Mini-Grand 5106 [SUDDEN DEATH]

Mini-Grand 5106 [SUDDEN DEATH]
Re: Mini-Grand 5106 [Round 2: The Graben]
Originally posted on MSPA by Ixcalibur.

The chix, led by the bewitched and highly enthusiastic detective emerged into a primitive village. The dirt floor was cracked and some of the wooden houses had collapsed. There were a group of people all gathered in the centre of the village. As soon as Debbie spotted them she said "oh gosh" and averted her eyes. As the crowd of naked villagers turned to them the chix suddenly felt very overdressed. Worse even than the time that they had turned up for that street party dressed in formal ballgowns. The crowd parted revealing the glistening form of Atasha. Her hair clung to her naked body, her eyes were locked in a death stare, cold and so very distant. Collectively the group gasped in shock at seeing their colleague in such a situation, and also at seeing so much of their colleague. Debbie stared back at the jungle that she had come from, humming to herself as though doing so would make this not be happening. Zaffy dug her heels in the dirt holding back the detective from his incontrollable desire to become one of Ataya's thralls.

"Atasha!" Sara started. "What happened to you?"

"Something... wonderful." The river spirit replied. "I am reborn. Stronger, faster, better." The spirit strode confidently towards the gathered chix, coming to a stop in front of the handcuffed detective. She idly pulled off his fedora and tossed it away. The chix were at a loss for words, and for the moment did little more than watch, or not watch as it were, as Ataya playfully ran her fingers through the detectives hair. Momentarily she strode past the detective and continued: "Join me." She said as her fingers danced along Zafira's arm.

"You're not Atasha..." Sara said uncertainly. The river spirit chuckled to herself.

"No." she said. "I am so much more than I was." Ataya hovered uncomfortably close to the punk-chik. Their lips only centimetres apart, their eyes locked upon one another. Zafira looked away, prompting Ataya to grab her head and turn it back. "I thought this is what you liked, Zaffy?"

"You aren't her at all." Zafira mumbled. Ataya laughed, and pushed Zaffy to one side, continuing her way along the group.

"Is that a bad thing?" Ataya asked. "Atasha was... well she was Atasha. I am so much better." She grinned as she approached Sara. She took advantage of the fact that her hands were cuffed behind her back to cop a feel of the chik's bountiful breasts.

"No." Mindy muttered between sobs. "Leave us alone." Ataya promptly abandoned Sara and strode towards the weeping chik.

"Now now Mindy." she said, wiping away her tears. "Don't cry. There's no more sadness once you drink..."

"Stop it!" Debbie cried, charging towards Ataya and shoving her away. "Just... stop it!" Ataya held up her hands as if protesting her innocence.

"I just want to help." she said, her wicked grin not leaving her face. "You are in a battle to the death against a magician and a killer spider. You stand no chance." she paused. "Not unless you do something about it." she lowered her hands and strode up to Debbie. "So how about it Debs? I'll even let you keep your free will..."


Messages In This Thread
Mini-Grand 5106 [SUDDEN DEATH] - by Woffles - 07-27-2011, 10:15 PM
Re: Mini-Grand 5106 [Round 2: The Graben] - by Ixcaliber - 09-07-2011, 04:17 PM
Re: Mini-Grand 5106 [SUDDEN DEATH] - by Ixcaliber - 08-25-2012, 09:15 AM