Mini-Grand 5106 [SUDDEN DEATH]

Mini-Grand 5106 [SUDDEN DEATH]
Re: Mini-Grand 5106 [Round 2: The Graben]
Originally posted on MSPA by Ixcalibur.

Ataya had quick reactions, her hands reached out to grab the spear before she was really able to process what was going on. Alas she was not fast enough, Mindy screamed as the tip of the spear penetrated Ataya’s forehead. All of the chix, barring Ataya herself of course, screamed as the river spirit pulled it out as though it was not an issue, tossing it to the ground. Clearly unperturbed by her stylish new head wound Ataya began to sing. It was the same siren song that had lured an entire village to willingly give themselves to her; the same song from which Mattilus had broken free just in time to save himself.

“Man this song is lame.” Zaffy sneered. “It doesn’t even have any words…” she paused, “I hope she doesn’t expect us to join in?” Sara shrugged, and Mindy made an attempt to join in, though her version seemed to lack something she couldn’t put her finger on. After a moment a small group of natives emerged from within the trees. They were wearing primitive clothing dyed red; though in truth their clothing covered less of their body than Debbie would probably have preferred. Their bare chests were marked with dark red paint and their hair plaited with red beads. They stared in wonder at Ataya, seemingly oblivious to her cold dead eyes and the blood running down her face.

The Red Spider hunters timidly approached Ataya, stopping a couple of paces away from her out of some semi-formed notion of respect. Ataya’s song twisted through their heads stopping them from seeing her how she truly was, preventing them from realizing what was going on. Ataya strode forwards; to them she was all but shining, she gleamed and glistened with water dripping down her flawless skin. She smiled as she reached out and placed her hands on either side of one of the hunters’ face. Without missing a note she unceremoniously snapped the man’s neck and watched as he collapsed to the floor.

There was a horrified gasp from the chix, though the other hunters didn’t as much as flinch, their minds clouded by Ataya’s siren song. “Atasha!” Sara admonished. “Stop that right this minute!” The river spirit did no such thing, stepping over the body of the fallen hunter only to do the same to the next hunter. She fell to the floor, her neck broken, dead on impact.

“Atasha stop it!” Sara darted to the side of the river spirit, but was easily shoved aside as Ataya moved to kill the next hunter. “Please stop Atasha!” Atasha grabbed the last remaining hunter by the shoulder and turned to Sara, her face cold and angry.

“My name is not Atasha.” Ataya said sternly. “And I do not answer to you.” She turned to the last hunter; a woman with hazel eyes, short black hair and tan skin. Her name was Xuitila, which in the tongue of the Red Spider meant fang of the spider. She appeared to be recovering from her musically induced daze, glancing around herself in confusion.

“Let me go!” Xuitila demanded as she attempted to extricate herself from Ataya’s vice like grip. Ataya just gripped her tighter, grabbing hold of the huntress’s arm with her other hand.

“Who sent you?” Ataya asked. “Answer me and I’ll spare you the fate of your friends.” In the distance Xuitila could see the crowd of blank faced villagers gathered around the chix, she struggled even harder.

“No. I’d rather die than become your slave.” She retorted.

“Then do so and I will grant you your death.” Ataya replied. “The spider or the man with the book?”

“You know the spider goddess is here?” Xuitila asked, a smile forming on her lips. “Then you know you are doomed.”

“You have been very helpful.” Ataya said, “You will get the death you deserve, though the rest of your village will be spared.”

“Atasha!” Sara yelled, advancing on the river spirit again. “Don’t do this. It isn’t right!” Ataya turned and shoved the chik to the ground.

“My name is not Atasha!” She yelled, while Xuitila took advantage of this opportunity to flee back to her camp. The goddess would need to be warned.


Messages In This Thread
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Re: Mini-Grand 5106 [SUDDEN DEATH] - by Ixcaliber - 08-25-2012, 09:15 AM