Mini-Grand 5106 [SUDDEN DEATH]

Mini-Grand 5106 [SUDDEN DEATH]
Re: Mini-Grand 5106 [Round 1: Corola Cabana]
Originally posted on MSPA by Ixcalibur.

While Mindy had easily shrugged off any thoughts of finding Atasha, Sara had not been able to. She was annoying yes, and they were all happier when she was far away but she was a human being after all and they couldn’t just leave her to die. Sara vocalized these thoughts to the rest of the group.

“Do we have to?” Mindy asked, crossly. Sara nodded that yes they had to. Mindy folded her arms and scowled. Zafira made similar complaints but with less stroppy behaviour.

“If one of your number is in trouble it makes sense to protect them no matter how irritating you find them.” Edward offered helpfully.

Mindy tilted her head to the side for a minute, lost in thought, before smiling and saying: “Okay!” As the group made their way out of the forest and started towards the town Mindy walked arm in arm with Edward, while Zaffy and Sara exchanged discreet glances.


Debbie walked into the police office. It seemed pretty cheerful with the sun beating down through the windows and most of the officers on duty sat with their feet up. It didn’t seem they got much in the way of crime here.

“I’d like to report a crime.” Debbie said, to the receptionist.

“What is the nature of this crime?” The receptionist asked fetching a pen and paper from his desk.

“Murder.” Debbie replied.

“Did you say murder?” A detective in an unseasonable long brown coat emerged from a nearby office. He had the look of someone who had wanted to help people but had found themselves woefully lacking opportunities, until very recently.

“Well not murder yet…” Debbie replied. “But it’s only a matter of time!”

“Tell me everything!” The detective said, striding up to her. He was a man of action and it was time to prove himself.

“We were just minding our own business, me and the girls. We’re in a band, one day we’re going to be big stars.” Debbie said.

“Fascinating!” The detective said with no hint of sarcasm in his voice.

“Yeah, anyway suddenly we were elsewhere and this disembodied voice said we were going to have to fight to the death with these other guys.” Debbie said. “One of them is a really big spider, and then there is a guy with a big book. The other guy is a bit weird and has this colour changing visor.”

“I see…” The detective replied, his voice low and contemplative.

“He’s with the other chix. I’m worried for their safety.” Debbie said.

“And where are they?” The detective asked.

“They were in the forest last time I saw them.” She paused. “By the way your forest is on fire now. Sorry. That wasn’t us… I don’t think.” The detective started searching through his pockets for something.

“Did you know…” He said, as he produced a set of handcuffs. “That multiversal battles to the death were recently outlawed?”

“No…?” Debbie replied. “I am glad though. People shouldn’t be allowed to put people into battles to the death.”

“Precisely!” The detective smiled. “So I’m sorry but I’m going to have to put you under arrest.” He clicked the cuffs closed around Debbie’s wrist. She pulled her other arm away.

“Hold on!” she said. “Are you sure you got this right? Shouldn’t you be arresting whoever is in charge of this battle?”

“Yes.” He said. “We arrest them too. To be specific we arrest anyone who dares involve themselves in a multiversal battle to the death. It’s standard protocol.” He twisted her arm back around her back, and grabbed the other arm, locking the cuffs around it.


“Hold on!” Atasha said, nervously attempting to back away from Matty and his spider steed. “Let’s not be hasty!”

“If you have anything to say I would say it now.” Mattilus replied somewhat peevishly. “I will not hold off your inevitable death much longer.”

“I could be useful.” Atasha replied, thinking quickly. “You don’t just want to kill me. You probably want the rest of the chix as well. I can arrange it, if you let me go.”

“You would arrange matters so that all your friends die just to save yourself?” Mattilus asked, with a grin. “I was worried you were going to be stubborn and martyr yourself for them.”

“I’d hardly call them friends…” Atasha muttered to herself, and then speaking more clearly she continued. “They’ll listen to me. I think. Probably. Maybe. I’ll arrange it so that you can take them all out at once. Easy.” She took a nervous deep breath and extended an arm. “Deal?”


Messages In This Thread
Mini-Grand 5106 [SUDDEN DEATH] - by Woffles - 07-27-2011, 10:15 PM
Re: Mini-Grand 5106 [Round 1: Corola Cabana] - by Ixcaliber - 08-05-2011, 05:33 PM
Re: Mini-Grand 5106 [SUDDEN DEATH] - by Ixcaliber - 08-25-2012, 09:15 AM