Sara awoke and everything felt different. The world felt distant and dulled, almost as though she was looking at it through an old black and white television as though she was not actually part of it. She felt so hot and stuffy, as though her entire body was being constricted constantly. Without even noticing she snapped the handcuffs that had restrained her in two. Her clothes clung to her, so restrictive, so oppressive. She began pulling them off revelling in the feeling of freedom that came as she exposed her skin to the cool air.

It was about this point that she noticed the voices that had been so distant, that had been little more than background noise. She looked at the chix, bound and restrained by the villagers with indifference. Even Zafira meant nothing to her any more. It was only when her eyes alighted upon Ataya that she felt anything other that despondency. Ataya was in clear focus, she was the most real, most vibrant thing that Sara could remember ever seeing. In that instant she knew all she wanted to do was to please Ataya, no matter what was required of her she would do it without question. Ataya was in that moment the only thing that had ever mattered in her life, and the only thing she could ever care about.


“Come here my pet.” Ataya said. Sara immediately complied, her eyes affixed onto Ataya’s. “Good girl.” The river spirit smirked.

“You bitch!” Zaffy screamed. “You fucking bitch! I'll fucking kill you!”

“Don’t worry Zafira.” Ataya said. “You’ll be joining her soon enough.”

“I’d rather die!” Zaffy retorted angrily.

“Unfortunately for you that is not an option.” Ataya said. “You don’t have a choice. You never had a choice. You will all drink. You will all be mine; and not just you, and not just the stupid tribes of this valley. Sooner or later everyone will drink. Everyone will belong to me, in heart and mind and it will be glorious.”

“Fuck you!” Zaffy screamed defiantly. “If I drink from that river I’m gonna rip your fucking tits off you whore!”

“Sara, you take your lover and show her the light.” Ataya said. “I will take the ever enthusiastic Debbie.” Sara did as she was bid without a moment’s hesitation. Zaffy was dragged to the river in distraught silence, her eyes affixed to Sara, her mouth agape in distress. Debbie tried to fight Ataya off but it was fruitless.


Nearby Mattilus and Naiima had been watching the scene unfold. Quickly Mattilus had concluded they couldn’t allow the chix to gain more power than they already had. He prepared to intervene.


Messages In This Thread
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Re: Mini-Grand 5106 [SUDDEN DEATH] - by Ixcaliber - 08-25-2012, 09:15 AM