The Grand Battle S2G1! [Round Six: Eddelin City]

The Grand Battle S2G1! [Round Six: Eddelin City]
Re: The Grand Battle SEASON 2! [Signups!]
Originally posted on MSPA by Wojjan.

"Tactician, please. Rest your tongue, because you don't know the entire story." Xadrez, who had recently stood up to walk out, or motioned to do so, turned around to face the writhing mayoress. "I... We can't do anything. Our troops are bound to treaties Cyk'nl forced upon us. This used to be one town before. The whirling gears at every edge of town fit together perfectly. Cyk'nl used to be the capital, Sk'va the slobs. Once our city sstarted to flourish, Cyk'nl sensed a threat, and..."
it wanted to oppress your town
you would be surprised how many times that excuse has been used

The mayor swallowed. "Sir, with all due respect, we won't allow you to speak ill of our town like this. We are bound by a former law set up so we couldn't grow further."
then why are you still abiding by those laws if you have the power to change them
this entire facade has gone on far too long and I will personally grind your town to dust if I so please though I don't think I can be bothered anymore

<font color="#80BF00">"Mayoress, do you have a second? I'm Reznor Croax, I arranged the transportation of the tactician to Sk'Va? You wouldn't remember me, but I'd like to borrow him for, say, 5 minutes? Something about the way back, nothing big."
"Oh, Reznor, right. Of course I remember you! How's life?" "Very well, thank you. If you could..." "But of course, dear! Here, as long as you get him back in one piece I'll be delighted to miss him for a few moments." The binding circle that kept Xadrez more or less in place - or would if he had any incentive to walk out - turned from a sstrange glowing golden he was already used to to a faint blue. Xadrez realised he could move again, and was once again struck with awe as Kracht seemed to have control of even when Xadrez was allowed or supposed to move. Xadrez forced his chessboard through the doorway and headed back out, not speaking to anyone until he was outside the office. That horrid rock was awaiting him.
"You figured it out." Xadrez didn't reply in the least. "I wasn't expecting a reply. I know you did." Kracht knew very well he was getting on Xadrez' nerves, but couldn't care less. "So what's your plan now, chessmaster?" you know very well "Well, there's still probability some things change. Remember, it's the tiny details that are less likely to be the same." I don't think my plans as contestant would have little effect to this battle's outcome "The outcome is set in stone, Xadrez. And what's even more - or, I'd say in this case less important, is that you have absolutely no part to play in robbing Maxwell from his life." Maxwell dies now "Yes, he does. Depending on how Rounds three, four and five will have their setting shuffled, either the Ovoid or Jennifer will die in the next. It's usually the Ovoid though, and he doesn't really die at all. It's like putting your hand on a cooking plate, and pulling it away when it hurts. We never get to see the full form." where do we do battle next round Kracht shook his head and turned away. "You don't know this, but you always ask that. Now, the mayoress is waiting, so it's best to return to the room. Just a little detail, she'll be dead."

The city of Cyk'nl that always lied in the horizon somewhere, and was circling around Sk'va and the other way around, and of which the entire scene seemed like a slow waltz number that has been playing for ages, suddenly with all haste sped towards Sk'va and connected with it, forming the old town again. An army of trained Cyk'nl militia charged forward into Sk'va. Their lizardlike shape was padded with all sorts of futuristic armor that seemed rteady to repel any attacks, and were armed each with an individually created weapon all of which would make Arkal's jaw drop to the floor. The squad did not plunder or wreck a single house, but marched directly to the town hall, through security and planted a mess of knives in the mayor before anyone could add two plus two. A croaking voice grinned and said:
"Cyk'nl says hello." Xadrez entered the office to - no surprise there at all - find out Kracht was right, again. A few hysterical doctors scurried from one machine to the other in order to at least get that last worker out of the Mayoress' carcass, and the circle on the floor he was supposed to return to had vanished. "This wasn't our treaty, Cyk'nl! No aggression until the signal that both armies are ready was given!" "You would know better than to trust our playing fair. We want to ultimately destroy you. Wasn't this a war?" The peering eyes of the tactician who recently entered served to no other answer than a very dispirited yes.

</font>Maxwell sat on the edge of town, leaning over to see the rapidly spinning gears crush the bits of rubble between them. "I wonder if it's okay if I just kill myself now. I mean, if I'm gonna die anyway, I might as well make it quick and painless." "Boy. I mean, Maxwell. I have two complaints. One, that doesn't seem nearly as painless as you say. Two, I seem to have thaught you nothing." "How come?" "Maxwell, if there is anything you have never stopped doing for all that time I was stuck to you is fighting my presence. You always had this force in you that wanted me out. Are you saying you're going to stop fighting just like that?" "But I've had it Sik! I'm done with this cruddy life stuck to you, not having any friends but a worm, being tossed from one situation to the other and ending up in a battle to the death! Death, Sik! And the only one who knows for certain what's going to happen just said I-I'd die!"
A long pause filled the air, tears apppearing in Maxwell's eyes. Even Sikarius' malevolent face toned down. "If I'm gonna lose anyway, I might as well not try winning."

"Max, don't say that." "Kracht? What do you want?" "I want to cheer you up a little, as weird as it may sound." "Y-Y-You just told me I'm gonna die, and now you want to cheer me up? Get bent!" "Please, Max. I want to tell you something. You know, that I've gone through this battle many times now, right? Every time, I started and already knew you. I already knew everyone. And more importantly, since they never really got to killing me, I didn't really think of them as enemies. Besides Xadrez who just doesn't want to get along, you're all my friends. I've seen you die so many times it may seem that I don't care, but I'm sad when you die, Max. I want to be there for you when your moment comes." Maxwell's tears didn't stop, but his mouth started to smile a bit. Sikarius watched on with sheer disgust of the sappy friendship speech. "You know what also didn't change in all of those iterations? You never stopped fighting, even when the army dropped in. Oh, and about half of the time you had a nice chat with Jennifer. She really thinks you're a nice kid, but she's just a bit weirded out by, as she put it, that thing on your shoulder. And you also always met a very cute insect girl in a chocolate shop who it completely cool with Sikarius because he's also an animal and also a customer. Maybe you should go check it out, right?" Maxwell stood up with a brighter mood, and took off. "Thanks Kracht. You're a pal. Promise to not beat yourself up too much when I die, okay?" "...I promise."

quidquid Latine dictum sit altum videtur.

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Re: The Grand Battle SEASON 2! [Signups!] - by Woffles - 08-14-2010, 06:27 PM