Mini-Grand 5106 [SUDDEN DEATH]

Mini-Grand 5106 [SUDDEN DEATH]
Re: Mini-Grand 5106 [Round 1: Corola Cabana]
Originally posted on MSPA by Protoman.

Despite being hit by a strong iceblast, the strange creature Mattilus had encountered returned moments later, seemingly unscathed. The Archmage was rather surprised, though he wasn't entirely sure whether it was due to the spider's durability or its sentience.

Mattilus frantically flipped through his book, searching for a spell that might be useful. Upon finding one that would be suitable, he pulled a single finger across the words, a fine vapor creating a wall between him and the large spider.

"This is for safety reasons. Should you attack, I'll simply swipe a finger across a single word. The mist you see before you will crystalize, freeze. It will shatter, likely with you in it. You'll be trapped in this 'winter,' as you seem to call it. And trust me when I say I'm a quick draw."

He waited for the spider to express a level of understanding, and at what looked like a nod, Mattilus continued.

"I can channel a great deal of magic through this tome. Not just the magic of 'Winter,' as you put it, but of the heat of a Summer, the breeze of the Spring, and the decay of Autumn. 'Winter' has come because you were attempting to attack me. I can bring winter upon you at any time. So don't cross me. Understood?"

"Without book, not-mouse is mouse, then?"

"Perhaps. Perhaps I have a few tricks up my sleeves yet. Would you really like to take the risk?"

ghost makes wintermouse far away. not-mouse controls winter. when winter comes, there is nothing. ghost cannot stop winter. not-mouse is dangerous, wintermouse makes fear for Silence. can wintermouse be a friend?

"Ghost fear winter, fear fear fear. Ghost know Winter not-mouse, Winter hide cold from ghost?"

Mattilus sat on the book and stroked his chin.

"An alliance? Certainly sounds more appealing than wiping everyone out on my own, especially considering how unfamiliar the territory is. So yes, I suppose we can join forces, for the time being."

Standing up and grasping the book, Mattilus dissipated the mist as a sign of trust, the most vital ingredient for any fledgeling alliance, and the closest the strange pair could come to a handshake.

As they ventured back into the streets, the pair caught the attention of just about everyone. Local law enforcement came, promptly to be either eaten by the arachnid or zapped by the Mage who appeared to be riding it. Hell hath no chaos like a mage and his spider.


Messages In This Thread
Mini-Grand 5106 [SUDDEN DEATH] - by Woffles - 07-27-2011, 10:15 PM
Re: Mini-Grand 5106 [Round 1: Corola Cabana] - by GBCE - 07-31-2011, 04:21 AM
Re: Mini-Grand 5106 [SUDDEN DEATH] - by Ixcaliber - 08-25-2012, 09:15 AM