The Grand Battle S2G1! [Round Six: Eddelin City]

The Grand Battle S2G1! [Round Six: Eddelin City]
Re: The Grand Battle S2G1! [Round Two: Sk'va!]
Originally posted on MSPA by Lord Paradise.

Putting one hand on Xadrez' board helped for a bit, but after a few minutes and a few tremors she was relented to sitting up on the board's rim, which was uncomfortable to both. So it was that two of the biggest egos in Sk'Va crossed the border into Cyk'Nl squished up against each other's variably ethereal forms.

The architecture in Cyk'Nl was much more baroque and less to Jen's liking; large stone buttresses jutted out of the road to support enormous conical buildings that blocked out the sunlight. It also didn't help that everything was starting to buckle.
None of this is unimportant, explained Xadrez. In order to exert one's will over something or someplace you must first understand it completely

That includes the streets and the buildings

And that includes the people

And it would certainly help if I had any idea what
that was

Jen pushed off of Xadrez's board and approached the tan-clad clone standing in the middle of the road, Weo's scythe in hand, unperturbed by the shaking earth. Xadrez would point out later that the clone's feet were not precisely touching the ground.

Jen nodded cordially. The clone nodded back, somewhat awkwardly. Xadrez said nothing and did nothing.

Jen approached with some trepidation, sword raised. The clone opened his mouth to speak and noticed that his elbow was turning green. Instead of communicating in any helpful way, he shouted
"Gah!" and tried to swat the green away, dropping his scythe in the process.

It seemed futile. The green spread to cover most of the first half of his jumpsuit as Jen got closer, putting her sword away confidently.
"Citizen, I don't know whether I should tell you to get away or toOOOOOORK ow! Please distance yourself from this vessel or... vessel? I don't appreciate that. Or erasure will ensue."

Jen poked him in his forehead.

For a split second the clone's jumpsuit turned entirely green, and there was a sound that seemed to come from Elsewhere, but then the tan snapped back and propelled itself back into Jen, turning all her clothes (and her hair) a shining beige. Both Jen and the clone screamed and fell to the ground just as another, much stronger tremor hit the cities, snapping two nearby buttresses clean in half.

A white building began to topple towards Jen's prone form, and Xadrez momentarily considered throwing himself over her to protect her, then decided against it. The gamble paid off; within seconds the Ovoid revealed itself from behind another building, got between the falling structure and Jen and did something very large and very fast that made large segments of the building not be there anymore.

The Ovoid, resplendent in tan, bobbed in the air as the clone began to pick itself up off the ground. Xadrez checked to see the tan beginning to roll off of Jen like a liquid, then pulled out his knife. In one deft motion he carved a perfect ellipse into the ground, then leaned over and touched his hand to it forcefully.

No more enigmas, Xadrez told the Ovoid. What do you want

Meanwhile, Jen woke up from a four-dimensional dream, struggling to keep the shape of it in her head, but it was quickly fading. Also fading was the tan that had entered her clothing and her soul. She was beginning to breathe more easily. Jen looked at what appeared to her to be Xadrez bowing to the Ovoid, picked herself up, and was her old self again, except with a narrow, barely perceptible green stripe in her hair.

Messages In This Thread
Re: The Grand Battle S2G1! [Round Two: Sk'va!] - by Elpie - 09-12-2010, 07:02 PM