The Grand Battle S2G1! [Round Six: Eddelin City]

The Grand Battle S2G1! [Round Six: Eddelin City]
Re: The Grand Battle S2G1! [Round Three:!]
Originally posted on MSPA by Wojjan.

It didn't fit at all. The Observer never checked the other timelines, and never had any intention to set a round specifically against him. He never cared enough before, so what caused this sudden concern? Kracht's impossibly bright mind couldn't even grasp this, as all in all he never had to bother thinking of past timelines. He tried to think of what usually happened.
Normally he would be on the arctic tundra of Armeties by now. Jen would complain a lot, the Ovoid would assign a polar bear as the clone's new mount, Arkal made icepicks to cross that one gap, and Xadrez tried to kill Kracht again. In the end, Jen got possessed by the snow spirits and Arkal was forced to kill her. Kracht knew the end results of this round had to be the same. Jen had to be dead, Arkal had to be sad.
He stood exactly where he stood when the Observer released the green man from his grip, peering motionlessly, not caring about the shark in the water. Water. Water? He quickly jumped aside, letting the heavy mace Arkal forged in Alpha Complex chip the raft's rightmost log in half. Kracht grabbed Jen by the arm and pressed her scarf to her mouth to stop her from protesting.

"Mfbblth, mffth! Crrrft!" Jen flapped her arms around in order to break Kracht's grip, but when hitting her hand on his hard skin was proven the futility of the attempt.
"How did you-"
"The Obvserver pulls this trick every time. He notices my clear advantage by knowing what's gonna happen so he always picks a different setting in round 3. If I prove that I can also work with a new situation, he usually drops the incentive and carries on with a regular schedule."
Kracht walked around on the raft, trying to find a way to face both Arkal and Xadrez at the same time. The latter wasn't particularly interested.
"You see, it's simple. I still know all of you. THe moment I saw that water I knew Xadrez was going to try and drown me. He would be too cowardly to do it himself though," and with those words Xadrez' supposed fist cramped together around its dagger, "so he'd send you to do it. It's actually a shame to see you in future rounds. So sad you always are responsible for Jen's death, and-" Kracht suddenly realised he let himself slip. Never before did he tell Arkal what was going to happen. "Wait, no, that wasn't... That was me, I think. Yes, me, definitely."
If he had any way to do so, Kracht would definitely have been sweating at this point, maybe feeling quite uneasy. Arkal lunged forward again as per command of Xadrez, while Kracht was "distracted". Kracht blocked the strike with his left hand while dangling Jen above the water with his other. "Xadrez, I'd think twice before doing that. One move, and I drop Jen. That shark down there is still pretty hungry and I don't know if the Observer is going o allow another chance for her. The round is over and you lose that one precious chance at prevailing over me." Xadrez' vision was focused on Kracht, as if it were a stare-off between old rivals, and in some sense it was. His eyes squinted as he motioned with his ethereal hand at Arkal to cancel the attack.

i'm through with you i swear you will once fall and it will be to my hands you anomalous ill piece of liar, you won't always keep the upper hand and i will make sure of that
Xadrez' rapid venting of frustrations translated to Arkal as a mild buzzing in his ears. He firmly closed his eyes and shook his head in order to shake it off, and it was gone the moment Xadrez noticed he lost control for a moment there.
Kracht's grip on Jennifer's mouth of course disappeared the moment he had to block the strike, and once she was fully aware what was going on she was suddenly hanging from a green hand into a sea with a shark in it.
"Kracht you son of a bitch, I own you! Put me down right away and don't you fucking dare pull one of those creepy villain stunts where you drop me in the water you are going to place me on the raft right now!"
When she noticed Kracht didn't exactly respond to her protest she redirected it at Arkal:
"Arkal dude if you leave me to die here I swear I am going to haunt you to shit if I come back. Get me down!"
The impasse on the raft seemed to last for a very, very long time. No one quite knew what to say, except Kracht but he already said it. Jen occasionally broke the tense silence with a quick "Um, helloooo?" but that didn't help the tension at all.

But then, a greyish brown blob began to bob up and down in the water, a slim tendril of it extending as deep as anyone could see. The Ovoid's tentacle began to pulse vivaciously in the water and an enormous amount of it simply vanished. The water level began to drop drastically with every stir of the Ovoid's arm, and the rebalancing of the level caused giant waves over the entire ocean. The raft heavily shook all over the place, somtimes barely keeping its passengers on board.
quidquid Latine dictum sit altum videtur.

Messages In This Thread
Re: The Grand Battle S2G1! [Round Three:!] - by Woffles - 10-09-2010, 11:56 PM